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"Have you seen the way Abdullahi looks at me? Ya rabbi! I'm sure I'm not on my own" she babbled.

"Lara. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.  Do you remember Abba? Or Mustapha even?" I asked and her face fell.

"Abdullahi is different" she said.

"That was the same thing you said about Abba. He later told you he thought you were joking because he actually had a girlfriend. Mustapha told you he was a player and he couldn't possibly date someone like....... "

"Enough." she cut me off. "Can't you just be optimistic for once?" she eyed me.

"Okay. Okay Lara. I'm sorry" I apologized and pulled her for a hug.

"He said he's taking the bride and groom home and wants me to tag along. I'll tell him no though because I don't know how you'll go back" She explained.

"Well.....ummm....i kinda have that covered. Anas said I should go with him" I looked away because I haven't told her the conversation we had on the car ride.

"Anas? Anas Usman Gaya?" Lara's eyes went wide and I nodded.

"You bitch! You didn't think to tell me you guys were talking?" she accused.

"We're not talking per say. He just said he's interested in me" then I proceeded to tell her everything.

"wawu" she let out a breath. "such confidence" she laughed.

" I know right" I muttered.

"What should I tell him?" I asked and Lara shrugged.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know what I should tell him?" I asked horrified.

"Calm down, I'm thinking. For him to tell you he's interested face to face like that, I think he's serious. But........."

"I knew there had to be a but" I cut her off.

"Listen to me K." she half yelled. I nodded.

"I don't want you to use him as a rebound. You know with Uncle Khalifa and everything" she said.

"Lara a rebound works when you've been dating someone. Uncle Khalifa said and I qoute.......maybe I broke your heart or something" I chuckled.

She had a scowl on her face "Oh my..... He's cute" Lara said glancing behind me. It took every strength in me not to look back.

"Abdullahi or Anas?" I whispered.

"Abdullahi is fucking beautiful. I meant your boyfriend." she whispered.

"Language Lara!" I scolded. This girl's mouth doesn't have a filter. I could already feel someone behind me as his perfume-the same one from his car arrived before him.

"Hello beautiful" he said tilting his head sideways so he'd face me.

"Hi Anas. Do you want to go already?" I asked.

"Can't I come sit with my favorite girl? " he asked.


"Of course you can sit with me. If I'm the person you're referring to" I said looking around in case he was referring to someone else.

"Oh come on beautiful. I can't see anyone but you" he muttered.  Oh my God! How can he make my stomach churn?

I was about to reply when someone cleared their throat. I had completely forgotten about Lara.

"Oh I'm sorry Lara. Anas this is my bestfriend Lara and this is Anas, the one I told you I came with" I introduced.

"Hey, bestfriend. I hope she said more about me than just being a driver." he said and Lara chuckled.

"Of course she did" she replied smiling at me.

"I guess I'm not so nervous anymore" he smile and I ducked my head. Lara would kill me one day.

"Let me leave you two to it." she said before quickly hugging me and collecting the car keys.

I could tell she'd go home from wherever she was from the hug I had received.

"Bye Lara." I said as she disappeared into the crowd of people interested in the dance floor.

"I like her already" he said.

"Well, feeling's mutual" I replied looking at anywhere but his face. Looking at him made me nervous.

"You and I?" he asked and my lips went wide quickly looking at him.

He laughed heartily. "I should have taken a picture. I know what you're trying to say, just pulling your legs" he said before bursting into laughter again.

" Oh Thank you Allah. I got scared for a while" I clamped my lips when I thought of the magnitude of my words.

"I guess you haven't thought about it then" he muttered lowly. I think I hurt him.

"What? No. I mean yes....i had thought about it of course....hehehehe" I laughed nervously.

"There is no rush. I'm not going to rush you Kareema" he spoke quietly. I like it when he calls my name.

I nodded slowly. I think I hurt him. What if he's too hurt and looses interest? What have I done to myself?

"Ummm.... Anas?" he looked up at me and stared at my eyes. I quickly glanced away.

"Why don't we know more about each other first before you know......before we see where it leads us?" I was unsure of my question. I didn't even know if it were a question or not.

His face broke into a grin when when I looked at him.

"Of course. That's all I could ask for right now. Thank you" He said and I smiled sheepishly.

"it's getting dark. Do you want to go home now?" he asked and I looked around suddenly aware of my surroundings. The groom and bride have obviously disappeared and it only remained the untamed wild ones.  I nodded at him.

We got into his car and I forgot where I was for a minute. I love places that smelled nice.

"Are you okay?" he asked coming closer to me.

"Yeah" I said and he adjusted back into his seat.

I just didn't say it, but I'm starting to like Anas. I'm curious as to where this relationship would take us. I smiled to myself as he started the car.

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten all day, do you want to get something? Are you hungry?" he turned to look at me.

Oh ooh. He shouldn't have asked, now I had to swallow my words as my stomach let out a groan.

Anas started laughing and I face palmed myself. This is so embarrassing.

"Pizza? Burgers? Food? Which would you have?" he asked and I smiled.

"Definitely Burgers" I replied licking my lips.

"Oh thank Allah You're a weirdo " he said and I got offended.

"Like me" he added after letting out a yawn.

"You're sleepy. Shouldn't you like go home or something?" I asked.

"Home? I don't stay here in Kano. I work in Abuja, by default, I stay there too" he filled in and my face fell.

"What? Would you miss me when I leave?" he asked and I nodded in affirmative without even thinking.

"I mean......." I wanted to correct my error.

"It's alright princess. I know you would. Do you do long distance relationships?" he asked and my breath hitched.

He's talking about being in a relationship with me!

"Uhhhm........" I started.

"We're here" he announced parking the car right in front of the mini bakery.

I let out a breath. How was I to tell him I dated one person all my life and  had- still have a hopeless crush on his friend? I opened my door when the car went silent only to be held back by the seatbelt.

"You forgot your seatbelt princess" he said helping me press the button.

I smiled in appreciation and got out.

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