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Round two of sleep was in the living room as Khalifa insisted I also had to feel how it felt to sleep in the living room.

The knock on the door was ignored by both of us but the dramatic claps woke us up.

"Wonders shall never end!" It was Lara. The shy chuckles came from her husband.

"I hope you're decent under that blanket" Lara giggled

"It's not your business. Let's wait for them outside" Abdallah dragged her out and closed the door.

Khalifa chuckled and threw the blanket off. We had fallen asleep on the long seater and were tangled in eachother.
I was still in my hijab.

"You wore my pants?" He asked and I laughed a little before pulling off the hijab.

"Even the top too"

He laughed. "You look like you've been swallowed in clothes"

"The pants folded five times" I giggled and he laughed some more.

"Maybe I should just bring some of my clothes here to avoid all these"

"Instead of bringing your clothes here, let's go back to Lagos together. I'm leaving tomorrow" he said.

I rolled my eyes.
"Mama would skin me alive if I decide to stay here. Lara's leaving tomorrow, Muflihah's break is over too so......."

"So you're coming because you'd be bored at home?" He asked. I could detect something in his voice. Hurt?

I shrugged.

"Cool" he shrugged and went out to meet Abdallah.

I cleaned up the place and left to go get dressed.
Lara was waiting in the room when I got there.

"Mrs Khalifa" she teased.

"Please leave me alone" I rolled my eyes.

"Be fast and get dressed let's go where we're going"

I got dressed and we went downstairs together.

"Mama, Lara and I are going out" I told Mama.

"Yes? What should I do for you? Go and ask your husband"

"Mama I'm just going out with Lara fa"

"Laraba, did you ask your husband permission to go out today?" Mama asked.

Lara nodded in affirmative. "I even had to beg him" she answered shyly.

"Please tell your friend that she can't go out without asking her husband first" Mama said turning back to the TV.

"I'll go and ask him now" I muttered and we both went out.

I pulled out my phone and texted him.

I'm going out with Lara

His reply was quick.

No. You "can't"

I hissed.

Can I please go out with Lara?

He replied.

Of course. Have fun!

I hissed and pressed the button. Lara and I got into the car and she started laughing at me.

"Everything is forgiven between you and him?" She asked.

I scoffed almost immediately. "No way. I'm just trying to find common ground" I shrugged.

"But you're going to Lagos?"

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