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"Oh babyyyyy" I screamed as Lara came out of the bathroom.

The gown fitted her body like a second skin and she possessed the most curvy hour glass shape you could think of.

"Gimme 360" I hyped as I made a video of her as she spun. Her make up was perfect.

I was completely made up too. Just not dressed.

"Your turn" she muttered as I leapt off the bed. I picked my gown and heels and entered the bathroom. After dressing up, I looked at myself in the mirror. The pain in my heart was only  visible in my eyes as me myself knew I looked breathtaking.

I walked out and catwalked in front of Lara as she kept hyping me. Lara would hype me even if I wore rags. She made me think good of myself.

Today was the Hausa day and instead of wearing the traditional Hausa clothing, Lara and I insisted on matching milk coloured fitted gowns.

We snapped lots of selfies and mirror pictures. We walked downstairs briskly and Mama gasped when she saw us.

"Ta nan kuka fito yau kuma? Won't you weat the traditional clothing?" she eyed us closely.

"Haba Mama. We're representing you, we shouldn't come out like others" Lara spoke and I thanked God because I had no excuse.

"Okay. You should come back early, we still haven't bought perfumes for when she is brought here tomorrow" Mama told us.

My heart constricted. So it's really happening, the love of my life, my first love is getting married tomorrow after jumm'at prayer, to my cousin whom I cannot hate.

I zoned out for a while until Lara pulled my arm. Mama gave me a sad smile as if she understood what I was going through.

"Byeeeee" I waved as I grinned widely.

"Drive carefully!"Mama screamed behind us as we disappeared in the pool of people.


We went straight to Ya Kubra's room when we entered the house. Lara went in before me and hugged the bride. My breath was stuck in my throat when I placed my eyes on her. She was wearing the simple traditional Fulani clothing with few jewelry but she looked extraordinary beautiful. My heart swooned, and I'm a girl.

She opened her arms wide and gave me a huge smile and I hugged her.

"You look beautiful. Uncle Khalifa wouldn't find words." I complemented and she laughed.

"I would say the same for you. this gown brings you out" she beamed. I wish.

I almost blushed at her comment.

"Thank you" I smiled

"okay so you guys should always be around me. You should escort me wherever I go and please don't leave my side" she begged.

"Yes ma'am!" Lara chirped before I could say anything.

"The groom is here" a lady said and I nodded. I quickly thanked God only Lara saw me. She shook her head at me.

We helped her downstairs as she was covered in a thick white veil. Lara and I were at either of her sides.

Then I saw him. He looked fayyyyyn in his white kaftan and his eyes were on me. He didn't bother about his covered blushing bride.

He looked over at her after scrutinizing me. "Hey Bae" he said taking her left hand from me.  He glared at me before opening the car door for her.

"Kreem take the passenger seat. I'll ride with Abdullahi" Lara whispered in my ear and disappeared to the car behind. This is so not what we talked about. What happened to staying wherever I was? What happened to moral support?

She met Abdullahi as one of the groom's friends when Ya Kubra sent us to get the cheque Khalifa sent through them. They were just talking, nothing serious but Lara is definitely smitten.

I entered the passenger seat and met a smiling man.

"Hey. Kareema right?" he asked as I got in.  He's just so fine, he has a smooth voice and my name rolled off his tongue like he was meant to call it.

"H...Hi" I stuttered. Fool!

"Quit flirting with my niece Anas" Uncle Khalifa scolded.

"Why are you in other people's business? She's old enough to speak for herself and I wasn't flirting with her" he glared at Uncle Khalifa before starting the car.

I chuckled lowly. "Anas it is then" I said wanting the conversation to carry on.

Anas and I gisted through out the car ride ignoring the glares I'd received from Uncle Khalifa each time our eyes met through the rearview mirror.

He found a parking place right at the entrance of the venue. He looked behind signalling for Uncle Khalifa to drop. Uncle Khalifa opened his door and helped Ya Kubra out.

"Let's go Kreem" he said and Ya Kubra raised her veil a little.

"Leave her be. Can't you see they're having a conversation?" Ya Kubra scolded and winked at me. He pulled her and left.

"You can release the door handle now" Anas laughed. Oh my Allah, his laugh.

I released the door handle. I had wanted to go out when he said I should come.

"I wasn't holding it" I argued.

"I saw you princess" he smiled. I kept mum. His endearment melted me.

"I'm Anas. Your Uncle ruined my well planned introduction" he chuckled nervously.

Him. Anas? Nervous of talking to me? I already know I'm not some hot shot. He must be a player then.

"Uhhhm. I saw you few days back and I'm ummm, I'm kinda interested in you" he explained.

I just stared at him blankly. Is he kidding me? Interested in me? Plain old me?

"Okayyyyyyy" I dragged.

"That was awkward" he burst into laughter.

I knew it. He was playing a prank. How could I ever think a guy like Anas would be interested in me? Look at him!  He's the finest man I have set my eyes on excluding the men in my family. His car smells like it has been bought from an Arab perfume store. He reeked of class and royalty. He was very handsome. I'm sure he has a job in top notched places.

"Kareema? Hey" he touched my shoulder and I came out of my trance.

"Would you like to be friends?" he asked.  I just nodded.

Friends. That is what we could only be.

"And maybe more?" he asked his eyes eagerly awaiting my answer.

My phone rang before I could give a reply. It was Uncle Khalifa.

"Get out of his car and come inside. NOW!" he ordered and I smiled at Anas.

"I have to go" I told him and his face fell.

"Could we continue this later?" he asked and I nodded in affirmative.

"Sure!" I smiled before gliding out of his car.


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