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We had dinner some hours ago. Lara was upstairs in Ya Kubra's room, Uncle Khalifa was wherever; I don't care.
I was lying on the bed watching The Hate You Give on Lara's MacBook, it was past 10pm and Anas was at home.

We were watching the movie at the same time and texted each other at intervals.

K: Khalil shouldn't have died. He's beautiful. With the dimples and everything.

A: if only death works that way.

K: it's just a movie babe

A: Trying to tell us we've not been promised tomorrow.

K: can we just watch the movie? You're creepy this night.

A: LMAO. Okay baby, whatever you say.

A: Amandla is really cute

K: cuter than me I presume?

A: What? Babe no. She has nothing on you, you're drop dead gorgeous.

K: come on baby, don't lie to me.

A: I love you too much to lie to you.

K: awwwn ❤

A: You haven't said I love you to me yet.

K: You know I do.

A: I know, I just wanna hear you say it.

K: Babe! You're taking my mind off the movie!

A: Okay so the movie is better than me?

K: oh come on love, I didn't say that.

A: you implied it.

K: I'm switching off the computer right now.

A: what? No babe, I was just joking. I love you.

I sent him a heart and got off whatsapp.

"I'm sorry" a text came from Uncle Khalifa.

I hissed and went back to my movie. A soft knock came on the door few seconds later.
I paused my movie and went to open the door, I locked it since the incident with Uncle Khalifa.

I opened the door and came face to face with him. He smiled and raised a while lynon bag.

"Apology burgers?" he asked.

I'm sure I could get kidnapped with burgers. I nodded eagerly.

He chuckled and turned and I followed closely behind.

I had just taken a huge bite of my burger when he spoke.

"I shouldn't have handled you like that" his voice was low and he hung his head low.

"Aw, come on. It's not big deal" I shrugged taking another bite of my burger.

"I will tolerate you and Anas. But I'm not giving my blessing" he said blankly.

"Uncle Khalifa Anas is your friend. Why won't you give your blessing?" I asked with a mouthful.

"Because I want you. I can't give my blessings to someone who wants what I want" he said gruffly.

If it were the old me, the one before last month, before everything , I'd have swooned, my heart would melt and I'll do a happy dance. But not anymore, the old me is gone, I'm not going to let him play with my feelings, I'm not going to give him the privilege of hurting me and trying to mend me back again. I'm not a joke.

So I chose to ignore him.

"You only tolerate what you hate Uncle Khalifa, he's your friend and my boyfriend, you can't hate him" I said seriously.

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