Chapter 13

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Margaret's POV:

I felt my hands start to shake some despite the revelation from earlier that I trusted Jasper in nearly every way, even driving. I tried to take calming breaths but then my attention was captured by one of his hands taking hold of one of my own. It was cold and smooth like marble, and the stark contrast between his hand and Randy's hot and calloused hand calmed my mind down even further than I thought possible. I gently squeezed his hand as we rode down the road towards my house, and I wasn't as tense as I normally was in cars with his hand in mine.

A few minutes passed by in comfortable silence between us and the soft hum of what sounded like a country radio station playing. I watched as my street came into view, relaxing as he parked next to my house and turned the car off. I felt myself let out a deep breath before smiling at him and letting go of his hand. I got out of the car and heard him follow me as we walked into my house together.

He followed silently to my room where I pulled out a small duffle bag and packed some clothes and toiletries for the next few days at their house. I turned away from the closet to see him admiring my latest sketch still laid out on my desk as I didn't have a place to hang it on my already covered walls yet. It was my attempt at Starry Night using a few charcoals. He looked at me for a moment before turning to stare at another sketch that was hanging on the walls, a smile on his face before he spoke in an energetic and happy tone. 

"Margaret?" (Jas)

"Yes Jasper?" (Mag)

"Would you mind if we took a few of your sketches to show Esme? She does design work and sketches a lot as well and I know she'd love to see your own sketches." (Jas)

"Really? I mean, sure if you think she'd actually like them." (Mag)

"I know she would." (Jas)

"I have an old sketch book, not really old. It only took a few weeks to fill up really, but I can bring it if you're sure she'd like it." (Mag)

"Trust me, she'll be just as impressed as I am." (Jas)

I felt another blush creep up on my face as I nodded and grabbed one of my nature sketch books before going to pick up the duffle bag. But he had beat me to it and was smiling at me with the same smile that made my heart flutter each time as he stood in the doorway of my room holding the duffle bag. He held out his hand and gently took the sketch book with his free hand, sliding it into the side pocket on the duffle bag before looking back at me with the same heart-fluttering smile. 

"Have everything?" (Jas)

I nodded as another blush washed over me before I cleared my thoughts as best as I could and followed him out of the house, locking the door behind me. He opened my car door before he put my duffle in the backseat and got in the driver's seat. Before he even started the car his hand found my own again and the panic I usually felt didn't even have time to take root as we started down the road to his house.

When he pulled into the driveway I felt my nerves increase again though as I remembered I was about to willingly stay the in night in a house with four men, only one of which I was starting to trust. Not to mention there was also Rosalie and I was fairly certain she hated me. Jasper parked the car before turning his head to look at me in concern.

"Are you alright Margaret?" (Jas)

"Are you....are you sure this is ok? My staying here for a few nights that is? I know Alice was excited about it and said your parents approved but, well I don't think Rosalie will be particularly happy to have me as a guest this weekend." (Mag)

"Is that what has you so worried right now? Just ignore her. My sister is always mad about something, believe me. Everyone else is looking forward to having you stay. Especially Alice. Be prepared to have to fight her off with a stick to avoid a makeover and dress up for hours on end all weekend." (Jas)

I felt a smile break through my nerves as he let out a soft chuckle that made my own heart flutter for some reason. I nodded as he gently squeezed my hand before getting out and opening my door for me as I stayed frozen in the car for a moment. He got my duffle bag out just as I felt a small wave of calm wash over me for a moment, and he held out his hand. I took it gladly as I got out of the car, before shutting the door and walking up to the house hand and hand together.

We were barely at the door before it was swung open and we were met by a squealing Alice who was practically bouncing up and down on her heels. I was quickly pulled from Jasper's hand and then into the kitchen where Esme was just putting cookies on a plate. She looked at Alice and then me with a soft smile on her face, and I tried to return it despite the nerves that were running wild in my body.

"Hello Margaret, it's lovely to see you again dear. I've made some cookies for you girls if you want one. Better eat one while you have the chance before Alice takes you upstairs and loses you in her closet." (Esme)

I felt a smile cross my face again as Alice let out a little noise of what sounded like argument before I took one of the still warm cookies Esme was holding out to me on a napkin. I bit into it and almost had tears flood my eyes as it hit my tongue. Cinnamon cookies. It tasted just like my Granny Cynthia's cookies she used to make. Before I could say anything to Esme about how amazing it was, Jasper was next to me with a concerned look on his face.

"You alright Margaret?" (Jas)

"Yes, I'm fine it's just...... Mrs. Cullen, these taste exactly like my Granny Cynthia's cinnamon cookies. I don't know how you managed it but it's amazing." (Mag)

"I'm glad you like them so much dear. Have as many as you want, most of my kids don't even like sweets so they just go to waste." (Esme)

I smiled again but declined taking another cookie at the moment as I finished the first one she gave me. I threw the napkin in the trash and was about to thank her again before Alice started pulling me out of the kitchen, yelling a thanks to her mom on the way. I was wondering how on earth this tiny girl was so strong as she kept pulling me up the stairs before my mind was frozen by what appeared to be Alice's room.

I physically froze for a moment as I looked at the large bed with a light pink bedspread, a cream colored sofa on another end of the room next to a large vanity. I saw the ensuite bathroom through one door and then I saw what Jasper had tried to warn me about. I saw a closet that was easily larger than my entire room. Alice laughed at my expression before pulling into the closet where the amount of clothes she had hit me full force.

"Do you like it?" (Alice)

I tried to say something but not words came out, as all I could do was nod my head. I heard her happy squeal as she clapped her hands before she started pulling all sorts of dresses and skirts and shirts down from the racks and walking back out into the bedroom with them. I soon followed and gently traced the design of beaded jewels on one of the fancier dresses. It was a pale blue color and had jewels just under the bust line.

"The boys are going out for 'man time,' so I figured that while they were out we could give you a makeover! If you like anything you try on, you can keep it! Esme says I have too many outfits anyway and I should try to downsize some. And not that I don't like your clothes but.....well you could use some color and variety in your wardrobe. I think the brightest thing I've ever seen you wear was your outfit Wednesday and that was still black with grey." (Alice)

I felt a slight blush cross my face as I looked at the black long sleeved t-shirt and dark jeans I was wearing now, knowing I couldn't argue about that. I looked at the bright green blouse she was holding up to me before adding it to the pile in her arms before I shook my head a bit. I know that my answer will probably disappoint her, but I couldn't wear half of the things in here for two reasons.

1. Randy never let me wear anything with color or anything that would stand out whether in a good way or a bad way. If I stood out it meant that people would be more likely to see the bruises that he so generously decorates my body with, and he can't have that. 2. I had way too many bruises and scars on most of my body to wear anything that was even close to 'revealing,' another curtesy of Randy's.

"Thank you so much for the offer Alice, everything in here is beautiful but.......well Randy would never let me wear anything like this." (Mag)

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now