Chapter 62

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Margaret's POV: (January 10th)
I yawned as I stretched some, feeling my shoulders pop as I stood up from the position I had held for so long in the greenhouse. We had gotten back last night around 4 in the morning, and I had slept in until ten this morning before the bright sun shining through the window called me outside. I loved thunderstorms the most, but the sun always made sketching a fun challenge in having to capture the shadows and shades cast by the rays.

I walked back into the kitchen to see it was only 2:30 which mean there was another hour before Jasper and the others got home. I poured a glass of water before deciding to take a short walk on the path into the woods that looped the Cullen's house before coming back out near the front of the house. I placed the empty glass in to the sink and called out before I left.

"Momma Esme, I'm going to go for a short walk." (Mag)

"Want me to join you dear?" (Esme)

I turned to see her only a few feet behind me, having come from somewhere upstairs in a matter of seconds. It was an ability that all the Cullens shared and one I envied at times. I smiled and shook my head no. I needed the quiet of the woods and to be alone with my thoughts for a while.

"Well if you need anything just shout, and I'll be there." (Esme)

"Yes ma'am I will. I won't be long." (Mag)

She gave me a brief hug before disappearing somewhere back upstairs. I put my boots and beanie on before adding a thick coat to the long sleeve sweater I was wearing, before I dared the cold January air outside. The snow was still stuck on the ground, but we were supposed to get anymore for a while. It was a light year for snow overall. I was mid-way through my walk when I realized I didn't hear any animals. Not a bird, or rabbit, or anything. It was almost like when Jasper and I went on walks together and the animals sensed he was there and hid.

"Hello?" (Mag)

I waited for a reply or for one of the Cullens to appear by my side, but no one did. Not even Momma esme. I felt my heart start to beat faster in my chest, knowing that they wouldn't mess with me like this. I was halfway through the loop, so it wouldn't matter if I turned around or kept going forward it would still take the same amount of time to get back to the house. I forced my feet to start walking again, my breath coming out in shaky and uneven movements as my ears tried to listen for anything.

I made it a few more steps before the sound of snow crunching behind me had me freezing for a moment before I turned. A single scream left my mouth before it was cut off with a hand over my mouth, and a sharp pinch on my shoulder made the world go dark around me as the monster in front of me sneered.

Alice's POV:

I was in art working on my next shoe design before a vision rushed over me. I saw Margaret walking in the woods alone, before I saw him rush up behind her. She screamed once before she went silent and limp in his arms. His face was blurry, his entire body was and the closer I looked at Margaret the more it seemed hers was becoming blurry as well. I came out of the vision and quickly txted Edward in case he hadn't been listening. It wasn't a second or two later that the "Cullens" were being called to the office.

It was then I realized he had been listening and had already gotten Carlisle to call us out of school for a 'family emergency'. I hurried along to meet with the rest of my siblings only to meet Jasper's worried stare as I walked up. I knew he knew this was about Margaret without me even mentioning a word about the vision. He nodded only once before disappearing from the hallway. I was only thankful this school didn't have cameras for security in the hallway. We quickly drove home only to find Esme hysterical and dry-sobbing as Jasper roared in the woods behind the house.

"What happened?" (Rose)

"She was taken by someone wasn't she? Like in my vision?" (Al)

"Yes, I......I was answering the door and giving someone directions when I heard her scream. By the time I was able to shut the door she was....she was gone." (Esme)


"It was a man, he was blurry like I couldn't make out the details but it looked like Randy." (Al)

I watched as Jasper nodded once before he was on the phone with Jenks, getting as much information on Randy as he could. We knew he owned the house that we had rescued Margaret from but Carlisle and Elliot had already checked that placed and it was empty and appeared to have been for some time with dust starting to coat the surfaces of furniture.

Jasper ran back outside again after he was done on the phone, trying to find her scent just as Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie were right now. I closed my eyes and tried to call a vision up, it took an hour before I was successful but it didn't calm any of us down any.

I saw Margaret still blurry looking but alive, tied to a chair in the jeans with the tribal pattern on the side, UGG boots, and the white tank we had bought for her and I had laid out of her earlier today. Her sweater and coat were ripped to shreds surrounding her on the ground. She startled awake just as the door to the small dark room was slammed open, and a small lamp on the table was turned on. His sneer made her whimper and lean back towards the chair she was strapped to, and as he lit a cigarette he let out a dark chuckle before walking towards her.

"Hello little bitch. Missed you." (Ran)

"I'LL KILL HIM!" (Jas)

I could sense Jasper's anger as it was radiating off him like waves in a storm, his phone rang and I could see the restraint it took to answer it with smashing it to pieces by accident. We all heard Jenks report and Jasper hung up without a second word and took off towards the only other location that had any ties to Randy. A small cabin about 40 minutes drive, but only a few minutes run, deep in the woods. We knew that Jasper would get there first, I just hoped that my vision was as close to real time as possible.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now