Chapter 8

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Margaret's POV:

Meeting Jasper's family officially was terrifying to say the least. I had to be on constant guard that I didn't flinch away from them when they came near me and I had to remind myself not to raise my arms bracing for a hit as I had done with Jasper earlier. They were in no way like Randy in anyway. They were polite, kind, and from what I could tell from speaking to Esme well educated. There were only two things that bothered me about them.

I could tell that Rosalie didn't like me, but that wasn't what bothered me. Rather it was her glares towards me that she thought I wasn't noticing. They weren't exactly like Randy's glares towards me but they were similar enough to make my blood freeze a bit. The second thing was Carlisle and how familiar he seemed. I felt as if I had seen him before and yet I couldn't place it.

I had worked on the project with Jasper in the kitchen at the large table they had facing the woods. It was a peaceful and almost lonely place for such a large family to live, but I realized that with all the gossip they received in town they were probably thankful for the privacy that such a house had to offer.

I had learned fairly quickly that Jasper's older brother Emmett was one of the loudest men on earth, as his booming voice could be heard from almost everywhere in the house while in the kitchen. His loud voice and even louder presence when he passed through the room resulted in a few flinches when I was caught off guard. I hated myself for it when they had shown me nothing but kindness but there was nothing to be done about it really.

Even with Alice who I was just as comfortable with as I was with Jasper if not more, had me on edge. As energetic and bubbly as she was at school she was ten times that in her own home and at one point her sudden appearance behind me as she danced through the kitchen humming, made me flinch. His last brother Edward made it seem that he knew what you were thinking at times and I couldn't relax when he was with us either.

Despite everything though, and the fact that I was on guard and tense the entire time I was there, I found more peace in those few moments with him and his family than I had since mom died. I had even remained calm as Jasper drove me home, this time at an easier speed. I still felt the small smile on my lips as I unbuckle my seat and look up at him, meeting his golden eyes as I do.

"I think that if we meet up Tuesday morning before the presentation we can practice it one more time." (Jas)

"I think so too. I'm glad we finished it today, I won't lie I'm surprised to find someone that is as much a history buff as I am." (Mag)

"Oh my family thinks I need more hobbies than history sometimes but I'm glad that I finally found someone that likes it as much as I do." (Jas)

"Yeah me too. Well I guess I'll see you Monday morning then." (Mag)

"Hey if you're not busy tomorrow night would you like to see a movie with me, Alice, and Edward?" (Jas)

Jasper's POV:

I watched as she smiled a bit more before I heard a loud truck turn down the street. I saw her smile disappear as quickly as it came as she opened the door of my car and jumped out. She looked back at me and then back at the street as the truck sound got closer, her fear growing as it did.

"I would like that, but I can't. I'm always busy on the weekends, maybe next time?" (Mag)

"Yeah it's fine, of course." (Jas)

"Thanks, see you later." (Mag)

I watched as she forced a small smile towards me before shutting the door and practically running to her house. I watched her open the door and shut it just as the truck came into view in my rearview mirror. I started driving down the street again, just as I saw her in the window of what had to be her bedroom at the front of the house. I smiled and waved as I saw her but her eyes were trained on the truck that was pulling into her driveway.

I watched as a man with thinning brown hair, and a tattoo of skull and crossbones on his arm climbed out. A woman followed after him, and I could tell that they were both drunk. I watched as the curtains that Margaret had just been watching from swayed a bit as she moved away from them. I realize then that these must be her foster parents, and from the looks of her reaction it wouldn't seem that she likes them very much.

My mind stays on her and her foster parents the entire drive home, and well after getting home. I begin to worry about whether she's safe there with them, and even if she isn't I find myself having problems with how I could help her. I do know one thing though, even though I have promised Carlisle to stick to the vegetarian diet, I know that if the man from the truck was the one that gave her the bruises I saw that first day I will kill him.

I may not have known who was she to me as quickly as Esme and Carlisle knew about each other, or even Rosalie and Emmett. But now I know that Margaret Allie Brandon is my reason for existing. She is my sun, my hope, my everything. She is my mate and she will be protected and loved for as long as I exist.

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