Chapter 37

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 (Dec. 1st)
Margaret's POV:

The peace I had felt at the Cullen's over the break lasted only a few dayswhile back at Randy's. It was on the fourth night at home that the peace beganto crack. I knew it was only a matter of time before Carly either left or Randygot bored with her. I was just hoping he might be distracted by her long enoughfor me to turn 18 and get out of here for good. Now though, as I hear muffledshouts, yells, and even what sounds like growls from whom I can only guess isRandy I can see that I was foolish.

I don't know what they were arguing about, but it was loud enough to wake meand that was before they started throwing things around. I had contemplatedtxting Jasper to ask him to come over, but didn't want to risk his safetyshould things go further south as they normally did. I sat curled up on thebed, my eyes glued to the bedroom door as the fight went on for another hour.It wasn't until I heard the door slam and Randy's truck start up that I letmyself breath a bit. Or at least I did until I heard footsteps on the stairs.

I felt my heart speed up even as I forced myself to lay down, curled up andhidden as much as possible under the blanket. I was facing the window and whenthe door opened, the figure outlined by the light coming in from the doorwasn't that of Randy's, but of Carly's. I watched her take a few steps into theroom before stopping and looking to her right. I knew she must be looking atthe latest pencil drawing I had been doing of the Cullen's view from theirporch, greenhouse included. I saw her reflection turn back towards me, wipingat her face and I knew she must be crying.

I tensed some as she sat on the edge of the bed, now facing the door. Iwondered if she knew I was awake, but if she did she didn't acknowledge it. Notdirectly anyway. I heard her take a shaky breath before she whispered, but herwords didn't make sense. I saw and felt her stand up from the bed, beforeshutting the door gently behind her. I felt myself relax if only a little,before I sat up and looked toward the door. The light underneath shutting offand Randy's door a few doors down shutting.

I forced myself to lay down, even if I knew that sleep wasn't going to be myfriend tonight. I would be on edge the entire night as I didn't when or ifRandy was coming back. Not to mention that her words kept running on repeat inmy mind. Their meaning confusing yet terrifying. I just couldn't decide whatshe meant by 'I'm sorry he hasn't told you what he is yet. You deserve better.'

What hadn't Randy told me about that had caused such an argument between the two of them? Was I in even more danger than I thought I was? Was I putting Jasper in more danger by being with him? I didn't understand what it meant, and the meaning of it all continued to illude me as I tossed and turned into a restless night of sleep. 

Alice's POV:

I came out of the vision of Margaret and Jasper running together andlaughing with confusion coursing through me. It wasn't the first time I had avision of her changed into one of us, but she usually looked like us. In thatone her eyes were silver, not gold, and when they stopped to kiss she wasbreathing heavily like she needed to. Maybe I saw it wrong, or maybe Jasper wasjust running at a human pace and not our pace like I thought. But even that didn'tmake sense, human's eyes don't change color like that. 

"Margaret, you really are a mystery." (Al)

"Why say that Al?" (El)

I turned to see Elliot smirking at me from the doorway, but it disappeared whenhe met my eyes. I knew he could see the concern on my face, and I was onlythankful that Edward was out for the night so that I could think by myself fora while. But Elliot, he was alright to talk to. Edward meant well of course, but sometimes having someone answer questions you haven't had time to fully ponder would become quite irritating. 

"My visions aren't making sense anymore, the ones with Jasper and Margaret.They were at first, she was changed like us. But now, it's like she's like usbut not and it makes no sense." (Al) 

"Like us, but not like us. Uhuh. know that doesn't make a lot of sense. Want to explain a bit more on that one?" (El) 

"I used to see her just like us. Gold eyes, running through the woods with Jasper laughing. Now, I still her running and laughing with Jasper but her eyes.....her eyes are silver and it's almost like she needs to breath when they stop. But she's keeping pace with him. I just don't......I don't get it." (Al) 

"Maybe.....maybe you're just seeing it wrong? Or perhaps there is more to our new dove than meets the eye?" (El) 

"Perhaps but I've never seen a vision incorrectly before. Sure things change based on people's decisions but not stuff like eye color of a newborn vampire." (Al)

"Well, best advice I can offer luv is to just keep an eye on her future. Let's make sure we can be there when we need to be. And perhaps.....perhaps don't tell Jasper or Edward if possible. Edward tends to see only the bad stuff, Jazz too, but we also don't want Jazz going all 'protect mate at all costs' mental yah know?" (El) 

I couldn't help the small chuckle that left my lips at both his words and the wink he gave me before disappearing from my doorway. I turned back toward to the window, looking at the growing moon in the sky as it illuminated the forest around the house. Perhaps Elliot was right. I would keep as close a watch on her future as I could, for all the good it had done these last few weeks with that bastard of a guardian of hers. I just didn't understand why fate was treating this human and how I saw her future different than any normal human. 

"Alice! 'Next Top Model UK' is on!" (Rose)

"Coming!" (Al) 

I looked at my reflection in a mirror, making sure the concern was largely hidden from my face, even though it was raging on the inside. I was even more thankful that Jasper and Edward were out hunting for the night as it would take me a few hours to compose myself and be able to hide everything from them successfully. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now