Chapter 41

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**PSA: Abuse, rape, torture, etc discussed in detail below. Reader discretion is advised. If you are in an abusive relationship please reach out to someone, anyone, even me. Know that you are loved and not alone. Feel free to skip to Jasper's part below to avoid abuse scenes.***

Chapter 41 (Dec. 14th)

Margaret's POV:

I was staring up at the ceiling of Randy's room, wondering how much longer my body would last without water. I read once that the average human could go anywhere from 3-5 days without water. It was now Monday afternoon, so in theory I would be dead from dehydration in another two and half days or three at the maximum. I welcomed that idea, who wouldn't after going through these past two days.

Friday night or rather early Saturday morning passed in a pain induced, humiliating blur. Randy had taken my innocence for himself that night, leaving his mark in the form of teeth marks where he could. He had left a trail of cigarette burns along my stomach, avoiding the scars I already had so he could add to them as he said. When he had enough of me on my back he flipped me around and forced me to my knees as he raped me again.

Saturday night was much the same, except this time he rotated between himself or a toy to keep me 'fully entertained.' I wasn't sure which hurt more, as he made sure to make each option as painful as he could for me. I could only imagine what I looked like right now, covered in bite marks, burns, and new bruises. I had hoped to dream of how I would die last night after he left me alone, but no dreams came. Randy had kept true to his word as he made the call to the school this morning in front of me.

I knew he did that so that if I tried to say otherwise or made too much noise he could 'beat the piss out of me again.' I didn't bother trying to say anything, I simply watched as he smiled and thanked the receptionist in that same smooth voice of his that my own mother had once fallen for. My silence was 'rewarded' with a bathroom break but he made sure I didn't get anything to drink during the ice water shower he let me have.

The icy water actually felt good on the cuts and burns though, until he ripped me out of it and drug me back into the bedroom. I felt a fresh set of tears start as I saw the sun cast shadows on the ceiling from the tree outside Randy's room as it set. I knew that it would only be an hour or so before he came to have more 'fun' with me tonight. And just as a I feared, an hour or so later my assumption rang correct as I heard his footsteps walk towards the bedroom room.

I watched as it swung open with an ominous creek leaving him outlined by the hallway light, almost like the demon that he surely was. I saw a small bottle in Randy's hand and my dry mouth prayed for water for a moment before I reminded myself I wanted death more than water. He kicked the door shut after he walked in, smirking when he got next to me, tracing the burns with his hand as I flinched back from him.

"Got you an early birthday present you fucking bitch, and you're going to enjoy it or I'm going to make these next few days so much fucking worse." (Ran)

I didn't reply as he took the gag out of my mouth, before climbing onto the bed and sitting above me. I knew that he didn't want me to reply, he was only talking to me to scare me and honestly it was working wonderfully. His grin made my stomach churn and I wanted to puke as I felt his fingers run their way up my stomach, over my breasts and to my chin. He forced me to look up at him as he laughed before he opened the bottle. I knew it was alcohol by the smell of it and I wondered what pleasure this would give him.

"Open up bitch, and swallow. For every swallow you spill it'll be one more scar for you this week. Got it?" (Ran)

I didn't reply as tears started to fall from my eyes, all I did was nod in response. He squeezed my jaw, and I opened my mouth with a light cry as he laughed. He started to pour the alcohol into my open mouth slowly, and I swallowed as he did. I ignored the burning on my throat as he poured, forcing myself not to spit it out as it burned. A minute to two later and he stopped pouring it, twisting the cap back on as I looked at him.

"Let's see how that does then. Half a bottle of vodka, small bottle of course barely enough for a good time but got to start you off somewhere. You looked like a vodka bitch, your whore mother was so you probably will be too." (Ran)

I bit my tongue at his comment towards my mother. He had no right to even speak about her, let alone call her names like that. I must have let a glare slip through because he laughed a bit at that before he slapped me and re-opened the bottle, squeezing my mouth open again as he stared down at me with a grin that could make the devil run.

"I was going to give you an easy night tonight with only half the bottle but with that fucking look on your face, you get the whole fucking bottle. Anything to say bitch?" (Ran)

I didn't say anything in response as he poured the rest of the bottle into my mouth. I felt myself cough once, some of the burning liquid falling onto the bed. He only laughed and once I was done slapped me for the spilled liquor.

"Well at least that's one extra scar this week. Just like your bitch of a mother though, you've got an ability to drink, don't you?" (Ran)

I didn't say anything and neither did he for the next ten or perhaps it was twenty or even thirty minutes, opting instead to smoke a cigarette in the chair next to the bed as he stared at me. It wasn't long until I felt the room grow hot, and then the ceiling seemed to start to spin. I heard his laugh and felt his hands on my face, but it was like my body was numb now to an extent.

"Oh looks like it's kicked in nicely huh you little fucker." (Ran)

I felt his breath on my neck before I felt him suck and then bite it again. His hands were on my breasts and I realized then he was naked now. I thought maybe the alcohol would help me pass out quicker so I wouldn't have to be mentally present but I guess my mind had other ideas as I stayed conscious the entire time.

"You like this don't you bitch? Just like your fucking whore mother." (Ran)

"Don talk bout her!" (Mag)

I heard my mouth speak when I knew I should stay quiet, and when he froze above me my fear of what was about to happen only grew even as drunk as I was. I watched as he drew back his fist and braced myself as I saw it flying towards me. I felt him hit me, the iron skull ring seeming to leave an impression on my face before I felt pain shoot up from my left eye. I thought he might punch me again but then he wrapped his hands around my neck, leaving me gasping for breath.

"Don't you ever talk back to me again you fucking bitch!!" (Ran)

"" (Mag)

"I never said I wouldn't before this was over did I you fucking bitch?!?!?" (Ran)

I saw black dots appear in my line of vision as he opened up a pocket knife, and for a brief moment I hoped he would do as he threatened so all this pain would just end. Instead though, he ran the knife up and down my face, not cutting into my skin just laughing and sneering as he stared at me. He took the knife away from my face before I felt a sharp pain in my left bicep only for him to let me move my head enough to see the knife sticking out of my arm as he laughed and I cried out in pain.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm just adding a few more scars for character." (Ran)

I heard him start laughing as tears mixed with blood now flowing from my nose after he had punched me again. I heard his laugh turn more animalistic in nature through my blurred vision. It was like he was finally turning into the monster I always saw him as, with fangs starting to protrude from his mouth and snarls leaving him that were more like growls than his normal snarls of anger. I felt what thought was another stab on the right side of my neck before I saw him pull away from me, blood dripping from his mouth....his fangs. He had....he had bitten me hard enough to draw blood.

I heard his deep laugh, harsher than it normally was, turn into a low growl or perhaps even a howl as I began to pray for death again. Before I was granted my one request he and his horrid laugh faded away into darkness. It was then that I expected to dream of my own death but I was wrong in my assumption. Instead, I found myself dreaming of Jasper, hearing his voice tell me to hold on in that southern twang I had been growing to enjoy so much.

I just didn't know if I wanted to hold on anymore, I didn't haveanything to hold on for. I had only wanted to make it until my birthday andthen I was out of here, but again my hopes and dreams were crushed by Randy.Now, now I just wanted this to be over and to be free of this pain forever.

Jasper's POV: (Dec. 14th) 

It had been two days since any of us had heard from Margaret. I was getting more and more anxious to leave, yet we hadn't told any of the Denali's about my mate's human status. They were more intrigued with why I hadn't brought her, but we had decided not to tell them about her being human until Margaret knew about us. Not that it mattered though, because I was going fucking insane not knowing if everything was alright. I had sent numerous text messages and even called twice only for it to go straight to voicemail. She was either purposely ignoring me or her phone was dead. 

I wasn't sure which made me more worried, phone dead or purposely ignoring me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around ready to snarl at whichever sibling was going to try and 'calm me down' now. But as I turned the snarl died on my lips as I saw it was Esme, and I could sense she was just as worried as I was. She knew exactly what type of home life Margaret had, better even than me or Alice. She had come from one similar when she was a human. 

"Carlisle said we would leave in the morning." (E)

I sighed. It was two days earlier than originally planned, but it was better than nothing. I nodded before I left to join Emmett and Kate on a hunting trip. I wasn't really thirsty for once, never was when Margaret was on my mind, but I needed something, anything to help the time pass. This time tomorrow I'll have her back in my arms and everything will be alright. 

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