Chapter 14

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Jasper's POV:

As soon as I heard her say that, I felt a surge of annoyance rush through me wondering who Randy was, and what business he had telling my mate what she could and couldn't wear. I whispered to Alice to ask who Randy was before Rosalie walked past me rolling her eyes, going into Alice's room. I held back a growl knowing if she was mean to Margaret then Alice would make her leave.

"Who's Randy?" (Alice)

" my foster dad I suppose. More of a guardian as I usually call him." (Mag)

"Why wouldn't he let you wear that? It doesn't really show anything." (Alice)

"He doesn't let me wear bright colors, or any colors really. Says they draw too much attention and....he just doesn't want that for me." (Mag)

I felt the sadness coming off her in waves as I tried to send in as much happiness to her that I could. I even felt pity coming off of Rosalie for my mate, though I'm sure she still looked pissed off to be in there with my mate. I felt hesitation come off of Alice for just a moment before the insane amount of joy that she had started drifting off her in waves.

"Well you still have to try them all on! This is a slumber party after all, which means makeovers are a necessity!" (Alice)

I smiled as I felt a small wave of excitement coming off of Margaret before it dimmed a bit, though I'm sure it only felt small because Alice's was like a tsunami of excitement. I smiled as I heard my mate agree and Alice let out yet another squeal of happiness, and I couldn't wait to see how hanging out with Alice would cheer Margaret up even more than she was right now. I was content to stand outside Alice's door all afternoon before Emmett and Edward drug me out to go hunting with them and Carlisle. I can only hope my mate enjoys Alice playing dress up with her.

Alice's POV:

"Oooh this one first!" (Alice)

I handed her a blue halter top shirt, knowing that the pants I had would be way too short considering our height difference but all the shirts should be perfect. She looked at it before glancing at me and then Rose who was flipping through a magazine on the sofa behind me. I watched her bite her lip for a moment before she handed it back.

"Do you not like it?" (Alice)

"No, I do it's just. Alice I can't.....I want to but.......if I try it on do you promise not to say anything to your parents or anyone else?" (Mag)

"We promise, don't we Rose?" (Alice)

"Yeah, whatever." (Rose)

I watched as she nodded for a moment before taking the halter top back and heading into the bathroom to change. I looked to Rose who just rolled her eyes and  shrugged before going back to her magazine. Perhaps Margaret was more modest than I thought, well at least for now she is anyway. A few minutes passed before she came back out in the halter and my breathing stopped. It wasn't modesty that Margaret had, it was bruises and scars in abundance.

I knew the car crash scars went down her neck to her hip with a few more on her right arm, as Jasper had mentioned it one night. But these were fresh bruises on her shoulders and her arms, some in the shape of handprints. Marks and wounds that I had never seen in a vision having occurred to her, and many of them looked fresh. I heard Rose let out a low hiss that Margaret couldn't hear as she stood there with her eyes downcast, biting her lip as she did.

"Margaret, who did that to you?" (Alice)

"I don't guess the whole 'I fell' story won't work huh?" (Mag)

I heard Rose snort, causing Margaret to look up at us before looking out the window instead. She let out a sigh before she turned and we saw her back was covered in what looked like whip marks in some places but thicker. Her entire back seemed to be  bruised in hues of blue, green, yellow, and a few dark purples, with some even scabbed over. No one said anything as Margaret stood facing the mirror, now looking at her own reflection, a mask of calm on her face even as her body was as stiff and tense as a board.

"You didn't answer the question Margaret, who did that to you?" (Rose)

" guardian Randy. But please, you both promised and I only have to stay with him for another three months at most, just until I turn 18 and then I'm out of there." (Mag)

I heard Rose start muttering how stupid she was but in a voice too low for Margaret to hear. I knew Rose was just mad that Margaret wasn't trying to report him to the police or get out another way. Though Rosalie's own past may always affect her responses to things like this, so I cannot blame her completely for her attitude right now.

"Have you told Jasper?" (Alice)

"NO! He can't know, please Alice don't tell him. Don't. He's......I just feel that he wouldn't keep quiet and would try to do something and I don't want him to. Please don't tell him." (Mag)

I watched as she turned around as fast as a human could and rushed towards me, gently grabbing my arms and looking down at me with a pleading look in her eyes. I saw tears starting to form in her eyes before I gently grabbed her in a hug making sure to avoid as many of the bruises as I could, feeling her stiffen for a moment before slowly returning it.

"I won't tell him I promise, but I think that you should tell him when you're ready." (Alice)

Rose excused herself for a moment to tell Esme, who was asking what happened from downstairs, exactly what happened. I finally let go of Margaret and picked out a few more outfit choices that she might like more before telling her to just change in here. More bruises were expected but even as I saw them on her stomach and lower back, I knew in my heart that Jasper would never let her go once he found out.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now