Chapter 53

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Margaret's POV: (December 28th) 

I had been discharged from the hospital yesterday, and had ridden back to the Cullen's house in the back seat of Elliot's car. Jasper's hand was held tightly in mine as Elliot drove us slowly and safely from the hospital. Though it was weird, it seemed as if car rides didn't frighten me nearly like they once did. My mind had many more things to think of that frightened me now. When we got to the house, Esme was waiting at the door with the same warm smile I had always seen her with and a gentle hug. 

I had received a warm welcome from all the  Cullens, and that only made me feel worse about what I had put them through. I had retired to my room, well Jasper's room I guess, for the rest of the afternoon to avoid them. They had let me sit here alone for a few hours, but as the sun set behind the trees of the forest outside the window, Alice and Rose joined me. I had allowed and forced myself to relax as they sat next to me on either side of the loveseat that had been moved into the room while I was in the hospital. 

We spoke about nothing in particular for a half hour or so before they wished me a goodnight and left the room, shutting the door gently behind her as she left. Today I had spent most of the day alone in Jasper's room. I just didn't know how to interact with them anymore after what I had done, so I stayed in the room. It wasn't until after Esme had cleared my dinner tray away and I was again watching the sun set that Jasper knocked and asked if he could join me. He was standing in the doorway in a pair of jeans, boots, and a blue button down shirt looking every bit the part of a model with the gentle smile on his face. 

"Can I join you Maggie?" (J) 

"I would like that J." (Mags)

I didn't tense as much as I had only a few days ago as he sat next to me, wrapping a gentle arm around me as I leaned closer into his side. I found myself looking at him, rather than the twilight sky outside the window. It wasn't long before he looked back at me, a small smile forming on his face as he tilted his head in the confused way that I loved so much. 

"What is it darlin?" (J)

" many things. I don't know where to start." (Mags)

"Just pick one then and we'll go from there." (J)

"I don't know how to make it up to your family for what I put everyone through. I don't know how to make it up to you. I don't think I should stay here after Carlisle clears me medically." (Mags)

"No darlin, don't think that. Everyone is just relieved that you're ok, they just want you to have time to rest and heal. And you belong here with us, with me. But......but if you're set on leaving after you're healed then I'm coming with you." (J)

"No, I could never ask you to leave your family." (Mags)

"You have just as much of heart if not more of it than my family. If you go, I have to go." (J) 

I was prepared to argue with him, but I could see the steel-like determination in his liquid golden eyes. I felt a sigh leave my mouth before I nodded, knowing that I wouldn't be able to stop him from coming with me and I wouldn't want to honestly. I knew that his time might be limited,  but I wanted to be with him until the end. I wasn't sure what I would do after. I wasn't sure what I would do with any of the deaths I had seen of the Cullens. It wasn't fair that so many of them so far seemed doomed to die so soon. 

"Life isn't fair, is it?" (Mags)

"Not always darlin, but the trick is finding people to go through life with together, to make more bearable." (J) 

I laid my head against his shoulder, my eyes closing in sleep as I felt his cold lips place a soft kiss on my head. For the first time in days it didn't make me flinch, it just made me feel like maybe I was home for the first time since losing my mom. 

Jasper's POV: 

As soon as I felt her fall asleep I moved as slowly and gently as possible to pick her up in my arms and move her to the bed. I laid her down on the soft mattress, pulling the duvet over her as I went to leave. I was just standing from the side of the bed when her hand caught my own. I looked down to see her staring at me, and I sat back down as he grip on my hand grew tighter. 

"What is it hun?" (J)

"Stay with me? Please?" (Mags) 

I could see the worry in her eyes as much as I could sense it in her emotions, but I wasn't sure why she was worried. Was it the thought of me saying no or yes that worried her. I sent as much peace and calm as I could towards her as I smiled and nodded in agreement to her request. It was one I would never deny her. I laid down under the covers near her, but making sure to leave plenty of space. Though that seemed redundant as she slowly slid closer to me before laying her head down on my shoulder, her hand still clasping my own. 

"J....I never told you or anyone this before, not even my mom but..." (Mags)

"What is it Maggie? It's alright darlin, you can tell me anything." (J)

"Sometimes I  can sense when.....when a dream is coming and I.....I know seeing me like that upsets you and I don't like being alone when I wake up from one and I......I think I may have one tonight." (Mags)

"Oh Maggie, my precious little Maggie, thank you for tellin me darlin. I wish I could do something to stop you from having these. What can I do?" (J)

"Be here for me when I wake?" (Mags) 

"Nothing could stop me. Try and get some sleep, maybe it won't come tonight and in the morning we can go out in the greenhouse and draw." (J) 

I felt her nod into my chest as I traced circles on her hand still clasped in my own. It took a few minutes longer than I would have liked but I finally heard her heartbeat slow along with her breath as she fell asleep. She was relaxed right now but I was on full alert, along with the rest of the family downstairs. Edward was serving to keep us all informed if she had one of her dreams tonight. We were all beginning to agree that she would need to be brought into the secret, of how we all died with the same pain, sooner rather than later. A few hours went by in peace before I felt her tense as she rolled away from me and became stiff next to me as her breathing and heartrate increased even as she slept. 

"It's's.....oh no, it's Elliot's death." (Ed) 

"Oh shite." (El) 

I heard the others become silent downstairs as her dream progressed, all of us already knowing how Elliot died, but Edward gave us a few progress updates as her body tensed but was free from pain. I heard Edward say to get ready just as a wave of pain erupted in Margaret's emotions, and I knew she had begun to reach the end of the dream. I sent as much peace and calm and happiness as I could at her even though it felt like I was aiming it all at a cement wall. It wasn't but a few seconds later with Elliot near wailing himself as he apologized to both me and Margaret from downstairs with Esme and Carlisle trying to console him that Margaret opened her eyes with a scream leaving her mouth. 


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