Chapter 51

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Jasper's POV: (December 26th) 

I knew the moment she started having a dream because waves of pain started to come off her. I thought of texting Carlisle to get him in here to help wake her, but I felt as if nothing would wake her until the dream was over. An agonizing 30 minutes later she wakes and sits up with a screaming gasp noise leaving her beautiful lips.

She starts to sob some before she looks back at me, sitting up on the bed next to her, and flings herself into my chest. I froze when she did that before slowly wrapping my arms around her, humming an old confederate song that sounded like a lullaby. A few minutes later and she leans away from my chest with tears going down her cheeks at a slower pace than before. She slowly raises her shaking right hand and places it on the side of my face as if checking to make sure I'm really here. 

"Do you want to talk about it Maggie?" (Jas)

"I....I don't know if you want to know what I saw." (Mag)

"I will always want to know what frightens you in your dreams Maggie, it's the only way I understand to try to help." (Jas)

"Nothing helps with what I see. I see how people die Jasper. People I care about. How could you help with that?" (Mag)

I stayed silent for a moment as I knew she was right, but as I watched a tear trail down her face, soaking into the bandages that were still placed over her healing wounds from that bastard, I felt helpless. 

"So it was one of your dreams then?" (Jas) 

I watched her nod before leaning away from my, wrapping her arms around herself as she looked away from me, and staired at  the opposite wall. I couldn't see her eyes anymore but I knew she was still crying as I could smell the salt of her tears still in the air. I watched as she went to climb off the bed, and I was forced to stop her before she hurt herself. I helped her down and even walked to the bathroom door with her. 

I waited outside, knowing we had ensured there wasn't anything she could use to harm herself in the bathroom. I helped her back over to the bed and back onto the bed after she was done. Her tears were gone but the evidence of them having been there was still evident in her eyes. I asked if she wanted Esme or Rose to come sit with her for a while, but she nodded no. 

"Was it Rose's death again?" 

I watched as she nodded no before she looked at me with tears lingering in her eyes. I felt a wave of hurt pass over me knowing that I couldn't protect her from experiencing the pain that goes with the dreams. She looked at me for a moment before she slowly reached up and touched my cheek. I froze under the gentle touch of her soft warm hand, wanting to hold her hand there forever but not wanting to touch her and scare her off.

"I......I dreamed of Alice's a few weeks ago, the night that I woke up crying in your arms.....though you already know that I suppose......and Esme's came a few weeks later.........but I.........I dreamed of yours a few months ago I just didn't know how to tell you. And just now I.....I dreamed of yours again. I've never had someone's death dream twice before and worries me more than the dream itself." (Mag)

"W-what? You've seen my death twice?" (Jas)

"Yeah....before our first history was just as painful as Alice's and Rose's and now Esme's. I.....I don't understand how you all...die with the same pain. I've never experienced deaths that have the exact same burning pain." (Mag)

"I'm sorry darlin, if I could take it all away I would. I wondered why you had woken up in such a great amount of pain that night." (Jas)

"So you were really were in my room that night. Why.....why were you there Jasper?" (Mag)

I found myself wanting to tell her why I couldn't stand to stay away from her, why I wanted to be with her every second of the day. I wanted her to know everything about us, but I didn't want her in danger because she knew. I knew that if I wanted her to stay with me forever she would have to know eventually but I didn't want her to feel forced. I wanted it to be her choice in becoming one of us. I heard Carlisle's soft whisper outside telling me he was coming in but I didn't move away from Maggie on the bed.

"Good morning Margaret. I hope you're feeling a bit better today?" (C) 

"I.....I suppose as good as I could be. I.....I'm so sorry for everything I've put your family through. I don't.....I don't know how I can ever repay you for your kindness." (Mag) 

"Think nothing of it dear. You are as much a daughter to me and Esme as Alice and Rose are." 

I watched as he checked over her vital readings for a few seconds before nodding and telling her that breakfast would be sent up in just a few minutes. He asked to speak with me outside, and I looked to Margaret to see if she would be alright without me for a few minutes. She seemed to since what I was asking without speaking a work. She nodded with a fleeting smile crossing her face as I stood and walked with Carlisle to the hallway. 

"What's this about Carlisle?" (J) 

"The hospital has agreed to discharge her into our care tomorrow morning as long as her vitals hold steady. And Elliot is asking to come visit. I thought it best to ask you out here rather than in front of Margaret should it upset her." (C)

"He can come, but if she is upset by his presence then he'll have to leave. I'm done forcing her out of her comfort zone Carlisle." (J)

"Understood. Now, best get back to her even though it sounds like she may be asleep." (C)

I walked back into the room to see he was right as she had fallen asleep, curled into a tight ball facing the window. I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair, feeling a remaining portion of pain and fear course through Maggie even when she was fast asleep. I had learned a lot more about her yesterday, and it not only broke my heart for her but fueled my ever growing hatred for that monster she lived with. My biggest concern though was her dreams and how she could experience everyone's death. That was something I would need to talk with her about when she woke next. If she were willing. 

Margaret's POV: 

I woke feeling more refreshed than usual these last few days, and I realized it was the first sleep that was free of dreams of any kind. I sat up slowly on the bed, noticing the bowl of what appeared to be soup and some type of jello on the tray next to me. Jasper was sitting in the chair next to the bed, his ankles crossed and his head back asleep. I smiled some as I stated at him. He would still manage to look like a model with his mouth open asleep. 

I picked at the food some, it tasting like a combination of stale hospital air and blandness, despite the soup still being hot. I gave up eating any of it after a few minutes, and pushed it away on the tray again. 

"You know darlin, you're gonna have to eat to get better quicker." (J)

I jumped a bit as the sudden voice, but relaxed when I saw it was Jasper sitting up in the chair. Yawning and rubbing sleep from his eyes as he offered me a smile. I felt myself return it some before turning to look at the tray again. 

"I just don't like it. It's horrible. Momma Esme's is better." (Mag)

I froze realizing what I had called her, but before I even had time to say something about to my absolute horror I heard her voice coming from the open doorway. 

"Well dear, for that I thank you for the compliment and will reward it with some homemade mac and cheese, cinnamon cookies, and chicken and dumplings. If it seems an odd menu, blame Alice she designed it." (Esme)

"Esme....I.....I'm sorry." (Mag)

"What on earth for dear?" (Esme) 

"For all the trouble I've caused you and for calling you that I'm sorry I overstepped." (Mag)

"Hush hun, you didn't overstep at all. I see you as my daughter and I would love it if you felt comfortable to keep calling me that or whatever you like. Now I'm going to leave this here for you. And Jasper will report back to me if you don't eat any of my food either." (Esme) 

She placed the food on the tray, clearing off the nasty food in the process before leaning down and placing a gently chilled kiss on my forehead. I found a smile form naturally on my face as she smiled at me before waking out, saying that she would be back tomorrow morning.

"Well darlin, better do as she says. A mother bear hates when her cubs are hurt after all, don't want her upset at not eating." (Jas) 

"If I do perhaps then.......well I.....I haven't seen much of Elliot lately. Is he mad at me?" (Mags) 

"What? No darlin, he just didn't want to stress you out. Edward and Emmett think the same, so they've been staying away is all. Elliot has been wanting to visit you here, but I thought I'd ask you first." (J) 

"I'd like to see him, if you could stay too." (Mag) 

"Of course darlin. I'll text him now, and tell him to come over in an hour or so." (J)  

I ate a few bites of each dish Esme had brought me, and even ate two of the cookies that reminded me so much of my Granny Cynthia's recipe. The rest were kept in a decorated cookie tin, that Jasper moved to the small table that was flooded with flowers courtesy of the rest of the Cullen family. Jasper walked over and sat by the bed, extending his hand but freezing as he came close. I saw the fear cross his eyes and I realized he was just as scared of scaring me as I was of disappointing him. 

I offered a small smile as I slowly reached and grabbed his hand. My body didn't tense as it was used to doing touching anyone, let along a guy. Rather it seemed to remember that this was my safe place, in Jasper's arms. I was staring into his eyes when he asked the first of what I was sure was many questions he had been holding back for a while now. 

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