Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 (Nov 23rd still)
Margaret's POV:

I had one of the best days of my life in the most unlikely of places. Malls, and really every crowded area had always been places I avoided with a passion. They weren't what I would have willingly come to before meeting Jasper. I didn't buy anything really, though Alice hadn't listened very well to my pleas not to buy me anything. Nor had Jasper. Between the two of them I had lunch provided by Jasper, and two new blouses courtesy of Alice. Though honestly I think I had given her the green light, she would have bought me way more than just that.

I still had a smile on my face, even after hearing Randy return home. I paused in my sketch of Elliot with a smirk on his face as I heard Randy enter the kitchen. My smile quickly disappeared as I was called into the kitchen by the monster just a few seconds later. I forced myself to stand up from my desk and walk in there on unsteady legs as he looked at me. His eyes were frozen in what looked like a glare towards me, while I kept mine trained on the table's surface between us.

I flinched back some as his chair was pushed back from the table and he stood up. I was out of school for the next few days for thanksgiving break, and I knew he was off work for the same amount of time which could only mean unpleasant things for me.

He walked to me before grabbing my face in his hand, squeezing enough to hurt but not enough to bruise as he forced my eyes up to meet his. I felt tears build in my eyes as he glared at me, a sneer building on his face as he did. He took another swig from the bottle in his hand before he leaned closer to my face, his rancid breath blowing out on me as he did. The smell of cheap beer and cigarettes made me want to cough, but I knew better than to let one escape from my chest in front of him.

He seemed to wait a moment, as if daring me to do something or to say something. I stayed silent in his hold, even as tears slowly began to fall down my face. His sneer seemed to grow into his own twisted version of a smile as he took one more drink before he started addressing me in a cold harsh tone.

"I'm going out of town with Carly to meet her family for thanksgiving. I told her you already had plans and couldn't make it. Now of course we both know that's a lie as you're going to stay here. But when she asks you when she gets here in a few minutes you're to tell her you're staying with a friend and her family for thanksgiving. And if you don't sound convincing then when I get back Sunday afternoon, ha ha ha. You'll wish you had never been born bitch. Got it?"(Randy)

I let out a noise of pain as he squeezed my face again as I rapidly nodded. I saw this as a chance to actually get out of the house and spend time with the Cullen's, if they would have me for thanksgiving. And even if they couldn't, it would still give me the first major holiday without Randy beating me at every opportunity. This wasn't a chance I wanted to mess up in any scenario.

"Good. Now go get ready, she'll be here in a few minutes." (Ran)

He let go of my face and turned around, throwing his empty beer bottle into the trash and reaching for what looked like a bottle of water. That had to be the first time I had ever seen him reach for anything other than a beer from the fridge in years. I turned and made my way out of the kitchen as quickly as I could and into my room, shutting the door gently behind me as I went in and stripped out of my drawing sweats.

I changed into a dark blue almost black sweater and a pair of jeans, adding a pair of dark brown boots, hoping this outfit would be decent enough to please Randy enough to not remember it when he returns on Sunday. I slipped quietly into the bathroom, throwing on some concealer and foundation before adding a bit of mascara. I left my hair down, covering my scars as best as I could. I knew Randy hated seeing them, he had said so thousands of times before.

I had just slipped out of the bathroom and back into my own room when I heard Carly's car pull into the driveway. My breath hitched in my chest for a moment as I heard her car door open, and her let out a surprised squeal noise. I worried for a moment that Randy had hurt her this time until I heard her laugh and his own chuckle follow behind. I felt a wave of sadness pass through me as I realized she was being taken in just as my mom had once.

"Margaret, Carly is here. Come on out and say hi kid." (Ran)

I thought of Jasper and his smile to conjure a genuine one of my own as I walked out of my room and into the living room. Carly was wrapped in his arms, facing me with a wide smile of her own that seemed to match his until you looked into his eyes where the smile seemed to have died. He was a different person with her, it was true, but I knew he was only like that because he wanted her for himself and would do anything he could to trick her into staying. He wouldn't, he couldn't every really change.

"I was hoping both you and Ran could come home with me for thanksgiving, but he tells me you already have plans?" (Ca)

"Yes, I'm sorry but my friend and her family wanted me to come over and spend the holiday with them. She's been a having a tough time recently, her grandmother just passed away. Otherwise, I would love to have come with you both." (Mag)

"Oh the poor girl, but yeah you should keep your plans with them then. You're such a good friend Margaret. I doubt I would have done that when I was your age." (Ca)

"Well, if we want to get to your parent's house in time we better get a move on then. Kid, lock up tight when you leave and the emergency numbers are on the fridge for you to take with you got it?" (Ran)

"Alright, I will and thank you. Drive safe and have a wonderful time." (Mag)

I smiled and waved to them both, my smile staying on my face until the front door was shut and I heard his truck roar to life. He acted every part of a caring and nurturing guardian, and I was no longer confused by how my mother had been taken in by him. He could be quiet the actor when the time called for it. When I heard the truck disappear from my street I finally let myself relax some, a true smile starting to form on my face.

I walked back into my room, shutting the door gently behind me before laying face first on the bed. A sense of peace and relaxation seemed to wash through me as I realized that I would once again be blessed with 4 maybe even 5 days without Randy beating me senseless. A thanksgiving blessing to be sure. I felt my phone buzz and sat up enough to retrieve it from my pocket, my smile seeming to become even more permanent as I read the text messages that had arrived back to back.

Alice had just sent a text inviting me over to their house for a 'girls night' tonight and then Esme had sent me a message asking if I would have thanksgiving dinner with them. I was hesitant to accept that invitation compared to Alice's, simply because it is traditionally a family holiday but she wouldn't take no for an answer it seemed. So, I let myself be persuaded to agree.

It seemed that the next few days were going to be my own piece of heaven in away. I would be free from Randy and with the people that I was growing to care about more than I probably should. I would actually have multiple things to be thankful for this year it seemed. My phone started ringing and I answered it with a grin as I saw it was Jasper's name that came up.

"Hi darling. Alice said you would be spending the next few days or so with us. Want me to pick you up or her?" (J)

"I would be happy to see either of you J, so whoever has the most free time I suppose." (Mags)

"I'll be there in 20 then." (J)

"See you soon." (Mags)

My grin seemed permanently etched on my face as I packed a small bag with a few of the outfits Alice had so far forced on me. Outfits with a brighter color palette as she called it, and ones that I hadn't been able to wear here yet. I also threw a few sketch pads and pencils into the bad, though I somehow doubted she would give me much time to draw. She had a tendency to go over board on sleepovers, but I was soon realizing it was because like me the Cullen kids didn't have many friends.

That was mystery I had yet to crack, as unlike me they wouldn't have a reason not to make friends. They were all gorgeous, smart, and there is no way Emmett at least wouldn't be athletic as big as he is. They should have the school eating out of the palm of their hands but they don't, if anything they seem to avoid people almost as much as I do. The Cullens it seemed were just as secretive as I was as times, perhaps even more so.

Jasper's POV:

I finished the buck I was draining before I rushed back to my car parked only a few feet away from the house. I checked my reflection in the mirror of the car, making sure I didn't have any blood on my face, before I started towards Margaret's house. Esme had already told us how hard she had to work to get Margaret to agree to Thanksgiving dinner, but we were all excited. Well.....except perhaps Rosalie. She said she would rather die than eat human food.

Ever the dramatic, but otherwise it was decided that we could all do this to seem a bit more human to Margaret. I had decided against telling her what we were just yet. I was waiting until her birthday or perhaps after, so that she would be free to leave if that was what she wanted. After all, Alice's visions were never concrete and her seeing us both together sparkling in the sun may not be her final decision and all I really wanted was for to be happy no matter what it may do to me. 

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