Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Jasper's POV:

I heard Esme tell me she was on the way, as I made a show of walking out into the hallway just to 'run into her'. She quickly followed me back inside the room to where Margaret was still sobbing on the bed. Esme sat next to her and I watched in mild shock and concern as Margaret threw herself into Esme's arms as her sobs continued.

"Shhhhh Margaret, it was just a dream. I'm here." (Esme)

I sat next to Margaret and traced gentle circles on her back as a look of sorrow passed across her face. I could tell she wanted to tell Esme something but looked at her before she just shook her head some before closing her eyes. I had expected her to stay quiet and even fall back to sleep before she whispered out an apology that we both heard, but neither of us understood what she meant.

"I'm sorry I can't save you." (Mag)

I didn't have a chance to ask her about it though as I felt her emotions relax some, and I knew she had fallen asleep or perhaps pass out was the better term. I gently took her out of Esme's arms and into my own before looking back to Esme.

"Did she mean in the dream?" (Esme)

"I don't know, she didn't have another dream like with Alice did she?" (Jas)

"I don't know. I can only hope not, my death would not be a pleasant one to see." (Esme)

I nodded in agreement, knowing how Esme died was tragic and not a death I would ever want Margaret to experience. I watched as she gently brushed some of Margaret's hair from her face before placing a soft kiss on her right temple. She stood and walked out, shutting the door softly behind her after telling me that dinner was planned for 7. That would give us another 2 hours before I would have to wake her up, and though I'd rather she sleep and just relax I knew that eating was important as well.

Margaret's POV:

I had woken up an hour or so after Esme had come in and I had passed out again. The pain from her death seemed to linger in my body, echoing like muscle pains felt after a hard workout or even a beating from Randy. I was already seated at the long dining room table, Jasper on my left and Alice on my right. Alice was sitting rather quietly, and I could only imagine that Esme or Jasper told her what happened.

It made me wonder briefly if she would let me sleep tonight, because as much as I did enjoy spending time with her and having a friend, I really just wanted to go back to bed. Jasper was gently drawing on my hand that he was holding, and my mind being calmed by the soothing cool touch of the shapes he was tracing. I looked over just to meet his gaze, a look of concern in his molten golden eyes. I offered a small smile that he quickly returned, sitting up a bit straighter as Carlisle carried the turkey in.

Esme followed with the last dish she had prepared, some type of squash dish that was supposed to be good. The entire table though looked like a magazine picture. This whole family looked like a magazine ad really, and I felt an overwhelming sense of being out of place here in the family of models at their model thanksgiving.

"Well, I would like to say a few words. I am thankful for each and every one of you in this family, and am even more thankful that this year we can add Margaret to our family. Welcome to the family dear, and now Esme as you were our wonderful cook please do us the honor of carving the turkey." (Car)

I felt a slight blush cross my face before my smile grew as I sensed the sincerity in his words. I hadn't interacted with him much, but was glad to have his approval. Elliot winked at me from across the table, causing my smile to grow again. Esme was soon placing turkey on everyone's plates before the side dishes were passed around. I took some of the sweet potatoes and green beans, avoiding the squash dish despite how beautiful it looked.

Dinner was ate in cheerful atmosphere, Alice finally chatting happily again even if it did seem a bit more restrained than usual. But I appreciated her effort. I saw Elliot make a few faces at some of the dishes, but when he caught me looking at him he just smirked a bit. He pointed at the squash casserole and gagged a bit, threatening a laugh to escape from my mouth before I saw Esme looking at him with an eyebrow raised, clearly unamused.

After dinner was over Edward and Emmett excused themselves to go play on one of their game systems. Alice and Rosalie were already headed off to some store that had a black Friday deal starting at midnight. I had begged off that trip and won with the help of Esme and Jasper. I had no desire to spend my entire night shopping when Alice had already kept me up half the night last night.

I had tried helping Esme clean up some of the dishes but was quickly shushed out of the kitchen at her insistence that her and Carlisle had it covered. I didn't try to argue, as she won almost every time almost as if she was my own mom.

"Margaret, what would you like to do? Back to bed or?" (Jas)

"I think I'd like to draw some in the greenhouse. Would you like to join me?" (Mag)

"I will never turn down the chance to watch you work Margaret." (Jas)

Jasper's POV:

I was sitting next to her on the cushion, watching as she sketched an image of the sky above us from within the greenhouse. The full moon was reflecting light off the glass ceiling and walls everywhere around us, making the need for any additional light non-existent. It also had the wonderful effect of making the creature sitting beside me look like an angel. She kept looking up every pencil strokes and each time she did it looked as if she had a halo around her head.

"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen Margaret." (Jas)

I hadn't meant to say it aloud and disrupt her concentration, but it was a fact that I simply couldn't hold back any longer. I watched as she blushed some before looking at me, a small smirk on her face that I was sure she had learned from Elliot.

"Are you sure you aren't a bit biased in that?" (Mag)

"Absolutely not, and anyone who even thinks otherwise is a fool." (Jas)

"Well you're not too bad yourself Jasper, in fact I'd put you as the most handsome man I have ever seen." (Mag)

"Well thank you darlin, but compared to you I'm ugly as sin." (Jas)

I didn't giver her a chance to argue, as I knew I was right. Instead I just captured her lips in a kiss. I heard her drop her pencil with the sketch pad sliding down onto the ground as she drew closer to me. Her hands were soon tangled in my hair as I gently scooped her off the ground and into my arms. I knew my kisses were getting hungrier as were her own, and I also knew I would have to stop us before it went farther than I could control myself. I was debating stopping us before she pulled back from me panting a bit in a way that only made me want her more.

"I think we should maybe stop before we get into trouble. was that the most amazing kiss I ever thought I would have." (Mag)

"That I can agree with Margaret. Perhaps, it would be best for us both to call it a night. It's already 11 and I want you to catch up on sleep that Alice made you miss yesterday." (Jas)

"I do like the idea of sleep. I don't suppose.......Jasper do your parents mind you sleeping with me in my room? I don't want to upset them if it does, but don't want to sleep alone." (Mags)

"They don't mind Margaret. Rosalie and Emmett share a room as do Alice and Edward. They're used to this kind of stuff." (Jas)

"Alright then, I think bed sounds great." (Mags)

"Well then darlin, allow me to carry you there." (Jas)

"Not like I would win the argument for me to walk, so carry away." (Mags)

She laid her head down on my shoulder as I carried her back inside the house and up to the guest room. It wasn't until I left to get dressed that I realized she had called the guest room her room. A smile grew on my face as I changed, realizing she was starting to see our house as her own home and she was right to. This was as much her home as it was mine. I walked back down the stairs, knocking on her door only to hear her gentle 'come in'.

I smiled as I walked over and laid down next to her, smiling as she snuggled next to me. She laid her head down on my shoulder, kissing me on the cheek before closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Jasper." (Mags)

"Goodnight Margaret. I love you." (Jas) 

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