Chapter 11

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 (Sept. 24th) -Wednesday
Margaret's POV:

I had managed to avoid Randy all of Monday night, yesterday, and even this morning as I left the house only a few moments before he did. He had told me before I left that he would be back by next Wednesday and that whatever food was left in the fridge should be enough to keep me from starving to death. He also warned against trying to run away, and I knew that should I try he would send cops after me as a runaway.

However, as I walked into school this morning, I felt lighter than I had in months, perhaps even years. I knew that when I returned home Randy wouldn't be there. I knew that for a few days I would have uninterrupted peace, and that sent my spirit soaring, even with the presentation in front of the class today.

I walked into history class, smiling a bit at Jasper's own smile as his eyes seemed to connect with mine from across the room. The thought of his death dream still lingered in the back of my mind, but when I was with him it was almost like I couldn't worry about it. As cautious and fearful as I remained of every other guy that roamed or taught at this school, he was different for some reason. It was almost like my body and mind both knew that he would never harm me in any way.

"Good morning Margaret. You look very nice today." (Jas)

"Thank you, as do you." (Mag)

I took my seat just as the final bell rang and the teacher walked in. I glanced at Jasper again and blush as I meet his eyes. I was not doing him justice in what I said as he looked better than nice today in a royal blue button down and grey slacks. I was wearing a grey button down with a black skirt. We had decided to try and wear confederate and union colors today as we presented.

Though of course this meant I was without a beanie today, and was forced to rely only on my curls to cooperate enough to stay over the scars as much as possible. I was barely listening as groups began presenting when called upon and instead focused only what my part was and when I was supposed to say it again and again and again in an attempt to keep my nerves steady.

"Alright Mr. Cullen and Ms. Brandon, you're up." (Teacher)

Jasper's POV:

I couldn't help the smile and pride that I had in Margaret as she stood by me and we presented our poster and paper discussion on Civil War generals that decided the fate of the war. We finished better even than we had rehearsed yesterday and were on our way back to our desks when someone coughed out 'Scarface.' There were a few muffled laughs that were then drowned out by the bell but I could see that Margaret heard it all as her body language changed from relieved and relaxed to stiff as a board in an instant.

I could feel the shame and pain radiate through her as it replaced the relief of being done with the presentation. I glared at the boy that had called her that and watched as he paled in fear just as I wanted. I smirked some before turning to comfort Margaret but found her gone from the room. I left just as quickly as I humanly could and just saw her leaving the building. I followed after her and saw her leaning against a tree just outside the doors.

"Margaret?" (Jas)

I watched as she stiffened for a moment before she turned towards me and relaxed a bit seeing it was only me. I took a few steps closer to her, waiting to stop when I saw her tense but she surprised me as she seemed to remain relaxed even as I started leaning against the tree right next to her. My shoulder touching her own and she wasn't tensed as she usually was, rather she simply stared out into the parking lot.

"Are you alright?" (Jas)

She nodded for a moment but didn't say anything, instead we both just stood against the tree in silence. But to be able to touch my mate like this, even if it was just her shoulder against mine and just for a few minutes, was like heaven to me. I heard her take a deep breath before she glanced at me with a calm expression on her face, even as her emotions swam wildly inside of her.

"The names they use against me don't hurt me you know. Scarface, flinching freak, the scar-ry girl, none of them hurt me like they want them too. They only hurt because the scars are a constant reminder of the day I lost my mom, the day my life changed forever." (Mag)

"I'm so sorry Margaret. If there was anything I could do to help you, if you want I can start beating up the ones that use those names against you." (Jas)

I said this with a smile as I hoped to cheer her up in some way and as she looked up at me in alarm before seeing my smile, but my plan seemed to work. She gave me an eye roll of her own before she leaned back against the tree and laid her head against my shoulder. I froze at her action and she did too for a moment before we both seemed to relax at the same time.

"No Jasper, that won't be necessary. I'm a big girl and I can look after myself you know." (Mag)

"Well should you ever change your mind ma'am, just say the word and heads will roll on your command my lady." (Jas)

I felt her amusement at my words just before she let out a light chuckle, but then the moment was over too soon as the next warning bell rang. I heard her let out a sigh and then stood up from my shoulder and the tree and started to head back inside as I instantly started missing the warmth of her body on my own.

"Coming back to class Jasper?" (Mag)

"Well I would be willing to follow you anywhere, so I suppose if class is where you want to go then class is where we will go." (Jas)

I watched with a surge of pride as a blush covered her beautiful cheeks, and a small smile formed on her face. It was such a rare sight to see her smile and I couldn't be more proud that I had managed to put one on my mate's face. I was finally making some progress with her and couldn't wait to make even more in the days to come. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now