Chapter 55

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December 30th (nearing midnight)

Jasper's POV: 

I was staring Emmett down, ignoring his grin and feelings of playfulness as he sat in front of me. It wasn't a joking matter, what I was agreeing to do. Watching over Margaret while half of us went hunting was no laughing matter, and I would be damned if I didn't get him to realize that before agreeing to go. A few more seconds of staring and his grin disappeared as he let out a overdramatic sigh. 

"Jazz.......I would never let anything happen to her. Like I could live with myself or you for that matter if it did. We were getting along before things went to hell, and it's important for her to open back to us like she was before. You and Rose both said that. And out of all the guys here, I'm one of the most experienced in reading her reactions after learning how to with Rose." (Em) 

"He'll be fine with her Jasper, I've seen it." (Al)

I turned to say something in response to Alice, but was left annoyed as she disappeared from the room just as I turned. No doubt she could see what I was about to say anyway. It was an argument we had already had earlier this week when she let it slip that her visions of me and Margaret looked different than they used to. Something I both didn't understand and wasn't okay with in the slightest. 

"Swear to me that if anything happens, and I mean anything. You will call me home immediately."  (J)

"I swear it on my existence and my hummer." (Em) 

"And all his game stations." (R)

"Babe! Come on, that's a bit much isn't it?" (Em)

"Not even close when compared to Margaret's safety." (J)

"Fine, you're both right. Now go on before you manage to change your mind." (Em)

I sighed before looking at Emmett one more time, glancing upstairs where I could hear Margaret's steady heartbeat. She was asleep, but it wasn't a guarantee that she would sleep until we got back in the morning. Her sleep was often disrupted every few hours by a nightmare. I felt Rose nudge my shoulder and I nodded in her unasked question of if I was ready. I wasn't, but the sooner I left and took care of my thirst the sooner I could be back and have her safe in my arms. 

Margaret's POV: 

I woke with a start, my heart pounding loudly in my ears as the dream faded around me leaving me alone in what had once been the guest room at the Cullen's but was now my own room. I looked out the window only to be met with the sound of heavy rain on the window and an occasional flash of lightning flooding the dark room. I let the sounds of the rain and thunder soothe me before I pulled myself from the warmth of the blankets. My feet found the soft texture of the plush rug Alice had just added to the room this morning, before I made my way to the door. 

I opened it, expecting the house to be silent as late as it appeared, but I was surprised when I saw light on in the living room downstairs. I heard what could only be Emmett giving a cheer, somewhat quiet for his standard, from the room as the light seemed to dance some. He must be playing some type of game, I doubt any sporting event was on at this time of day. I found myself biting my lip, trying to decide between going downstairs or back to my own room. The nightmare wasn't one of the worst I have had, as I wasn't even able to remember what it was about, but I didn't really fancy being alone after it either. A minute of standing on the landing near the staircase to the main floor had me deciding to seek out Emmett's presence. 

By far he wasn't my favorite of Jasper's brothers, but he was a bit better than Edward. He at least didn't stare at me like some type of puzzle to be put together and taken apart again at whim. I walked into the living room to see Emmett with a game controller in his hand, soda cans and chip bags all on the coffee table in front of him, and a headset on. I realized with a smile that he was trash-talking another player as I walked in. 

"You call that a raid? Ha! I've seen pigeons get more loot than that without even trying kid......Hey now! Don't bring mothers into this! Why you little-" (Em) 

I couldn't help the light laugh that managed to slip through at the one-sided convo I was getting to listen to. I watched as Emmett turned his head in both greeting and what appeared to be amusement. He said bye to the kid before his character blasted his off the map entirely, and I felt my smile remain knowing he had been going easy on the kid to start with. 

"Well Thunderbird, guess the storm woke you up?" (Em)

"No...uh a nightmare did." (Mags)

"Oh damn.....I'm sorry you wanna talk about it? I'm a pretty good listener, just ask Rose." (Em)

"No, I don't remember this one. It's ok. Can I.......Can I watch you play?" (Mags)

"I've got something better if you're up for it. Mario Kart?" (Em)

"Can I be Mario?" (Mags)

"Only if I can be Princess Peach." (Em)

I felt another small laugh leave my mouth and I didn't even feel myself flinch as much as I was expecting myself too when a loud echoing one left his mouth. Emmett was just as he always had been, a large kid. Only difference was I somehow trusted him a bit more knowing he helped Rosalie, and she trusted him then I suppose so could I. We started a tournament of Mario Kart just as the clock on the wall rang out 3 am. I already knew that Momma Esme and Jasper both would be upset that I opted to stay up rather than sleep at such an hour. But, I also knew that I wouldn't get back to sleep very easily right now anyway. 

I wasn't sure how I knew without asking for confirmation from Emmett, but I knew that Jasper wasn't here. I don't know where he would be at this time of night, but it was like I knew without a doubt that he wasn't here. So until Emmett said he was going to sleep, I would play Mario Kart and wait for Jasper to get back home. 

Jasper's POV: 

I was nearing the house, the sunrise just starting to spread across the snowy ground at my feet as the front porch came into view. I was up the stairs and halfway through the house when I stopped mid-step in shock. I stared at the sight before me in the living room, blinking a few times to see if I was somehow hallucinating. But it appeared I wasn't. Before me was my mate with her head in Emmett's lap. She was sleeping curled in a loose ball on her side with a blanket tossed over her, as he played Call of Duty on mute. 

He paused the game with a grin like that damned cat that ate the canary on his face as he looked at me walking over to the pair of them. I listened as he told me in a rush whisper what happened to lead to this, both amazed and shocked further still that she had regained as much if not more trust around him as she had before the attack to fall asleep in his lap. 

"So, told you I could do this." (Em) 

"It appears you were right. How long has she been asleep?" (J)

"Bout ten minutes, not long. Want to move her back to her bed?" (Em)

"I think that would be best, but I hate the thought of waking her up." (J)

My plan of action to move her without waking her up wasn't needed though, for as soon as I bent towards her, her eyes fluttered open. I watched as a small smile grew following the escape a little yawn. It wasn't until she looked and met Emmett's eyes, his own smile large and nearly bursting with the laugh he was holding back that a beautiful blush crossed her face. She sat up as he moved his arm out of the way, her blush never leaving even as Emmett finally let out a loud chuckle. 

"Good morning thunderbird. Just in time for Jazz here to insist on you going back to bed. Speaking of which, I better go to before Rose starts looking for me." (Em) 

I held back from rolling my eyes at his wink, knowing that sleep would be the last thing on his mind even if he was human. Though I was thankful that he left us alone for a few minutes, if only to talk and let me take her back to bed to sleep. This sleep schedule she was on now because of nightmares couldn't be good for her body. 

"I....ummm good morning." (Mags)

"Good morning Maggie, have a good time beating Emmett on Mario Kart?" (J)

"He's tougher than he looks as a princess on a pink car, but I held my own." (Mags)

"I'm glad, though I wish you had gotten more sleep." (J) 

"I tried but.......I knew you weren't here so I just couldn't go back to sleep after I woke up." (Mags) 

"Well.....want to remedy that now? I'll lay with you if you want." (J)

I watched as she went to say something, but stopped a blush crossing her face again as she nodded while looking away from me. I couldn't help the sense of pride that rushed through me at the thought my mate needed me to sleep. I was finally able to be there for her as a mate should be, even if she was embarrassed about it. I gently scooped her into my arms, not giving her the chance to stand and walk even if she wanted. Though based on how she laid her head against my shoulder and relaxed into my arms, I think it was safe to say she didn't mind. 

It wasn't until we were both under the covers of her bed, that her emotions flared in such a way I got a clear picture of them. Clear as they had ever been. Joy, love, peace and just a hint of fear and worry. After everything that she had experienced, even I couldn't be upset with the negative emotions lingering. 

"Goodnight Maggie darlin, I love you." (J)

"I love you Jasper." (Mags) 

I watched as she drifted off to sleep, and allowed myself to just stare at her and how damn beautiful she was. I was in bliss with her in my arms, until I felt her emotions shift and her body tense. Then I damned whoever or whatever had given this angel so raw and so painful a 'gift' as her dreams. I waited patiently for the dream to end, knowing it had to be Emmett's and it would surely only lead to more and more questions. It was then that I  decided that it was time to tell her. It was  time to let her into our world completely and let her decide if she wanted to stay or leave. It would kill me if she left, but I would rather the whole world burn to the ground leaving nothing but ashes than her be unhappy. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now