Chapter 71

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Margaret's POV:

We had left an hour or two before sunrise, and Ihad kept my hands from shaking at Carly's hectic driving the first hour. Butafter a brief panic attack in her backseat when she cut in-front of a semi-truck on the interstate, Liza had forced me into thepassenger seat as she took over the wheel and I was surprised at how much of asmoother driver she was. It also helped that she stuck to backroads and small two-lane roads the rest of drive. Carly directed her to the center of town when we arrived on the outskirts, avoiding my old house to my gratitude. I wassurprised by the lack of cars at the high school as we passed by, before I realized it must bespring break already. I had missed more than I thought I had.

"Can you direct us from here Margaret?" (Carly)

"I can. Take a left on Houston Road, and then a right onto an unmarked roadabout five miles." (Mags)

The drive from the school to the Cullen's only took a few minutes, but for meit felt like hours as I thought of being back in Jasper's arms. She finallypulled down the driveway, parking in front of the staircase leading up thefront porch. I felt my heart stutter some as Liza put the car in park and shut the engine off. I had half expected the family to rush out the door at the sound of the car, and I was oddly thankful that no one came out right now. Carly andLiza got out and started grabbing bags out of the trunk, before I forced myselfto get out of the car. Two bags were placed gently in my hands, though I barelynoticed as I walked up the stairs and hesitated before knocking on the door.

"Come on in dove, he ain' here right now. Off hunting he is. It's jus us two."(El)

I walked in, placing my bags by the door as my heart raced in my chest, beforeI looked up and saw Elliot leaning casually on the stairs. His hair spiked anda soft smile on his lips as he slowly stood up. His smile disappeared for amoment as he looked behind me and I turned to see Carly and Liza forcing smileson their faces as they left the rest of my things by my other bags, all whilestaring at Elliot.

"Hello. You're not her mate but.....we've seen drawings of you before. I'm Lizaand this is Carly." (Liza)

"Her brother Elliot. Nice to meet you both, thank you for watchin after her."(El)

"Well if she ever needs us on a moon, we'll be there. Margaret, will you be okif we head home?" (Car)

"Yes. I'm home now. Thank you, thank you both for everything. I would.....well Iwould like to know when Annie has the babies if she's ok with me knowing."(Mags)

"Oh Margaret, you're already in the group text with us. We added you on the wayhere." (Car)

"No getting rid of us now. Bye pup, be safe." (Liza)

I was hugged by them both and watched them leave before I gently shut the doorand turned back to face Eliot. I was worried he would be upset with me, but hisgentle smile returned to his face as he walked up to me, opening his arms for ahug if I wanted.

"Welcome home dove, saints above had we missed yah." (El)

"I missed you all too El. I'm sorry I was gone so long, I just.....I needed timeto figure out what I was now." (Mags)

"Dove we all understand, just don't be surprised if Jazz refuses to leave yourside the next fifty years or so. He's been so worried it's bout driven us allto madness it has. Now, I'll get yeh stuff moved for you but please dove goshower. You reek of wet dog, thank goodness you don't carry that smell as ahybrid." (El)

"Will....will Jasper be home soon?" (Mags)

"Allie cat promised me you would have time to clean up, and in return I promised I wouldn't text him to come home sooner. She picked out an outfit for yeh and everything." (El)

"Thanks El." (Mags)

"Anytime, now off you go. I'm behind yah with the many bloody bagsdove. No more vacations for you for a while, almost as bad as Allie is when she goes somewhere you are." (El)

I felt a laugh leave my mouth at his jest, feeling as if I was home but wasstill missing something. I knew without question it was because Jasper wasn'there, but I knew he would be here soon. An hour later and I was freshlyshowered and changed in the outfit that Alice had laid out for me. A light pinksweater and dark jeans and brown boots. She would aim for as much as fashion aspossible, even in moments like this.

I walked down the stairs and took up what was Elliot's position on the stairswhen I had arrived, staring at the front door willing him to walk through itnow. I heard Elliot's chuckle behind me before he took a seat by me on myright. I broke my stair at the door to see him smiling at me, tilting his head in the adorable puppy way he had a tendency to do. 

"You two truly are meant for each other. Ever since Alice had a vision of youcoming home Jasper basically lived where you're sitting." (El)

"Elliot....did he.....was he.....was he mad at me for leaving?" (Mags)

"No dove, mad at himself for not catching up to you sooner and settin yahstraight. You're no more monster than any of us, less even than some of us."(El)

"He didn't suffer while I was gone did he?" (Mags)

"None that he won't forget the moment he has you in his arms. Which should beany second now." (El)

I stood at the sound of footsteps walking slowly up the steps, the door openingto reveal the one that sent my heart into overdrive as I stared at him. Hisgolden eyes sparkling like melted gold as I stepped closer to him, stopping afew feet from him as my nerves got the better of me.

"Jasper I-"

I didn't get to finish my planned apology, for as soon as I had started speakinghe was already taking me into his arms. His lips had captured my own andwhatever apology I had planned out in my head was quickly fading away in theintoxication that were his kisses. It was in his arms I wished I didn't need to breath as I didn't want the kisses to stop, I didn't want to risk opening my eyes and this be a dream. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now