Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 (Oct. 12th Friday) -jaspers birthday-Saturday
Jasper's POV:

Today wasn't a day that I necessarily looked forward to, even though Alice always made everyone celebrate their birthday every year. But this year was different, because I was going to see a movie with Margaret tonight. Her guardian was spending the weekend at his new girlfriend's house, and Margaret said she yes to Alice's 'sleepover' this weekend and also to a second date with me. I could honestly care less about the movie, but was thrilled to spend time with my mate.

Alice was picking her up from her house right now, and was bringing her over for presents before we left for the movie together. I had been pacing in my room for the first twenty minutes but knowing they would be back any minute I had moved my pacing into the living room. I ignored Rose's pointed glare as I zoomed from one end of the room to the other, and refused to look at Esme's soft and happy smile that covered her face right now. I could only think of Margaret getting here.

I was rewarded when I finally hear Alice talking in her chirpy voice as my mate let out a soft laugh as they made their way down the driveway in Alice's mini-cooper. I forced myself to sit down on the couch and smooth my shirt as I heard the car park and then the doors open and close. I could smell my mate the moment she stepped out of the car but just like all the times in the past her blood didn't cause the monster inside of me to rear its ugly head, it only made my spirit soar as if I was flying.

I heard the door open and Esme stood to greet Margaret and welcome her back to the house, even giving her a gentle hug. I smiled wider as I stood from the couch and saw her hugging Esme back, not flinching as much as she had done in the past. She was wearing her hair up in an intricate looking braid that I'm positive Alice helped her with when she got to her house, with a soft green sweater and cream-colored jeans with ballet flats. All of which I was sure Alice had also provided for her.

After Esme let her go she smiled at Rose but then quickly looked away and waved hello to Edward and then Emmett as he made his way down the stairs a bit softer than he normally did. Though after explaining to him that his volume had a tendency to make Margaret jump every now and then, had helped calm him down tremendously when she was over.

"Wondered when you were gonna get here thunderbird." (Em)

I watched as her smile seemed to grow for a moment before she rolled her eyes at him as he let out a deep chuckle before walking over to Rosalie. My smile seemed to grow as she walked over and gave me a gentle hug before pulling away, but not before I managed to plant a soft and short kiss on her beautiful lips. I saw a quick blush cross her face as she let go of the hug, before a smile formed on her face.

"You look lovely as always Margaret." (J)

"Thank you Jasper, Alice helped with the outfit of course and the hair. But I'm not important today, today is your day, Happy birthday!" (M)

"Thank you darlin, but to me you're important every day. Ready to go to the movie?" (J)

"Well I had a uh....a gift for you first. If that's ok." (M)

"Darlin you didn't have to get me anything." (J)

"It didn't cost anything, now close your eyes!" (Alice)

I rolled my eyes at Alice but smiled as I heard Margaret's soft laugh, before she stepped away from me. I heard the crinkle of tissue paper being passed from Alice to Margaret before I felt her warm hand on my own as she placed something in my hands.

"Now open you eyes and your gift." (M)

I did as I was instructed by my little mate and I smiled as I saw it was what appeared to be a thin canvas wrapped in tissue paper. I glanced at Margaret but saw her biting her lip and felt anxious, no doubt at what I thought of the gift. I smiled though as I took the tissue paper off and found myself looking at what could pass as a portrait of the conservatory garden with the wooden swing that we sat on during our first date. I smiled as the memories came rushing back as I looked away from the masterpiece and back to Margaret who was watching with apprehension on her face.

"Do you like it?" (M)

"No, I love it. It's beautiful darlin." (J)

I watched her smile grow some as I scooped her into my arms and spun her around for a moment, smiling even wider as she let out a soft laugh. Once I put her down though she glanced back at Rose with a look of worry on her face and in her emotions. I didn't have time to ask what was wrong though as she left my arms and walked over to Rosalie with another canvas wrapped in tissue paper, one that she held out to Rosalie.

"I remember that Jasper said you guys were twins and it felt wrong to give him a gift and not give you one. So this one is for you. I'm sorry if not's very good, I've only just started doing portrait styles." (M)

I saw Rose's glare disappear into one of shock as she gently took the canvas Margaret was holding. Her emotions matched her face, a mixture of confusion and shock as she stared at my mate before looking back the canvas in her hands. She removed the tissue paper and I felt the shock increase as she stared at what could easily have been a photograph of her and Emmett sitting next to each other on the hood of his hummer that he would sometimes drive to school. I watched as Emmett walked over and whistled at the work before looking up at Margaret with a grin on his face.

"Damn Picasso, might as well have taken a picture as good as you drew us. But next time maybe make me look even more muscly yea?" (Em)

I rolled my eyes at his comment but my smile didn't disappear as she laughed at his comment. There was still a bit of remaining fear that existed when any of the guys other than me approached her here, but she was more than willing to laugh and be in the same room with Emmett now so I took that as success.

"Thank you Margaret. Emmett is right, it is very beautiful." (Rose)

I saw Margaret look back at Rose and smile again before she walked back over to my open embrace as I kissed her gently on the head, watching Rose gently trace the canvas with her finger as she looked at it. There was no telling how long it had taken Margaret to paint that, but I felt how much Rose appreciated the gesture even if she still wasn't thrilled with the idea of a human being so close to us. 

"Well ready to go then Margaret?" (J)

"If you are?" (M)

"Be back by midnight kids, but have fun." (Car)

I nodded, knowing that the curfew was more for my mate so she could get some sleep tonight before Alice kidnapped her tomorrow for fashion and shopping and whatever else she could think of. Margaret stayed close by my side as we walked out of the house and towards my car, only letting go of my arm when I had the door opened for her. She hesitated for only a moment before she got in the car, and I shut the door gently behind her. She was already buckled when I climbed into the driver seat. 

"Well, here we go." (J)

"Here we go." (M) 

She slowly reached over but I already had my hand out and ready for her. She took it and gently gripped it as we started down the driveway, a country station already playing softly on the radio. It would never cease to amaze me that she had yet to say anything about the difference in our temperature. She was truly something else. 

"What movie are we going to see Jasper?" (M)

"Well....I honestly haven't thought of that yet. Would you be willing to change plans?" (J)

I watched as she tilted her head, curiosity coming off her in a gentle wave before she slowly nodded. I knew she would like my new idea better anyway, though of course I had Esme to thank for it as she had 'causally' mentioned it to Carlisle in passing today. There was an art exhibit only two blocks from the movie theater, which works from Dahli, Warhol, and even a few pieces from Van Gogh. 

The ride was silent but comfortable, and I was thrilled at the feelings of happiness and serenity that were drifting off my beautiful mate in the seat next to me. It wasn't until I was parking the car just outside the art exhibit that she let out a quiet gasp. I turned towards her worried she didn't like the idea but was rewarded by her smile that seemed to be lighting up her eyes as she looked at me. 

"We're going to this?" (M)

"Yes we are, I thought this might be better than a movie." (J)

She shook her head in agreement and was already out of the car before I could even get to her door. She gently shut the door and took my arm again as we walked towards the exhibit hall. The man at the entrance looked at us with an all too easy to read expression of disdain but took our tickets without complaint. It wasn't until he looked at the names on the tickets that I felt shock and fear overcome him. 

"Ah Mr. Cullen, forgive me I did not recognize you at first. Please enjoy the evening and come find me personally if you have any problems or questions at all." 

I nodded while Margaret glanced at me in question but remained silent until we were in the first room with public art pieces on display. She was looking at an abstract portrait before she turned to face me some. 

"So, what exactly was that?" (M)

"I would be lying if I didn't say that Esme and Carlisle have donated quite a bit of money to this place over the last few years. Enough to have our names recognized." 

She nodded and her smile returned as she leaned closer into my chest now that I had my arm wrapped around her waist. We walked through the first few exhibits before she stopped at a large reproduction version of Dahli's 'Santiago el Grande'. 

"This is my favorite painting to date." (M)

"Really?" (J)

"Yes it's just.....I don't know. I first saw it in a book a few months after my mom had died and it was....comforting." (M)

I saw a few tears start to form in her eyes but her emotions were all calm and content. She looked at me just as a single tear fell from her beautiful blue eyes, a smile on her face that only served to make her all the more beautiful. 

"Thank you for bringing me here Jasper, this is spectacular." (M) 

"I would do anything for you darlin." (J) 

"I believe you." (M) 

She looked up at me, her smile still unwavering even as my hand gently traced the right side of her face. My fingers lingered over each scar and yet her emotions remained calm and content as she leaned closer into my chest, her hands placed against my chest. I leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips before offering my arm as we moved towards another room full of art. It only took her a moment to wrap my arm around her waist instead of taking hold of my arm, and I couldn't be happier with that decision. 

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