Chapter 59

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Jasper's POV: 

I had rushed home as soon as I was finished, not waiting for the others as I used to. I just couldn't wait any longer to come home to Margaret. I was barely through the front door when I heard Edward's calm voice say she was asleep on the couch in the music room. I made way into the room as the notes of one of his new songs wafted through the air around us. I smiled as I saw her sleeping peacefully on the couch, as peaceful as she had ever looked. 

"Been like this long?" (Jas)

"Hmmm a bit, ever since I started playing her song. Her dreams.....well they are all about you. Perhaps telling her isn't the wrong move as she appears to care about you as much as you care about her." (Ed) 

"I know." (Jas) 

The rest of my words and worries about it scaring her away from me went unspoken though I knew he heard every word anyway. He ended the song smoothly, the final notes seeming to melt into the air before nodded and stood up before rushing from the house to start his own hunt with Alice as she left with him. We were all being a bit more cautious now that we knew that Margaret was staying with us. 

I walked over and kneeled next to her, gently brushing the hair away from her face, moving my hand away as she yawned and opened her eyes. A smile formed on her face as she stretched on the couch, another yawn leaving her mouth as she sat up. I stayed where I was and stared at the angel sitting in front of me, the sunlight beginning to stream in through the window behind her like a halo of light. 

"Hi. Good hunt?" (Mag)

"Hmmm very. Good nap?" (Jas)

"The best, Edward he.....he wrote me a song." (Mag)

"Probably doesn't hold a candle to the real thing." (Jas)

"No! It was beautiful. Are you home for the afternoon?" (Mag)

"I'm home until school tomorrow morning. What would you like to do?"(Jas)

"I.....well you promised me that you would show me what you look like in the sun and it's.....well it's sunny now Jasper." (Mag)

"So I did. Do you trust me?" (Jas)

"With my life." (Mag)

My heart seemed to swell at that one simple sentence as I rose and gently covered her eyes with my hand. I guided her to her feet before scooping her up into my arms, ensuring he kept her eyes closed as I took off running from the house. I knew just the place I wanted to take her, I wanted her to enjoy the view before well before I risked losing her. It was only a few moments of running before I reached the mountain cliff I wanted to take her to. It was a day's climb or hike for a human but was avoided because of ice during the winter, and it was just high enough to avoid any risk of cloud coverage today. 

I set her down on her feet, standing behind her, kissing one of the scars on the right side of her neck before I told her to open her eyes. I smiled at her soft gasp as she looked at the snow-covered forest below us. The house was only a few miles away but I knew that her human eyes couldn't see it as I could. 

"I should have brought my sketchbook." (Mags)

A laugh broke my silence even as my nerves still seemed to be on high alert at what I was about to do. I kissed her neck once more before I took a few steps back from her, unbuttoning my shirt as I did. I knew she was listening and was now more focused on what I was doing than the view before her, but she didn't turn around until I said her name. 

When she turned I knew she would see the same thing that everyone did, the glistening shimmering skin of a killer. As I felt her emotions though, that wasn't what I felt. I felt wonder, curiosity, and love flow from her. God this was surely an angel sent straight from heaven for me, though why I would be given such a gift I wasn't sure. I felt her emotions shift to concern as she took a step closer, her hand gently tracing my chest before I realized what would make her so concerned. 

"Jasper......what.....these are scars." (Mag)

"They are Maggie. I didn't have the exact same raising as my siblings, not at first. I've got more battle scars on me than even you do." (Jas)

"Will you......will you trust me enough to tell me your story after you were turned?" (Mag) 

"I do. You know I was turned by a vampire named Maria. But what you may not know is that she was involved in the southern vampires war, a war of vampires trying to control large territories to have the best.....the best hunting ground." (Jas)

I had bowed my head in shame, knowing that she was going to finally realize what a monster I was. I felt her hand gently raise my head, enough so that she was looking into my eyes. She gave me a soft smile and told me it was ok and to go on. 

"Maria had sensed I would be a good addition to her army, a Major just as I was in the confederate army. My gift was just an added bonus. So I helped train her army. The scars are bites wounds when the newborns would fight one another and I would have to break them up. I was....I was good at my jobs. I could influence their feelings of loyalty and when they outlived their purpose I could make them numb before.....before killing them." (Jas)

"How did......when did you leave?" (Mag)

"I had formed a close friend while a member of Maria's coven, Peter. He was like a brother to me and I had persuaded Maria to keep him in the coven. We served her for years until one year, when we were told to get rid of the vampires that had out-served their purpose, had lost their newborn strength, he turned against me. It was when we were meant to destroy this....well honestly she's a lot like Alice in personality and size except she had blond hair. Her name was Charlotte and when it was her turn, Peter told her to run and then quickly followed." (Jas)

"You let them leave didn't you? You could have caught them both" (Mag) 

"Yes, I let them run. I could feel their emotions for one another and knew why he was risking everything to save her. He loved her, and she loved him. He came back a year later and urged me to join, there weren't any such wars here in the northern hemisphere. So......I left Maria's coven and never looked back. I met up with Alice in a small diner a few years later, she had been waiting for me. Said I was meant to be apart of her family, though she hadn't met them yet but that I would be great friend with her mate after we met. She was right as she often is." (Jas) 

I saw her nod, taking a step closer to me, even as I stayed still as a statue I had kept the number of humans I had murdered out of the story, though I was sure she somehow already knew. Her smile never left, even as curiosity and confusion great in her eyes and emotions again. She gently placed her hands on my chest, tracing a few more of the prominent scars before looking up at me. 

"Jazz?" (Mags)

"Yes darlin?" (Jas) 

"Were you and Maria......were you mates?" (Mag)

"What? No, no of course not. I won't lie darlin we I suppose is the word but Maria's mate had been killed off in a war long before I was turned." (Jas)

"Have you ever found your mate?" (Mag)

"I have, and she is the most beautiful angel I could have ever dreamed of and she is warm in my arms right now. A place I hope she doesn't mind being." (Jas)

"I'm your mate? And you're happy about that?" (Mag)

"Oh Maggie darlin, I'm more than happy about it. I'm the happiest I've ever been in this life or the next." (Jas) 

Her smiled seemed to explode just as the last rays of sunlight were fading behind the mountain, setting in the sky to lead way for the stars to appear. She leaned in closer and let me capture her lips with my own as her fingers found their way into my hair and mine found their way around her waist to pull her up and closer to me. I felt her shiver as we parted for air and I was reminded abruptly that while I was comfortable and while she was wearing a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants with thick fuzzy socks, it was still in the 40s right now. 

"Let's get you home and warm and see what Esme has made you for dinner, shall we?" (Jas)

"Yes, please. Let's go home." (Mag) 

Alice's POV: 

My vision of Jasper and Margaret kissing on the mountain top ledge changed abruptly to Margaret telling Esme the chicken tortilla soup sounded good, before again changing abruptly to a vision I had seen once before but now it looked different. It was Margaret waking up from her transformation but where I had once seen her standing in front of Jasper with red eyes now they were silver and she was soon left screaming on the ground of a field before the vision turned blurry and I was almost shoved out of it and left with....with a headache? 

"What the hell was that?" (Ed) 

"Wowie for old Eddie boy to curse, or come close to it, it had to be somethin. Allie cat what's up luv?" (Elliot) 

"Margaret's turning vision is different than it was before, her eyes were silver and she was fine for a few seconds but then started screaming and then she was in an open field at night still screaming before it went blurry." (Al)

"What does it mean you think? Is she in danger?" (Rose) 

"No....I don't know. I.....don't understand it." (Al)

"Well.......until we do perhaps not tell Jasper. He's already been on edge about having to tell her about the whole mate thing. And last time he was on edge he nearly ripped about all our heads off at least once." (Em)

"Agreed, but Alice should anything else change we should know about it." (Ed)

"Of course. I'll keep looking too, but for now I think I need to go somewhere quiet." (Al) 

I walked past Edward, nodding off his unasked question of if I needed him to join me. I just needed some actual quiet time for headache to go away. I didn't know that vampires could even get headaches. This entire vision was literally a trip, and not a good one. I would need to keep as close an eye on this as possible. There was no way I was letting anything happen to my grand-niece. Though of course I had yet to tell her that we were actually related....well one thing at a time I suppose. 

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