Chapter 39

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Esme's POV: (Dec 6th-2:00 am) 

I was watching Carlisle closely as Alice made her petition to us both, the rest of the family out hunting before we were to have a family meeting. I had immediately agreed to her idea, wondering why Jasper hadn't thought of it first unless he had and was worried about her living here with us. It wasn't the safest option by most standards, but it would still be better than living with her abuser any longer than she had too. I just hoped Jasper saw it the same. 

"Are you sure you see her joining us Alice?" (C)

"Yes, it changes sometimes but she is always with us and always with Jasper. And he has already expressed his desire to follow her wherever she decides to go after she graduates. This way she wouldn't have to go anywhere she doesn't want to." (Al)

"And it'll be safe? Not just for her but for us as well?" (C)

"I'll keep so close a watch on everything there is no way it wouldn't. Please Carlisle, we have to get her out of there." (Al)

I watched him sigh as he looked at Alice and then looked up to meet my eyes. I saw some of the tension and worry leave his eyes as he looked at me. I gave him a gentle smile as I nodded at his unasked question. I wanted this too, and Carlisle would know why it struck so close to my heart. After all I was stuck in an abusive marriage with no escape for years until I threw myself off a cliff. 

"Alright then. We will put it to a vote as soon as everyone gets back from hunting." (C) 

"Oh thank you!" (Al) 

We watched as she sprinted from the room and then from the house to get a deer or two of her own before the meeting. I was watching from the window in Carlisle's office on the rest to return when his arms wrapped gently around me. 

"Are you sure this is the best option for Margaret? I'm know we're all thinking of how much improved Jasper has been since meeting her but.....well are you sure dear?" (C) 

"Absolutely, I have never been more sure." (E)

"Well then, let's hope this doesn't turn into a family argument instead of a meeting. Our last kitchen table still hasn't recovered from the last one." (C)

I felt a chuckle leave my mouth as I remembered how Emmett had nearly broken the table into a hundred pieces when Elliot told him he was leaving again. Emmett and Elliot were the best of 'mates' as Elliot said and he didn't take being told he couldn't go with him very kindly. His lips pressed against my temple as we saw Elliot and Jasper arrive back from the hunt first. 

"Well dear, better go down and get ready I suppose." (E) 

Margaret's POV: (Dec. 6th) 

 I felt nervous. I wasn't sure why, it was just a feeling that something was coming, something not good. I hadn't had any dreams about anymore of the Cullens dying, but the feeling of impending doom or dread was similar to how it felt in one of those dreams. I just couldn't figure out why. Things with Randy had been fairly quiet the last few days, which was odd, since he hadn't left to go out of town with his friends or with Carly so there was no reason for him to be so.....cheerful. 

I was lost in my thoughts in the library before a gentle tap on my shoulder had me jumping in my seat and spinning in my chair only to come face to face with Alice. She a guilty look on her face even as she offered me an apologetic smile. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you but I did say your name like twice. You just....didn't respond." (Al)

"Oh, I'm sorry about that Alice I was just....thinking." (Mag)

"I could tell. I was coming to talk to you about something, Jazz thinks I shouldn't but well I already got Esme and Carlisle's permission. And overall the family voted in agreement, we both know how Rose can be so she was a bit difficult. But I..... well I really hope you'll at least hear me out and say yes to the invitation because it would mean so much to us especially Jasper." (Al) 

I could tell she was rambling and she seemed more nervous than her normal bubbly self. I waited for her to take a pause, as she herself seemed to be rambling before apologized again with a soft smile. 

"What is it you're inviting me to Alice?" (Mag)

"Well....Esme knows your situation with your guardian isn't ideal but since you turn 18 in a few days you can legally leave. We were hoping, well we were hoping you would like to move in with us? At least until school finished as you graduate, that way you'll have a safer place to stay. Oh please say yes! Please!" (Al)

"Y'all want me move in with your family? And everyone is alright with this?" (Mag)

"Yes! Please please do. It would mean so much and I know that Esme and I and Jasper would rest easier knowing your somewhere safe." (Al) 

I sat frozen in my seat as she rocked on back and forth on her heels, her hands clasped tightly together in front of her. I could practically see the energy radiating off her, even though she was holding it back quiet well. This was better than anything I could have dreamed. I had already thought about asking Mrs. Esme and Dr. Cullen if I could stay with them for a few days while I looked for a part-time job and got my own place after I turned 18. But she was here inviting me to live there. 

I felt a smile grow on my face as I nodded to a request I had already been hoping for. I barely had time to brace myself as she yanked me to my feet and into a hug. I felt myself return the hug without a second thought as laughter, pure blissful laughter, left my mouth just as it seemed to leave hers as well. I was safe. I had somewhere to go when I turned 18 in just a few short days. Finally I was safe. 

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