Chapter 54

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Margaret's POV: (December 29th-early morning hours) 

I was standing in the middle of a large crowd, sweat seeming to fall off my face in heavy drops as the music blasted around me in a haze of fog and laser lights. It was a song I recognized, 'Blitzkreig Bop', but the band playing it sounded so much like the original band I wondered if they weren't a specialty cover band. I had only a moment to wonder who's death I was dreaming before I saw him. His smile just as wide as it always seemed to be, his eyes a deep brown. His blond hair seemed brighter in this lighting, and his neon green and yellow striped shirt seemed to be one of the more dull outfits compared to what was around us.

I walked up next to him just as a woman took his hand and drug him outside, the noise of the band still there but muffled now by the heavy door she had just pulled him out. She shoved him playfully into a wall before she started kissing him, and I wondered if this was actually a death dream at all until I saw the larger man walking down the ally towards us. I wanted to scream, wanted to tell him to leave to run away but I couldn't. I was ever only like a ghost in these dreams. I heard the man ask a question in a thick British accent before Elliot looked at him.

"Aye piss off mate, can't yah see we're busy?" (Elliot)

The guy laughed for a moment before he snatched the woman back and threw Elliot against the opposite wall. The sting from hitting the bricks seared into my back for a moment before the guy's hand wrapped around his throat and began choking Elliot. I felt myself start coughing just as he did, struggling to breath as my own windpipe was crushed just as his was.

"Tha is no way to talk to an old friend is it? Now, where's my feckin money Elliot?"

"I told you, I'll....have it to yah soon. Swear on my life."

"You must be taking the piss you little bastard. I asked you where the feck my money is you little shite. Where is it??!!?"

"I told you Skip.......I'll have it next week....I s-swear!"

"You said that last week, I ain given no more chances."

I caught my breath as the guy let go of Elliot for a moment, before the pain of a broken nose forced me back and a yell left my mouth as the guy swung and hit Elliot directly in the face a second time. He laughed as he looked back at the woman before he turned to face Elliot again. I watched with tears falling from my eyes, and the sensation of blood dripping from my nose just as it was from Elliots now. I watched in horror as Elliot went after him with his own fists raised, already knowing the outcome of this fight.

Elliot swung but missed as a flash of silver and two shots rang out in the cold air around us. I felt the piercing pain of the bullets go through his abdomen and chest. He feel to how knees on the ground bleeding out when the woman walked over to the man. I was kneeling next to Elliot, his pain my pain as he bled out in the ally and I cried and screamed for him as we both collapsed back onto the cold cobblestone street.

"Christ Skip, you didn't have to go shooting him, he would have given you what you wanted."

"Yea well I didn't want his bloody hands on my woman, get his wallet let's go. Street scum was never gonna pay, not all he owed anyway."

The woman didn't argue as she got Elliot's wallet from his pocket and quickly left down the same ally they came from. I felt tears start to fall from my face as his pain and therefore my own seemed to grow before dimming, and I knew what it meant. I felt my breath struggle in my chest as it was for him, before the taste of blood in mouth and a loud wet cough leaving his mouth showered us both with a mist of blood.

I clenched at his hand, unable to grasp it as I was nothing more real here then an invisible ghost. I closed my eyes and allowed tears to fall at a rapid pace at both the pain and his fate. It wasn't until I opened my eyes at the sound of soft voices that I saw Carlisle and Esme both standing over him.

" me." (El)

"Carlisle we have to, please." (Esme)

I saw Carlisle nod before Elliot was no longer lying in the ally but was soon on a soft bed, but then a new pain began to course through his body and my own. A pain that was all too familiar as it burned through me like lava or acid in my veins. I screamed with Elliot as his body seemed to be engulfed in invisible flames, screaming until the very moment his heart stopped and he died just as all the other's in the family had before him.


I woke with a scream leaving my mouth even as my nerves still aches from his fiery feeling death. I flinched back into the corner of the bed against the wall as hands had touched my shoulders. It wasn't until I realized it was Jasper at my side that I allowed myself to relax into his soothing cool touch as tears continued to fall down my face.

"Shhhh darlin. It's alright, I'm here." (J)

"But Elliot, h-he's, nooo" (Mags)

"Elliot! Get in here!" (J)

Jasper's POV: 

I felt her flinch closer into my arms as I shouted, an action that I knew would probably happen. But as she didn't know what we were yet, whispering or asking him to come in at a normal volume would not have appeared possible. I felt my shirt dampen with her tears as I continued to trace gentle circles on her back to help soothe her as best as I could. A few seconds passed before a soft knock was heard, the door opening to reveal as distraught looking Elliot. 

He walked over to the bed slowly, but before he was even fully seated on the edge of the bed, Margaret had shot out of my arms and launched herself towards him. He caught her in his arms, murmuring that he was alright as she spoke in broken sobs about his impending death. He caught my eyes as she sobbed into his chest, self-loathing and apologetic feelings rolling off him in waves. I nodded that I understood, I was honestly just grateful that he was here to help me calm her down. After a few minutes she slowly left his embrace, returning to mine without any hesitation even as her hand never let go of his own. 

" can't go to any concerts while I......while I draw breath. Please." (Mags)

"I promise I won't until you tell me I can dove. I swear it." (El)

"That's everyone but Emmett, Carlisle, and Edward." (J) 

I felt her nod as she flinched back into my chest. I knew that she wouldn't willingly return to bed now, and I slowly pulled her into my arms and stood with her bridal style. Elliot gently pulling his hand away as I did, a soft smile sent to Margaret, even as his own feelings were still distraught at the pain he had caused her in a dream. 

"I'll be aroun dove if yeh need me today. Try an rest some though. Mum will be right mad if you get sick cause you weren sleepin right." (El) 

She nodded, a brief smile crossing her face before it disappeared and she turned away from him, burying her face into my chest. I knew that Alice would have a comfortable chair and small table with her drawing supplies already on it in the greenhouse. She would have seen that as my plan for today before the dream happed, and would have set it up perfectly as she always had for us before. 

Margaret stayed silent, her tears seeming to slow as we made our way out of the house and to the greenhouse. I sat in the chair, with her still in my arms, as she looked around just once at the soft light of the few scattered lights of the greenhouse. The moon nearly half full reflecting off the glass of the windows overhead, casting a pearly sheen on everything it touched, including the angel in my arms. 

"Thank you Jasper." (Mags)

"I will do everything in my power darlin to protect you and make you happy." (J) 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now