Chapter 61

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Margaret's POV: (January 9th-around 9 pm)

We got of the plane, Jasper carrying my bag over his shoulder in addition to his own small bag in his left hand as I clung to his right. I hadn't been home to Biloxi in years but as soon as we were out of the airport and in the rental car Rosalie had arranged it felt as if I had never left. I rolled the window of the car down as Jasper drove us out of Lundy's airport, the air flowing into the car seemed to welcome me home.

"Welcome home darlin." (Jas)

"Only if you're with me." (Mag)

I looked away briefly from the lights on the water that could be seen a bit off, a smile crossing my face as I stared into the amber colored eyes. I knew the flight couldn't have been easy on him, which made his willingness to take me here all the more special. I kept my hand in his as I turned my sight back on the reflecting lights on the water as he drove us to old Biloxi Cemetery. It was where both Granny Cynthia and mom were buried, in the family plot.

It only took an hour or so to reach the gate, and I knew they were closed but Jasper surprised me by driving through an open gate without hesitation.

"Alice might have pulled a few strings, and a donation may have been made to the upkeep of the grounds earlier today." (Jas)

"How much money do y'all actually have?" (Mag)

"Honestly darlin? Somewhere around 30 million maybe. Alice has helped with investments in the last few years." (Jas)

"Uhuh.........remind me to never try to pay for anything again." (Mag)

"Haha deal." (Jas)

My mind was still partially reeling before I saw he was slowing down in a plot that I remembered if only barely. It was well kept with freshly mown grass and small lights surrounding the fence as well as the individual graves. Jasper was out of his seat and opening my door before I even had time to take my seat belt off. I felt as if I was moving in slow motion as I got out of the car, practically clinging to Jasper as my lifeline as we walked towards two graves. I knew the one on the left was my Granny Cynthia's which means the one of the right was my mom's. I felt shaky as I finally stood in front of the tombstone, reading the inscription that I knew Randy had no part in.

Samantha Alice Brandon-Cole
July 15th, 1961 – November 19th 1990
Beloved daughter and mother
Gone from our side but never our heart

"Hi mom." (Mag)

"Do you want me to wait in the car for you? I can play some music and try not to listen." (Jas)

"No, I....I want you here." (Mag)

Jasper's POV:

I nodded as she said that, even though I dreaded her reading the letter and it saying avoid me or that I wasn't the one she was meant to love, I didn't want to leave her side. She glanced at the flowers that covered both her mom and grandmother's graves, a shaky breath leaving her body as she exhaled.

"This is Jasper mom, boyfriend. I think you would like him, he's a southern boy just like you wanted for me. I.....I miss you every day and I'm sorry I let Him break me so many times but.....but now with Jasper and his family, my new family I'm getting better." (Mag)

I let go of her hand as she reached in her back pocket for the letter she had brought with her. The letter that could very well be my undoing. It was with shaking hands that she opened it and pulled out two sheets of folded paper with a bit of yellowing noted in the edges from age. She opened it and glanced up at me and then the tombstone before she began reading with tears starting to grow in her eyes.

My darling daughter,
    I know that Randy doesn't want me to leave him. He thinks I belong to him, thinks that I can replaced what he's already lost. He's wrong, but in case I can't escape I know that one day you will. You're five now, and your visions are getting stronger. Granny Cynthia was right about it growing with age, and I hope that one day your gift makes more sense to you than it does now. As for what I've seen of your future love, well I've had the same vision of you every year on your birthday.
    Your future is a sight to behold. You are so lovely, even more so than I could ever wish. The smile on your face could cause men to believe they could fly, and it warms my heart knowing that such a future is in store for you. The man that comes to love you and you him, is just as handsome as I could ever dream of for you. I've had Granny Cynthia sketch him for us both, though I feel it may be the last thing she does for us as your dream of her happened only a few weeks ago. She and I are at peace with it, though I know we will miss her dearly.
   The man you love will take care of you and protect you, and I know he isn't a normal man. I'm not quite sure what he is but normal isn't the right word. Though based on my vision neither are you a normal woman anymore with him, though no matter what age you reach you will always just be my little Maggie.
     Live and love well my darling daughter.
                  Love always, mom

She finished the letter with tears flowing from her eyes, and her hands still shaking. She took a step back from me and I let her, not fully wanting to see the sketch that was surely on the second page. She gently folded the letter back up before looking at the sketch on the second page. I felt for her emotions but she felt only the same calm, happy acceptance that she started feeling the moment she began reading. It wasn't until she laughed and looked up at me with tears still falling but a smile on her face.

"Do you want to see the sketch?" (Mag)

"Only if you want to show it Maggie." (Jas)

"They almost got it right, but the eyes.....well how could they get those right without seeing them as often as I do." (Mag)

I felt hope at her words and it exploded into love as she turned the page towards me and it was without question a sketch of me holding Maggie in my arms, both of us smiling out of the page. I could see what her mom meant, Margaret was even more flawless looking in the image than she was now. The scars were absent, but perhaps her mom's vision didn't include a car crash. I knew that her mom saw her as a vampire and even though I knew it should upset me that it meant she would become like me, it didn't. I was happy to know that her mom saw me with her daughter, knew I wasn't normal and accepted it.

I watched as Margaret folded the sketch back up and placed both it and the letter in the envelope before nearly tackling me in a tight hug. I felt her sigh and a light laugh left both her and me before she pulled away and looked back at her mom.

"Oh mom, if you only knew how amazing he is. He is the best thing that I could have ever wished for. I love him." (Mag)

"And I love her, and will do everything in my power to keep her happy for long as I exist." (Jas)

We spent a few more minutes staring towards her mom's grave with my arms wrapped around her. I gently kissed her on the head, smiling bigger as she looked up at me with her eyes twinkling in the light of the nearly full moon behind us.

"Let's go home Jasper, I'd hate for you to miss school in the morning." (Mag)

"Oh you little minx, when your eyes sparkle like that it's hard to even think of arguing. If you're truly ready we can go, just know we can come back any time you want." (Jas)

"Thanks Jazz. Bye mom, by Granny Cynthia. I love you both." (Mag)

I waited for her to turn away before scooping her up and into my arms. She stifled a giggle behind her hand as I carried her to the car. I could have let her walk but I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted to hold her as often as I could and as often as she would let me. To me it represented her moving forward and truly being able to beat the memories of what she had been through. It was her success, even if I benefitted from it as well.

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