Chapter 36

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Margaret's POV: (Nov. 27th) 

I had spent the last two days in complete bliss, even though I knew that it was in risk of crumbling when I returned home tonight. Randy was due back around 10 and I knew I needed to be secure and safe inside my room if I wanted to avoid any type of confrontation. I could really only hope that Carly was with him as he at least tried to pretend he was decent then. The last few days had been like a dream, a wonderful, amazing dream. Even as I was dreading it ending, I was so thankful for it. 

Now I found myself staring at the unfinished sketch of a lily, as I had been doing for the last hour or so. It seemed that this time there was too many thoughts going through my mind for even drawing to tame. And every single thought was about Jasper. His smile, his smell, his laugh, his golden curls. Everything about him was etched into my mind, and I couldn't help but feel as if I was complete when I was with him.

It sounded as cliché as any romantic comedy movie, or Shakespearian play I could think of. Yet, I saw Jasper as a permanent part of my life now. I couldn't imagine a future without him, but I knew it wouldn't last. I had seen his death weeks ago, and I knew that I couldn't change it even if I wanted too. Death was final. Which meant that......meant that I had fallen in love with a man condemned to die within a year or two. I felt tears start to fall from my eyes and I hastily shut the sketch book so I wouldn't ruin any of the pages.

Today was the first time I had openly admitted to myself that I loved him, even though I knew as much as I tried to ignore it, that he was going to die. It wasn't fair. Nothing in my life ever was but this was even more not fair than usual. To find the man that I felt completed me in every way only to have to lose him in such a short amount of time.

"It's not fair." (Mag)

"What's not fair?" (Jas)

I nearly jumped up when I heard his voice from behind me, but for once not out of fear but surprise. I was not expecting to see him back from his trip with Carlisle and Edward so soon, wherever they went so soon. I forced myself to smile a bit as he walked closer and sat next to me on the bench in Esme's greenhouse, wiping away tears as I avoided his gaze for a moment.

"It's nothing that I should worry about right now, not yet anyway." (M)

I watched as his eyes narrowed some in confusion but he didn't ask anymore questions about it for now. He carefully took my sketch book out of my hands and opened to the flower sketch I had been working on only moments ago, his smile growing as he looked at it. Ignoring my tears as I wanted him to. That was something else about him, he had learned so quickly that I would talk when I was ready and that he didn't to question me every time I seemed upset.

"You're right about something, it's not fair that you can manage to draw a lily better than the flower itself can produce one." (Jas)

I looked at him and saw his golden eyes swirling with that one emotion I've never been able to properly capture onto paper. I saw his smile grow some before he kissed me gently on the lips. A sigh left my mouth before I began leaning away. I smiled as I finally realized what that emotion had to be, it was love. I knew it then that he loved me as I loved him, and that made my fear about losing him so quickly disappear as soon as it had formed.

"Jasper, can we.....can we talk?" (Mag)

"Of course Margaret, what about?" (Jas)

"I've been thinking a lot recently....about us." (Mag)

"Oh." (J)

I saw the hesitation enter his eyes, and I realized I may not have gone about this the best way. It sounded like a break-up speech when in fact it was the exact opposite. I reached out toward his hand, and he took it gently without a word. I smiled at the cooling touch, as it seemed to calm me as I continued. 

"Yes, and I've come to realize is something that changes everything." (Mag)

"What might that be?" (Jas)

"I love you." (Mag)

"What?" (Jas)

I saw the concern leave his eyes as it was replaced with a sparkling that I had come to love. A smile returning on his face, nearly dazzling me with its intensity as he stared at me. His grip on my hand tightened just a bit, but not in a painful way as I would have feared from any other man than him. My own smile grew as I leaned closer to him again, my other hand slowly raising toward his cheek before resting there. 

"I love you, Jasper Cullen." (Mag)

" birth name is Whitlock." (Jas) 

"I love you Jasper Cullen Whitlock." (Mag) 

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hearthose words from you Margaret because I love you too with every fiber of mybeing." (Jas)

"I heard you say it the other night, I just wasn't.....I wasn't ready yet to admit it to myself but I've loved you for a while." (Mag)

"I would have waited for forever for you to say it."  (Jas)

I was going to say something else but decided against it as his lips found my own again. My hair was soon running through his soft golden curls, as his gently traced the scars on my face before coming to rest at the back of my neck. If someone had told me that I could be this happy a few months ago, I would have told them they were crazy. But now, I can't imagine how it gets any better than this. 

A few moments after kissing had moved to starting to make-out we heard Alice's sing-song voice calling for us. It was his turn to sigh as he leaned away from me. The kisses had just begun to turn a bit more passionate than we had ever had, and I blushed as I realized I had moved to sitting in his lap in the short time we had started. I went to climb off him but his hands locked around my waist, trapping my legs around his own as he sent me a wink and a sneaky smile. 

My blush felt burned onto my cheeks as Alice walked into the greenhouse and saw us in what could easily be considered a compromising position. She stopped for a second before her smile grew some, and she glanced over her shoulder back towards the main house before looking back at us. 

"Better hurry, mom wants to set Margaret up with to-go plates before leaving in a few hours. And I'd hate for her to catch you two in this.....situation." (Al) 

Another blush flooded my face before the first even had a chance to leave as she let out a giggle as I buried my face into his chest. I felt his arms move from my waist to my back as he hugged me closer to him. I was starting to lean away from him but let out a mild squeal of surprise as he stood up with my legs still wrapped securely around his waist. His own laugh echoed in my ears, seeming to flood me with the most peace I had ever felt, before another noise of surprise escaped me as he spun me around and was essentially giving me a piggy back ride. 

He picked my sketch book up and without any signs of difficulty or tiring began walking up back to the house. I laid my head down on his shoulder, my arms wrapped gently around his neck, as he walked towards the house. Alice had already disappeared inside, but as the rain had stopped for a few moments Jasper didn't seem to be in any big rush and honestly neither was I. I was just happy to be with him in this moment. To be with the man and family that I was coming to love. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now