Chapter 16

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Jasper's POV:

I was furious. No that wasn't even enough, I was beyond even that as I heard that Rosalie was mean to my mate and made her cry. I felt a surge of pure anger rush through me as I saw red and charged at Rosalie, Emmett barely catching me as I lunged for her head. Edward was helping Emmett hold me back but I wanted her to hurt like she hurt my mate. She wasn't even acting as if she was sorry for any of it either. I let out another snarl before Alice came into my field of vision.

"Jazz, I know you're super upset at Rose right now, but the sooner you calm down the sooner you can go hang out with Margaret. She's with Esme right now looking over some sketches but I told her you wanted to take her somewhere tonight." (Alice)

I felt my anger dissipate like a fire with a bucket of water tossed on it. Take my mate somewhere? Like our first date? Where would I even take her? Out to eat wasn't the best plan. A movie was boring and wouldn't give us the chance to talk. I saw Alice roll her eyes for a moment before looking back at me.

"The observatory in Rochester. I already bought you the tickets and it'll be a romantic setting but will give you the chance to talk and they'll have food for her. Now go change. You smell like bear." (Alice)

She lightly shoved me towards the house and I gave one more growl at Rosalie before I took off for my room. I heard Esme talking with Margaret downstairs and felt small waves of happiness coming off her underneath the constant pain. Alice had told me about Rosalie being rude to Margaret but not everything about their conversation and I knew she was hiding something else about this afternoon as well, though I would let it go for now.

I changed into the cream-colored button down that Alice had laid out on the bed and threw on some black slacks and my dress shoes. I combed through my hair before I forced myself to walk at a human pace down the stairs. I walked into the living room and was stopped in my tracks when my mate looked up from a book that she and Esme were flipping through on the couch together.

"Ah there you are Jasper. Margaret was just showing me some of her work, and you young man did a horrible job telling me of her talent. She is even better than you said she was." (Esme)

I saw a blush creep up on her face as Esme complimented her like that, and in this moment, she couldn't look more perfect unless she had a halo above her head. I smile as she smiles back at me, a bit more cautiously than I would like but all things considered this afternoon I'm not upset at that. At least she's smiling at all. She stands up and I see why Alice picked out the cream-colored shirt as it matches her skirt. She walks over to me with the same smile on her face as she does.

"I thought that I would take you out for some fun tonight Margaret, if you'd like?" (Jas)

"Alice mentioned you might want to, and I'd.....I'd love to Jasper." (Mag)

I could have picked her up and swung her around in my arms when she said that, but I held in my excitement and instead offered her my arm. She took it as a slight blush crossed her face, both of us saying a brief goodbye to Esme as we walked outside to my car. I opened the door and felt her nerves come up before I squeezed her hand in an attempt to calm her down. She didn't say anything but climbed in and buckled up as I shut the door gently behind her. I climbed into the driving seat, cranking the engine before I felt for her emotions.

I felt anxiety and fear come off of her in waves before she glanced at me and seemed to calm down some. I smiled at her before I reached over and took her hand in mine, gently squeezing, before she returned the smile a bit. I started backing out the driveway, never letting go of her hand as she stared out the window. I saw her turn to face me when we got on the highway and I turned my head to meet her gaze for a moment.

"You doing alright Margaret?" (Jas)

"I'm fine right now I think. But can I.....can I turn on a radio station?" (Mag)

"Of course, whatever station you'd like to hear is fine with me." (Jas)

I watched another blush cross her face before she started flipping through radio channels, stopping on one that played soft country. I felt a smirk cross my face at her choice, as she looked at me rather than the road in front of us, though I suspect that may be helpful in keeping her calm if she doesn't look at the road. I heard an old country love song come on and started singing with it, seeing her smile grow as I did. When the song was over I looked over and saw the largest smile on her that I have ever seen and it was just as beautiful as I thought it would be.

"That was great Jasper." (Mag)

"Well thank you ma'am." (Jas)

"Jasper, where are we going?" (Mag)

"Well it was meant to be a surprise, but I guess since we're only a few minutes away anyway it won't hurt to tell you now. I'm taking you to the observatory." (Jas)

"Really??" (Mag)

"Yes, if that's alright with you of course. We can always pick a different destination." (Jas)

"No, it sounds perfect. It might even give me more things to draw on." (Mag)

I felt my heart lighten at the amount of excitement and happiness coming off of her as I pulled into the parking lot for the observatory. I parked and got out of the car and to her side as quickly as humanly possible, opening the door just as she was starting to reach for the handle. I smile at her blush as I help her out of the car, offering my arm as we walked towards the observatory.

*******Hour later***********

I was sitting next to Margaret pointing out different constellations, when she leaned against my shoulder. I froze for a moment as the scent of her blood washed over me, but like always it wasn't calling out to me as any other human's did. It still only called out to me as if she was asking for help. I waited for another second before putting my arm around her shoulders, smiling when she didn't move away or tense. She stayed relaxed as she continued leaning up against my shoulder.

"Jasper, where are you from?" (Mag)

"Texas, just outside Houston though I've lived with Carlisle and Esme since Rose and I were five." (Jas)

"I knew it had to be somewhere in the south, southern accents are always easy to spot no matter how much it's faded." (Mag)

"What about you Margaret? You've got a bit of a southern accent as well." (Jas)

"Biloxi, Mississippi. But I haven't been there in years. I've lived here since.....basically since my mom died." (Mag)

I felt a wave of sadness come off of her before a sense of peace followed as she laid her head back down on my shoulder. I smiled at how close she was willing to be to me, and how she never seemed bothered by how much colder I was than her.

"I'm sorry Margaret. My parents both died when I was younger, but Carlisle took me and Rose in and we lived in California for a few years before moving here. We were the last two adopted, the others had been with them for a few years." (Jas)

"Carlisle and Esme seem like perfect parents." (Mag)

"Not for everyone I suppose, but for us they are." (Jas)

"Jasper, is this a date?" (Mag)

"Only if you want it to be." (J)

"I......I think I would like it to count as a date." (Mag)

I saw her smile up at me for a moment as I smiled down at her before I watched hers disappear in a flash. I felt fear and worry come off her in waves as it replaced the happiness and peace she had been experiencing only a moment ago. I frowned at the sudden change, wondering if it was what I had said.

"Are you alright Margaret?" (Jas)

"I......Jasper, can I talk to you about something personal?" (Mag)

"Of course darling." (Jas)

"Outside maybe?" (Mag)

She sat up from my shoulder and looked at me, biting her lip as I felt the worry come off her in waves. I tried to offer her a reassuring smile as I nodded, standing with her and taking her hand into mine as we left the main observatory building and went outside to a small side garden that was left open for tonight. I led her over to one of the swings between some trees, sitting next to her as I felt her anxiety grow.

"Alice, Rosalie, and Esme.....saw something today when they were doing my hair and my makeup. I.......I feel like I should tell you." (Mag)

"Margaret, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." (Jas)

"I want to though because I trust you and....I like hanging out with you so I know it's only a matter of time before you see it like they did. And you should know about it if you......if you really want to know me." (Mag)

"Only if you're sure Margaret. I never want you to feel forced to show me something, and I never want you to feel as if you could scare me off." (Jas)

"I don't feel forced. I'm just.....scared." (Mag)

"Margaret, I never want you to feel scared with me. I'd never hurt you darlin, that I can promise." (Jas)

"It's a different kind of fear." (M)

"What kind?" (J)

"Fear of what you'll think of me." (M)

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