Chapter 40

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Chapter 39 (Dec. 11th) 

Jasper's POV: 

I was hesitant in running to Alaska right now. I knew that Kate was expecting most of us tonight, but the thought of leaving Margaret again for another 4 or even 5 days had me nervous. Alice had already sworn she was watching her future like a hawk, but we all knew that visions could change quicker than we could ever truly anticipate. I was going to head over to Margaret's in just a moment or two, simply waiting on it to get dark out before I headed over. I wanted to make sure she was alright with me going out of town again. 

She could easily lie on a text, but it was harder for her to lie to me face to face. Even when I have trouble picking up on her emotions, her eyes give away a bit more than expected. It took forever before I finally left for her house. She had already texted me that she would leave her window unlocked, and it didn't shock me to see her sitting up on the bed with a sketchpad on her lap as she waited for me to get there. 

I smiled as she looked up at the gentle knock on the window as I opened it, her smile seeming to add twice the amount of light in the dimly lit room as she shut her book and placed it gently on the table next to her. I climbed in the window and up next to her on the bed, greeting one another not with words but with a kiss that I would never tire of. It ended much to soon for my liking, but necessary for her to breathe. 

"I didn't expect you until later." (Mag) 

"I can leave and come back later if you like?" (J)

"No J, I'm happy you're here early. It's more time to spend with you before you....before you leave. J?" (Mag)

"Yes darlin?" (J)

"You are coming back aren't you? This isn''s hard to explain I've just had this bad feeling the last few days and you aren't leaving men and just not telling me are you?" (Mags)

"Oh darlin no. I would never leave you like that. This is only see you later, this isn't goodbye darlin." (J)

"Promise?" (Mag)

"On my very existence." (Jas)

"I love you." (Mag)

"Not nearly as much as I love you." (Jas) 

I smiled as she snuggled closer into my open arms, laying her head on my chest and allowing me to play with the gentle curls in her hair as she started to fall asleep. I worried about the bad feeling she had been having the last few days but hoped it was just the approach of finals and her 18th birthday that was causing such feelings. 

*Sexual violence-rape, abuse, torture, etc, are all described in the following part. Reader discretion is advised. If you are caught in an abusive relationship, please reach out to someone, anyone, even me. Feel free to skip ahead to next chapter.* 

Margaret's POV: (Dec. 12th)

I had said goodbye to Jasper an hour before sunrise, keeping any tears from falling in his sight. I didn't want him to know how badly I wanted him to stay here. I knew he was visiting family in Alaska and I knew he wanted to go, even as he had offered to stay here with me instead. I didn't want to stop him from being with his family. But now as I stay curled up in a ball on my bed and listen to Randy and Carly screaming and practically snarling at each other from the living room, I wish I had. 

I had never heard him this angry before as I heard slam the door behind her before I heard her car drive out of the drive and leave the neighborhood all in a matter of seconds. I heard his footsteps pounding through the house but before I could get up and lock the door he burst through it. I froze at the look of pure rage that seemed permanently etched on his face, and my heart seemed to stop for a moment out of absolute fear of the monster that was standing in front of me. Not a second later and he was dragging me into his room and slamming the door shut.

I tried to pry my arm from his grasp but he only laughed before slapping me across the face and flinging me onto the bed. I saw my last chance to escape him as I tried to scramble off the bed but I was not successful in my attempt. I didn't make it far at all before he yanked me back and threw me  towards the headboard of the bed.

I felt my skull hit the thick oak of the headboard and felt a wet sticky substance go down my neck as stars danced in front of my eyes. I felt him handcuff my arms to the board before slapping me again. I heard him laugh before I opened my eyes and saw two Randy's in front of me as stars kept dancing in my vision at the foot of the bed.

I blinked a few times and saw only one Randy above me instead of the two I previously saw. It was only then I realized my feet were handcuffed as well. I saw the red butt of the cigarette light up in the dark as he took a long drag from it. He walked over and leaned down before he pressed the red butt onto my stomach. I cried out and begged him to stop as I felt it burn me but he only laughed before he pulled it away and re-lit it before he took another drag off of it.

I felt tears start to fall onto my face as he laughed and I prayed to just die right then and there, but I guess that wasn't God's plan as I didn't even pass out. The smell of my own flesh burning seemed to fill that air around me but it wasn't what held my attention at the moment. All my attention was captured when I felt Randy pull my shorts off then pull out a knife and cut my tank off. He did the same to my panties, leaving me naked and sobbing on his bed.

"You, you fucking little princess are finally old enough to earn your fucking keep around here. I never wanted you even when I was with that whore of a woman that was your mother but I allowed it. And look where it got me. Stuck with you for the last ten years. Well not anymore you little bitch. I like a rough little show and since Carly no longer wants to be mine well then tonight you're the fucking star." (Ran)

I cried out again as he burned me again with the cigarette, his laugh drowning out my cries. I felt his calloused hands roam up my calves and then my thighs, just as he pulled the cigarette away and re-lit it. I felt my mouth act of its own accord not wanting to lose this to him as well as everything else I had already lost to him.

"No.....please don't. No." (Mag)

I felt his hands on my thighs stop for a moment before they disappeared, and I knew already that I had made a mistake this time with my pleas. I opened my eyes full of tears to find myself face to face with his murderous glare. I felt his hand grab my chin and squeeze as I looked at him, more tears falling as he did.

"Just for that comment you little bitch, I think I'll call the school and tell them you're sick with the flu or maybe mono and won't be able to return to school for the week. After all I've got some vacation days saved and with the break starting soon anyway, what does you missing a few days of school do anyway?" (Ran)

"No, please! Jasper!!" (Mag)

"Jasper? Ah so like mother like daughter then already? Always knew you'd eventually give it up to some boy. Ha, what you think some boy will save you now? Make yah a deal then, I'll stop when he shows up?" (Ran)

I wasn't given another chance to scream for help from anybody as I felt more tears fall as he stuffed a rag or possibly my ripped shirt into my mouth, slapping me again before he disappeared from my direct line of vision. I felt yet another burn from his cigarette on my skin as my scream of pain was muffled by the cloth in my mouth. As I always had during one of Randy's beatings, I prayed for death. But just like always death didn't come as I felt his rough and calloused hands start to cup my breasts. His lips and teeth were soon sucking and biting my neck and all I could do was cry and lay there as it happened.

"Mmmmm maybe in a bit I'll let you scream when I'm ramming into you. I have always loved to hear you scream." (Randy)

I screamed again into the rag as I felt another stinging pain from the cigarette bud, my muffled scream drowned out by Randy laughing. I heard the jingle of his belt as he took it off, and it filled me with fear as it did every time I heard it. But this time was even worse as I knew that there wouldn't be a beating with the belt, rather he was about to take the last thing I had as his own. He was about to officially break me as my mother had begged me not to let him do, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now