Chapter 57

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Jaspers' POV:

I had been watching Margaret as Carlisle explained what happened to him and then what happened to each of us in turn. Her emotions felt numbed, and I knew that shock was playing a part but somehow disbelief wasn't anywhere in her emotions. If anything I could feel that she was believing what Carlisle was telling her. She didn't tense up in fear as I thought she would though, even as she pulled away from me some though her hand didn't let go of mine. She looked around the room before looking back at me, a brief flash of confusion washing through her before it was replaced with concern.

"What do you eat?" (Mags)

"A valid question dear, we're.....well we call ourselves vegetarians. We only drink the blood of animals." (Esme)

"Human blood is what we crave, but we can resist dove. Bit painful but, we do bloody brilliantly if I say so myself." (Elliot)

"Painful?" (Mags)

"Bit like a sore throat but more extreme, like a fire that can't be extinguished." (Ed)

"You're in pain with me?" (Mags)

I thought it was a general question for the room until I looked back to see her staring only at me. I felt sorrow and worry flash through her emotions as her grip on my hand lessened and she started leaning away from me. I gently regripped her hand in mine as I smiled at her and sent as much love as I could to her.

"No more than any other day Maggie, besides I'd walk through actual hell fire just to be near you let alone be with you." (Jas)

"And everything you're telling me is the truth?" (Mags)

"I swear it upon my existence darlin." (Jas)

"So, you're all vampires that will never die." (Mags)

"Basically, I mean we can still die just not in the ways that you've seen." (Alice)

"So the dreams I've been having is how you died as humans and became vampires?" (Mag)

"It appears that way concerning your dreams Margaret yes. And yes, we are all vampires, but as Esme said we feed only off of animal blood and not human. You're as safe as you could be with us, at least as far as monsters such as we are goes. " (C)

I watched as she sat frozen in the chair, looking at us all with a blank stare on her face. I glanced to Edward to see him looking concerned and I could only guess what that meant. She finally blinked and looked away before she let go of my hand and stood up. I let her take a few steps away from us before she turned back towards us and looked at me again. I expected her to say something but she didn't say anything before her eyes closed and she started to fall forward towards the ground. I caught her before she barely moved at all, scooping her up gently into my arms as I looked at her then at Edward.

"Well?" (Jas)

"It could have gone better based on the end result, but she seemed a bit relived at one point in her thoughts. Her last thought was completely focused on you and was almost on repeat. 'So he won't die within a year.'" (Ed)

I nodded feeling only a bit of comfort from that information as the end result had still left her unconscious in my arms. I carried her back upstairs to my room rather than her own, laying her on the bed and pulling the comforter around her sleeping form. The conversation downstairs had taken the better part of three hours. It was already twilight, and I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take her for to wake up and if her relief about what I was would last when she woke.

Margaret's POV:

I woke up to the sound of thunder, a comforting sound if ever there was one, as well as a scent that I had come to recognize as Jasper. I forced my eyes open to see that I was once again in his room on his bed, though now I felt a little less guilty about taking it as my own seeing as he never needed it to sleep. I look around the room but freeze when I see him staring right at me from across the room. For a single moment I felt pure fear but not for the reason that a normal person would. I had already realized that I had fallen in love with a man more deadly and dangerous than Randy could ever hope to be but that wasn't what scared me. I was afraid that he was going to leave me, and I would be on my own without him and that thought alone was terrifying.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now