Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 (Nov 22nd)
Margaret's POV:

I had heard their argument from my room, though neither of them raised their voice to shouting levels. They had gotten back earlier tonight but I could sense the tension between the two of them the moment I saw them. It had given me an excuse to claim homework as the reason to disappear early for the night. But now, hearing the anger continue to grow in his voice I knew it would not end well for me tonight.

I heard a few muffled words filled with anger come from Carly, including moon nights, telling her, and a few other words that didn't make much sense without the whole sentence. Though the telling her either meant herself or me, and I really and truly hoped that she wasn't trying to get me involved in anything. I knew that right now it seemed my night could be headed in a very dangerous direction.

My fear was only confirmed when Carly left, rather than spending the night as she had initially planned. I felt a few tears start to form in my eyes as her car backed out of our drive and disappeared down the street, a slew of curse words already leaving Randy's mouth as she did. It wasn't seconds later that I heard the fridge door open and slam shut, the jingle of a bottle telling me he had started for the night.

I laid in bed, my eyes closed tightly as I prayed and hoped that he kept to drinking for the night and would just forget I was even here. It was an hour later and at least 6 bottles that my hopes and prayers were dashed as I heard his heavy steps stomping into my room. I didn't have time even to sit up as the door was slammed open as he grabbed my leg. I heard a noise of pain escape my mouth as my head hit the floor as he yanked me from the bed before he drug me into the living room. He threw my leg down against the floor as I curled into a tight ball, tears falling from my eyes as he did so.

"You think you're so much better than me don't you!!!! You mother thought the same thing once!! But you keep it up and I'll do the same thing I did to her to you! Then we'll see what you think!!!" (Randy)

I didn't know what he meant but had a few guesses but my fear didn't have the chance to take over. And for now I didn't care what he meant as I heard the rattle of his belt and heard the all-too familiar whoosh as it flew through the air, striking my back and sides as he let out a dark laugh with each strike he delivered. He made it to seven before he dropped his belt on the floor and made his way to his room, leaving me crying and shaking on the floor behind him.

I knew I should be grateful that it wasn't worse, but I also knew not to move from the floor until I heard his bedroom door shut. I had made that mistake only once, and it was a beating that ranked in the top ten worst beatings I had ever gotten. When I heard the tell-tale sound of his bedroom clinking shut behind him I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position on the kitchen floor. Tears were falling from my eyes as my body shook in pain.

It seemed that going this long without a beating had made my body forget what the pain felt like, and that only made it worse now. I held back a noise of pain as I stood up, checking the floor to make sure I wasn't leaving any blood behind as that would only piss him off more in the morning. When I saw the floor was clean, I made my way to my own room on shaky legs before laying down and curling up into a tight ball on the bed.

I knew Jasper was out of town until tomorrow and I couldn't be more relieved about that as I don't think he would respond well to seeing me like this. I still had moments when I could easily see how dangerous he could be, maybe not to me, but I didn't want him to get hurt going after Randy. Randy had what could only be classified as dangerous friends to go with his own dangerous temper.

My mind wondered briefly to the memory I had of mom calling them all a bunch of horrible beasts, and I knew she was right in that analogy. I saw the light of my phone and slowly reached over to look at the notification. It was a text message from Alice asking if I was ok. The message confused me for a moment before I remembered I had sent her a message earlier saying I missed Jasper today.

"I'm fine." (M)

"Are you sure? I can come over, it's no problem!" (Al)

I bit my lip in worry at her quick response before I quickly sent my own back. I told her I promised I was fine and that I would see her tomorrow in class. The last thing I needed was for her to come over here when I was in this state. I looked at my window just in case she decided to try anyway, making sure it was locked, before I let myself relax a bit. She responded a few seconds later that if I changed my mind to let her know. She had insomnia and rarely slept, it was wonder the girl was as high energy as she was.

I replied goodnight to her goodnight text before I put my phone back on the charger. Every nerve in my back was still sending waves of pain with each movement I took, but for now I could only hope to distract myself with thoughts of Jasper. His eyes, his smile, his laugh. Only when my mind was fully distracted with thoughts of him did my pain seem to dull, and I was finally able to drift off into sleep.

Alice's POV:

I had seen a vision of Margaret laying curled up in a ball in her bed crying, and a sense of dread filled me as I wondered what had caused that vision. I grabbed my phone and sent a txt, happy to see it fit in with her last message to me. She answered back not a minute later saying she was fine, but how could she be when I knew that she most certainly wasn't fine.

I offered to come over but was again told she was fine, she even promised that she was. I realized then that my great niece liked to promise things that weren't necessarily true when it came to her own well-being. Perhaps Jasper and her were a better match than any of us could have imagined.

"If you're sure then. Goodnight Margaret, see you tomorrow!" (Al)

"Yep, see you then. Goodnight." (M)

I was pacing some in my room, debating whether I should call Jasper and Edward back from their hunt early. But I knew that even if Jasper did fine with Margaret, he still struggled around all the other humans at school. I felt an annoyed whine leave my mouth at the same time as a light chuckle filled the room. I turned to see Elliot standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a smirk on his face.

"Well love, looks as if you're trying to wear out mum's hardwood job. What's got into yeh?" (El)

"It's.....promise not to tell Jasper?" (Al)

"Ooooh a secret from our brother then? Alright love, I swear on my leather jacket not to say a word." (El)

I refrained from rolling my eyes at his swear, as the leather jacket in question was so horribly out of fashion grunge style that he refused to get rid of even after having it for the last 20 years. His face though, despite his words, told me just how serious he was taking this promise which helped calm me down some.

"We all know that something is going on at Margaret's home in regards to her guardian. She's all but said he's hitting her, but tonight I had a vision of her crying on bed and it looked like she was in pain. But when I texted her she said she was fine, even promised. So, I don't know what to do. Do I ignore her wish of me staying away, or do I just hope that she will be as fine as she can be until morning when I can see her for myself, or-"(Al)

"Ally-cat slow down. Jezz, it's a bloody good thing I'm a vampire or I wouldn't have understood yeh as fast as you were talkin. Look......I know I may not have known Margaret as long as you have, and I know you're biologically related and all so you have a lot of feelings about the whole situation. But, I think if we want Margaret to keep feelin safe around us all then we've got to listen to her wishes when she tells us." (El)

"Even if it's her safety on the line?!?" (Al)

"I think unless it's her life on the line we have to respect her choice love. If we start making choices for her I can almost promise you it will make her trust us less and less. Just pick up in the morning for school, be there as a friend, and when the time is right she might be willing to tell us all more. We jus cant force her to love." (El)

I finally nodded to his suggestions, knowing that to some extent he was right. When Esme and Carlisle tried to get him to stop doing drugs a few months before he was turned he had pulled away from them more than he ever had before. And as a result they almost weren't there to save him when it was time, if it hadn't been for my vision he wouldn't be here with me tonight. I couldn't risk that happening to Margaret, losing her would destroy Jasper in ways that bitch Maria could only dream of. I wouldn't let that happen to Margaret or Jasper. 

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