Chapter 60

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 Margaret's POV: January 9th

I was waiting on the back porch, bundled up in a heated blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, as I waited for Jasper to finish his conversation with Carlisle. At the sound of the door opening behind me, I turned with a smile on my face that only dimmed a bit as I saw it was Alice and not Jasper. She walked over and sat next to me, and as I got a better look at her face and saw the concern my smile started to dwindle some. I placed my hot chocolate down on the side table to my left before turning back to see her biting her lip. 

"Alice....are you alright?" (Mag)

"I have something to tell you. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, we just didn't want to freak you out but you've handled everything fairly well so far so now it's my turn." (Al)

"You're not about to tell me you're not really a vampire but a witch are you?" (Mag)

"Haha, no though that would be easier for me to say." (Al) 

"After everything else I've been told in the last week, it can't be that bad." (Mags)

"I hope you still think so after. Let me start at the beginning I guess. After you had you dream of me, well I went searching for answers. See I don't remember anything of my human life so I jumped at the chance of learning about it after your dream. Turns out I was born Mary Alice, in Biloxi Mississippi in 1901. I had my visions even then and after my mother died and my father remarried I was sent away to an asylum. That was where I met Kumboh and was changed after other vampires started hunting for me." (Al)

"That's......that's good though right? That you know your story now or at least part of it?" (Mag)

"It is, except well I've left out a few details. See I had a younger sister before our mother passed away. I think she may have had visions too but maybe never said anything about them. She had a daughter as well, and I know her grand-daughter also has visions of a sort. See what I left out was my last name was Brandon, my sister was Cynthia and her daughter was Samantha. And so that makes you my grand-niece." (Al)

"So you're biological great-aunt that Granny Cynthia would speak off?" (Mag)

"I am. I'm honored she even remembered me, she was so young when I was sent away. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner." (Al)

"No, don't be sorry this is amazing. I thought....well I thought all my family was dead. But my old great-aunt is alive!" (Mags)

"Watch it with the old, I'm still younger than Jasper!" (Al)

I felt a laugh leave my mouth just as her own bell-like laugh started, her arms quickly wrapping around me in a cold yet comforting hug that I returned without hesitation. It was few minutes later that I was telling her everything I could remember about her sister, my grandmother. I knew that she did have visions but mom always said it was ordinary everyday stuff, like the grocery store not having the milk she liked.

After I told her everything I remembered of Granny Cynthia I answered every question I could about my mom. It was only after Alice mentioned visiting her grave at the same time she visited Granny Cynthia's grave and her own that I felt tears fall down my face and a soul-crushing rush of sorrow wash over me.

"What's wrong?" (Al)

"I.......I've never seen my mom's grave. I was in the hospital and.....and he rushed the funeral and by the time I was allowed to leave he ripped me from my home, from everything I had ever known. i never got to say goodbye" (Mags)

"Oh Margaret, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I'll get Jasper?" (Al)

"I'm here, Maggie darlin, it's ok." (Jas)

I turned to his voice and found him offering a gentle smile with open arms that I practically flung myself into, curling against him as he took my place on the outside couch. Alice excused herself and left us alone outside. I felt a few more hot and heavy tears fall down my eyes before something almost seemed to wash over me. It was a sense of peace but I knew it wasn't mine, I drew away from Jasper for a moment to meet eyes with Jasper and then I saw what looked like guilt flood his eyes.

"You were.....using your gift on me?" (Mags)

"I'm sorry you noticed darlin, usually it doesn't even seem to touch you." (Jas)

"I don't mind, it's nice but I knew somehow it wasn't my own emotion. It hasn't worked before? Why?" (Mags)

"I guess you knowing everything helps some, and well perhaps as much as you trusted me before you fully trust me know and it lets my gift work." (Jas)

"Well, thank you." (Mag)

"I heard what you said earlier though Maggie and....well would you like to go see your mother's grave tonight?" (Jas)

"What?" (Mag)

"I can get us a flight in the next hour or so and we can get down there in a few hours and we can visit her grave and then we can come home. I may even be able to make it to school by lunch. If you want that is." (Jas)

"You would do that, for me?" (Mag)

"I would burn the world to ash if you wanted me to, taking you to your mom's grave well that's barely scratching the surface of what I would do for you." (Jas)

"I....I would like that very much. But let's leave the world alone for now." (Mag)

Jasper's POV:

I knew that Rosalie had already bought airline tickets for us even before Margaret agreed. I helped Margaret to her feet after laying a soft kiss on her lips. We made it just inside the door, grabbing her empty cup from the table, before Alice came and swooped her up into her room to pack her an overnight/flight bag and change her outfit no doubt. It was only a few minutes later that we were in the back of Esme's car being driven to the airport. She had tensed when we got on the free way for a moment before she closed her eyes and seemed to force herself to relax against my shoulder, her fingers tracing soft shapes on my hand. She didn't stop the entire trip to the airport and she only let go of my hand when security at the airport made her.

As soon as we were through security she grabbed tightly hold to my hand again and it was then I realized I hadn't felt the bloodlust like I normally would around humans when it was just my family. Instead I was focused solely on Margaret and how she was feeling, which was strictly nervous. I realized that she wasn't good in crowds of people either, she never had been. As more and more people did double takes at us both, their eyes always seemed to linger on her scars rather than the beauty that is her face.

I knew she noticed too cause even though her hair had been up when we first got here it was only a matter of a few minutes sitting in the terminal waiting on the plane to begin loading that she put her hair down with a beanie hat pulled down over it soon following. I nudged her shoulder a bit to get her to look at me, a smile on my face as she did with a small smile of her own. 

"You ok darlin?" (Jas)

"Just......bit nervous. I've never flown before. He.....he drove us up here I think it was the best way to be extra cruel as I had panic attacks the entire trip up he laughed." (Mags)

"Well, flying may be a bit scary but just remember that even if something happened, I'd get you out." (Jas)

"Thanks Jazz." (Mag) 

I kissed the top of her head as she laid her head on my shoulder, her eyes starting to close some and I knew I would have to wake her by the time we started boarding. I didn't mind though, I would do anything she needed me to, even let her sleep for a few minutes before boarding. 

Half an hour later and she's clutching onto my hand as we walk onto the plane and taking our seats that Rosalie had somehow gotten us in the first class. She raised the arm rest that was between the two seats before buckling up and scooting as close to me as possible, her hand leaving mine only for the sparse amount of time it took to buckle herself in. I followed suit and smiled as she closed her eyes again even as sleep seemed to evade her.  At take off her clutch on my hand tightened some and I pulled my hand out of hers and wrapped my arm around her shoulders instead. 

"It's almost over Maggie. Want to talk to distract yourself from it all?" (Jas)

"I brought......I brought a letter with me." (Mag)

"To your mom?" (Jas)

"No, it's from her. Somehow she must have sensed her own death because she wrote me a letter I was supposed to open when fell in love. I know that I have. I wanted to read it with her, even though I know she's not really there in the sense I want sounds stupid." (Mag)

"No darlin, it doesn't. It sounds right. What do you think is in your letter?" (Jas)

"I think it might be whatever vision she had of me falling in love. That was what most of hers were." (Mag)

I felt fear start to creep through me, wondering if her mom would have seen that I was monster and warned her daughter to stay away. Or if she had seen Margaret falling in love with a human man should I have never met her. I felt Margaret shift some on my should before I turned to see her looking at me. Her hand found my face and gently traced the circle under my right eye as she stared at me. 

"No matter what the letter may say Jasper, I love you. I always will and nothing could ever change that. I swear on my life." (Mag) 

"I love you too darlin." (Jas) 

She leaned up and planted a quick kiss on my lips before laying her head back on my shoulder, one hand laying on my chest as a yawn left her mouth. I heard her heartbeat level out just as the plane did and I smiled as she slept through the rest of the flight to Biloxi. If nothing else, at least I got to hold her in my arms this one last time. 

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