Chapter 69

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Margaret's POV:

"He is an old man, his hair long and to his shoulders and white in color. He's holding a frail older looking woman with silver hair, his green eyes sparkling as he gazes into her teal ones as she smiles at him. We're on a roof, flowers, and vines all around. Looking down at the road below us there are cars without any wheels, and roads that appear to be grass paths rather than concrete or blacktop roads."

I felt myself pause as I looked a moment longer at the cars without roads and seemingly without engines based on the sound or lack thereof. I heard footsteps come closer to me but found myself unable to flinch back as I was still stuck in the vision.

"What then?" (LM)

"Pain in his chest begins as he stares at her. Shimmery silver see-through wings flutter gently behind her. She closes her eyes for a moment and tenses her body as if in pain before she opens them again and smiles as if he is the only thing she wanted to see. She tells him something I can't quite hear but I believe it is 'I love you'. Her eyes close and she fades away until he is holding only empty air. He wails as if he has lost part of his own soul, pain shooting through him and hitting every organ until he falls forward, his heart stopping only a few seconds after the woman left his arms."

I blinked my eyes only to leave the sunlit rooftop and return to find myself face to face with the Alpha only this time I could flinch backward into the couch. He stood and took a few steps away from me, his hand rubbing his bearded chin as if lost in thought. I looked towards Luna Allie only to see her smiling at him as she was proud of herself for something, though what I was yet unsure.

"A futuristic city you say, and a girl with wings. Well our son will never do the thing expected then it seems." (Alpha)

"Well stands to reason, after all he is our son and our story was anything if the thing to be expected. It would appear though that the signing of the official peace treaty with the Fae is the right decision after all my dear husband." (Luna)

"Yes, yes I suppose it is. Well dear, let's get it over with then. Say what you are dying to say." (Alpha)

"I told you so. Ah what a wonderful feeling to be able to tell you mate such a thing Margaret. May you too have many wonderful 'I told you so' with your own mate." (Luna)

I felt myself smile despite the tension in my body around the pair. Luna Allie was sweet but the power they exuded just had me on edge at all times. I was told I could return to my plans for the rest of the day, but as I didn't know how much longer the girls would be at the studio I didn't know what my plans for the rest of the day were. So, I left the office and quietly made my way back to my room.

I soon found myself staring out the window, a few tears leaking from my eyes as I thought about how the apparent fairy had smiled at the man. Is that how I looked at Jasper or he looked at me before all this happened? Would he ever look at me like that again after what I had done and how I had run off? Would I see him again? Would he want to see me again? The questions racing through my mind had me laying on the bed, my face buried in the pillow as tears continued to escape me. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do or needed to do next anymore. I just wasn't sure of anything.

Jasper's POV:

It had only been two days but it felt like alifetime away from her. We knew she went north but the smell of wet dog kept usfrom going any farther once we hit the Canadian border. Carlisle had suspectedthere was a pack of werewolves in the area once before but the smell onlyconfirmed it. We could only hope she hadn't ventured there or if she had that theylet her pass through without any trouble.

Alice was watching for any sign of her in her visions but so far she hadn'tseen her. All of our phones were kept fully charged and with us at all timesjust on the off chance she reached out to one of us through text or call. Shehadn't so far. All we could do was wait and hope that she was ok, that shewould come home, that she could forgive me.

Margaret's POV: (February)

It had been two months since I had arrived here. I had been taught more about werewolf culture and history. My second full moon with the pack hadn't been as stressful as the first but still had me on edge all afternoon leading up to it. They had placed me in the middle of a small circle comprised of Carly, Liza, Sandra, and Annie the forth girl that made up their studio crew.

I had met Annie two weeks after I had arrived when she got back from her honeymoon with her mate Bates. She was a petite, quiet girl, with wild red hair that seemed to have a mind of it's own when she didn't have it up in a bun on her head. I got along with her best out of all the girls simply because she was so quiet. She allowed me to keep working beside her, drawing whatever struck my fancy if there wasn't a commission that caught my eye.

The group of girls had requested that they be the ones to watch over me during the moon. Something both myself and the Alpha, and the girls mates, had been uncertain about but Luna Allie and the girls would not be moved on the matter. The transformation that night had itself again been hell for me, with every cell in my body feeling as if it was rupturing before reforming. The pack members around me seemed to change without effort and I was jealous of them for it even if I did appear a bit more human in appearance then they did.

It wasn't until I joined them the next morning, sitting next to Annie and Liza for breakfast that their insistence I look in a mirror had made me grow nervous. Ny nerves had given way to shock very quickly though once I looked in the small hand mirror they had passed to me.

I had assumed that my eyes would stay red for a while before changing to the golden hues all the Cullens had. I was wrong though as after that transformation they were purple. Annie was guessing that they would return to my natural blue in a few more weeks or perhaps after this next transformation. I was honestly curious if she was right or not.

In the time I hadn't been in the studio with them I had been learning more about Randy as I had insisted I needed to know why he was the way he was. I needed to know that what had happened was truly not my fault, and knowing more about the monster he had had been was the only way I could do it.

He had been a lone wolf, a path not often taken because wolves naturally seek and thrive from a pack. Carly had dated him because she hadn't found her mate Michael yet, but had ended things with him because he was insisting she mate with him. She knew they weren't real mates as his had died years before even meeting my mom. It was a small comfort knowing that even though he had forced a change on my mom as he had me, he hadn't been her soulmate.

I was working on my latest drawing now, having just finished laughing at something Liza said about a rocking dragon toy someone wanted for their kid instead of a rocking horse. I was getting lost in the drawing of the inside of the greenhouse where I used to sit with Jasper and sketch so often. It was an hour or so later before I realized I had also drawn Jasper sitting at one of the chairs and looking out of the drawing with a smile on his face and in his eyes.

The image alone made my heart seem to clench, yet I knew that I had been the one avoid reaching out to him or any of the Cullens. I had been given a phone when I arrived here, but even knowing a few of their numbers from leftover memories of being human I hadn't reached out. I put the pencil I was using down as I looked at the vampire my heart was breaching for before footsteps and a slight gasp behind me drew my attention away from the dream I had drawn.

"Is that your vampire? Jasper right?" (Carly)

I nodded as she made a move to pick up the canvas, stopping only to earn a nod of approval from me as she retrieved it from the stand I had it propped on only moments ago. Her face remained stoic for a moment before Sandra and Liza joined her, both looking at it before Liza let out a whistle of obvious approval and Sandra let out a squeal.

"Ohhhh he's so handsome, even for a vampire. You're a lucky one you are Margaret!" (Sandra)

"I've told her that each time she's drawn him." (Annie)

"Each time? How many times have you drawn him since being here? Yet you haven't called him yet?" (Liza)

"I.....I'm just not ready yet. Before I left I had.....I had attacked him and nearly killed him. I just don't know if I'm ready to face him yet." (Mag)

"And we won't make you until you are ready. Alpha and Luna have already said you may stay for as long as you like. Now, I think we better all call it a day. Annie and Bates have a double date with Liza and Luke, and I am dealing with a sick and puny Michael at home." (Car)

I nodded in agreement, thankful for Carly throwing me a lifeline of sorts as I didn't want to talk about what happened before I got here anymore right now. I cleaned up my station in silence next to Annie, neither of us saying a word and was about to leave before she gently took my hand in her now gloved one.

"Everything will be alright in the end Margaret. And if it isn't alright, then it's simply not the end." (Annie)

I felt a small smile cross my face at the quote, as it wasn't the first time I had heard her say it but each time seemed to comfort me. I waved goodnight to the girls after we parted ways in the large house, heading up to my room after grabbing some fresh fruit. I didn't often eat dinner with everyone, it was just too crowded and noisy for my liking.

When I got to the room I found myself staring out the window, watching the sun set and twilight take hold of the forest around us. I took the phone I had been clenching in my hand and unlocked it before typing in a number I remembered, *69ing my own number just in case it wasn't the right number after all. I wasn't sure he would even answer, as he had plans to leave the country again a few weeks ago. I doubted my disappearance would change his plans that much. I listened to the ringtone only once before I heard the click of someone answering it.

"Ello, Elliot Cullen here. Who do I have the pleasure of conversing with this evenin?" (Eli)

I found myself frozen in place, any thought of words rushing from my body as I heard his voice. He went silent too and I knew he could hear my panicked breathing from this side of the phone as my breaths started coming out louder and louder with each passing second.

"Ello? Margaret?? Is that you dove?!?" (Eli)

"Hi El." (Mags)

"Oh for fucks sake Dove, where in the blazes are yeh? We can come and get yah in a flash but where are yeh? Do you want to speak to Jazz? He's hunting but I can get him here in just a second." (Eli)

"NO! Please, not.....not yet." (Mags)

"Are yeh alright? Are yeh safe Dove? At least tell me that?" (Eli)

"Yes, I am. I...miss you all but I....I'm not ready." (Mags)

"We miss you too luv, Jazz misses you like mad he does. Whenever yeh ready, like I said we can get you in no time." (Eli)


"Yeh sure your alrigh though dove?" (Eli)

"Yes. I'm....I'm fine, safe. But I....I  thought you would be back in Europe by now, I didn't expect you to answer." (Mags)

"Nah, postponed for a few weeks, mum and da wanted me to stick around for a bit. You know how they are sometimes." (Eli)

I nodded, knowing that he would somehow know I nodded even without me verbally voicing my agreement. I went to say something else before I heard his voice in the background asking Eliot who he was on the phone with. I heard his footsteps rush across the room and a slight scuffle for the phone before my heart seemed to stop its frantic beating for a moment before it took off at an even faster speed than before at the sound of his voice.

"Margaret darlin?!? Where are you?! I'm coming to get you, it's alright darling no one here is upset with you please just come home." (Jas)

"I....I can't yet. I'm sorry. I love you." (Mags)

Before he could try and convince me with smooth words in that accent of his that made my heart flutter wildly in my chest I disconnected the call and blocked Elliot's number should they try to call back even after I had blocked the number. I did miss him with each breath I took and with each beating of my heart but I couldn't face him just yet. I just couldn't.

I laid down on the bed and let the tears fall from my eyes until I drifted to sleep, just as I had so many times since coming here.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now