Chapter 47

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*PSA: Rape and abuse mentioned in following chapter. Feel free to skip. If you are in an abusive relationship please seek help. Reach out to someone, anyone, even me. You are loved and precious.** 

Rosalie's POV: (Dec. 22nd) 

I was standing next to the window with Emmett by my side as he gently ran his fingers through my hair. He understood how hard it was for me to reflect on my human life and its end, even decades later. But he also knew how much I connected with Margaret now because of it. I even connected with her on the basis that neither of us would ever have biological children of our own. 

"Babe, are you sure that you're alright?" (Em)

"I'm fine Em. I'm just-"(Rose)

I was interrupted mid-sentence as Margaret started yelling and crying out in her sleep and I gently shoved Emmett towards the door. It was the same each night for the last five nights. She would usually sob herself to sleep and then only after three or four hours she would wake up screaming. Esme or I was always right there when she woke up so she wouldn't be alone with her flashbacks or fears that her nightmares brought her. It was times like these that left me wondering if I would have been the same the first few months or even years after my experience, if I had been able to sleep. Perhaps becoming a vampire did have one positive. 

I walked closer as she started to cry before she sat up on the bed and screamed my name. I was by her side in an instant thinking that she was frightened badly enough to call for me but I was proved wrong when she launched herself into my arms and hugged me before she started talking quickly in a broken voice. I found myself frozen though when she said the one name I had never mentioned to her, Royce.

Margaret's POV:


I must have sobbed myself to sleep again as I found myself walking along a dark sidewalk. I was fearful of what nightmarish images my brain would have for me and how Randy would appear to me in this new place, but then I realized there was a female figure walking ahead of me. A few moments more and I realized it was Rosalie. She was dressed in clothing that looked as if it was from another time, and I saw her eyes that were normally a golden hue were a blue-purple hue almost the color of violets.

My eyes glanced around the neighborhood we were walking in, not recognizing anything around me though it seemed like a small, old-fashioned neighborhood. I wasn't sure how her death would come about in such a place as this, before I heard voices ahead of us. Five men, all very drunk started calling out to her, and I watched as Rosalie quickened her pace. Then I realized I was seeing how she would die and my death dream became a true nightmare as I began to realize how she would die at the hands of these men and soon based on her age. I watched as one of the men claiming to be her fiancé grabbed her, knowing it wasn't Emmett and therefore couldn't be as I couldn't imagine her loving anyone other than him.

"Hey Rose! Come over here! We've been waiting for you. There is she fellas...." (Royce) 

I felt her fear increase as he pulled her closer to circle of men he was with an kissed her hard. The flash of pain on her cheeks from his hold echoed on my own and I flinched as I thought of Randy's hands doing the same to me only days ago. 

"Royce, you're drunk." (R) 

"Isn't she lovely John.....I told you she was a looker. " (Royce) 

"Hard to see with all those clothes on." (Scumbag 1) 

"What do you say Rose? Why don't we take off a few layers?" (Royce)

"Stop...stop......stop. I'll see you tomorrow. Sober." (Rose) 

I had watched as she had seemingly escaped him, but I that was wrong or I wouldn't be dreaming of this right now. I watched as he seemed to listen to her, but as she turned to walk a few steps away I was able to keep my eyes on him. I saw the malice and the evil in his eyes as he grabbed her and asked her where she thought she was going. I heard her pleas for him to stop fall on deaf drunk ears. 

I couldn't help but shout for help knowing it was of no use, then watched in frozen horror as each of the men attacked her. I felt her pain as they each groped her, raped her, spit on her, pulled her hair, beat her beyond recognition, and then finally after what seemed like hours left her for dead. I felt the pain of her attack and it felt so familiar to what I had endured with Randy that I could no longer tell what was her pain echoing in me or my own pain coming back to life. I screamed and cried with her until they left her lying on the ground, and I saw the devastation of the wounds that they had left on her and therefore on me.

I cried with her as we both laid on the cold sidewalk,  before I suddenly saw Carlisle appear next to her. He seemed to lean down and kiss her neck and her wrists. It was then that I felt the same familiar fire that I had felt during the dream of Jasper's death. I screamed with her as the fire seemed to burn each and every cell in my body until her heart stopped beating.

End of Dream

"R-Rose!" (Mag)

I had sat up on the bed calling her name, still feeling the fire on my skin as tears fell from my eyes. I saw her sitting on the edge of the bed as she always was after a nightmare and I flung myself into her arms in relief as I saw her alive and ok. The coolness of her skin seemed to drive the fire away and I felt her try to soothe me as Esme had done earlier as I sobbed in her arms.

"Saw you......raped......left all alone.......Royce......" (Mag)

"I'm fine Margaret, I'm fine." (Rose)

Rosalie's POV:

I heard Jasper hiss and snarl before rushing out the door downstairs and then heard Emmett cuss. It was Edward I was listening for though, as I knew that I had never mentioned that monster's name to Margaret. I heard his intake of breath from downstairs before he whispered later, while I agreed.

A few moments of comforting her and she cried herself back to sleep in my arms. I smoothed her wild curls before tucking her gently back into bed. Not a moment later the entire family was in the room glancing between her and me. I only stared at Edward, as Jasper looked between him and Margaret.

"Well?" (Rose)

"She....she dreamed how you died. Dreamed of the attack and appeared to have felt everything you felt that night. Even saw Carlisle bite you and saw you change, though she didn't know he was biting you." (Ed)

"We already knew she had a gift, this just proves that her dreams come more frequently than we initially thought." (Alice)

"And her pain right now?" (Jas)

"She experienced and felt everything that Rose did in the dream, even the pain of changing. I would even hazard to say she felt everything as strongly as Rose did when it happened to her, even changing into one of us just sped up." (Ed)

"I don't think I've ever seen a human with such a strong gift." (Carlisle)


I felt Alice's hand slam over my mouth as she pointed to Margaret now laying awake on the bed with wide and fearful eyes as she stared at us all. I felt all my anger disappear as I stared at the look on her face. She was shaking and had pushed herself in the farthest corner on the bed, pressed as tightly as she could be against the wall. I watched as Esme and Rose went to comfort her but she only flinched and raised her hands as if expecting to be hit.

"I'm.....s-sorry...........please I....I d-didn't mean to up-upset anyone. I'm.....s-sorry." (Mag)

"No dear we aren't upset at you, we promise." (Esme)

"Rose told us about your dream. And Alice and Esme told us you've had similar dreams before dove. What do they mean?" (El)

I saw her slowly lower her hands as she looked at Elliot then glanced at the rest of us, her gaze lingering on mine for a moment longer than the rest. She took a shaky breath before she looked at Rose and then the top of the bed shaking her head slightly.

"It doesn't mean anything, just a......just a nightmare." (Mag)

"Margaret, you can tell us the truth you know." (Alice)

" was a nightmare that's all." (Mag)

I felt her worry start to build as she looked at Alice and then the rest of us standing around the room. I thought perhaps she would be calmer if the guys left the room, even though I wanted to stay with her. Edward nodded in agreement with my thoughts, allowing me to make the suggestion to leave her alone with the girls.

"We'll leave you alone with the girls if you want to talk some more Margaret. I hope you have a better night." (Jas)

"Aye, much better night we hope. Good night dove." (El) 

I watched as Emmett and Carlisle left the room first, Edward following soon after. I saw Margaret look at me from her corner of the bed and felt confusion coming off her in waves as she stared at me. It was the first time an emotion other than fear dominated her emotions, and that in itself gave me a slight bit of hope.

"Would.....would you s-stay Jasper?" (Mag)

"I'll do anything you want me to Margaret." (Jas)

"Stay, p-please." (Mag)

I felt a smile take shape on my face as I nodded to her request, the rest of the guys leaving the room. I saw a small one appear on her face for a moment before it disappeared. It was progress though and my body felt lighter because of it as I walked across the room and took a seat in the chair farthest from the bed. I wanted to be close to her but I still didn't want her to have anything to worry about from me.

"Having a gift isn't a bad thing Margaret. I can see visions of the future." (Alice)

"Wh-what?" (Mag)

"I can see visions of the future, not all the time and sometimes they change based on the decisions people make. But it's something that I've been able to do it my entire life." (Alice)

"Do you want to tell us about your gift Margaret?" (Rose)

"I....I....dream people die....and I....I feel it." (Mag)

"Does it happen often dear?" (Esme)

"N-no....only with people I.....I care about or trust." (Mag)

"And you dreamed of mine tonight?" (Rose)

I watched as she started to hyperventilate and then saw her small form start to shake on the bed even more than she had been earlier. I was ready to rush over to her and take her into my arms but Esme and Rose beat me to it as Esme took her gently into her arms and Rose took her hands into her own. Both of them sending soothing words of comfort to her.

"It's happened before dear?" (Esme)

"Since I was.....was five." (Mag)

I felt myself stiffen at her words, realizing that she's been having dreams of death and pain since she was five. I felt a sense of clarity come over everyone as we all seemed to realize why she didn't like getting close to people. Who would if it meant experiencing death so often.

"Does it ever change? The way people die?" (Alice)

"N-no......death is final and doesn't change......even based on people's decisions ......I'm sorry Rose." (Mag)

"Oh no Margaret, don't say sorry, it's not your fault. I swear." (Rose)

I heard as sobs began to escape her mouth as she leaned into Esme's chest. I longed to hold her but I had no idea when I might could ever do that again. The chair I was in now was as close as I could get to her without scaring her, and I felt her pain and heartbreak as if there was nothing in between us. I sent her as much love and calm as I could but I knew that it still wouldn't be enough. Would it ever be enough? 

"Not yet, but maybe one day it will be." (Ed)

I felt myself nod a bit to Edward's answer to my unspoken thoughts in the room next to us, not fully believing Edward, but I knew he could hear what she was thinking and must of known she was becoming a bit more comfortable here with us. If that was all she had to offer us right now, then I would take it and wait for the rest. I would wait for her to comfortable with me for the rest of my eternity. 

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