Chapter 75 (Preview-still in production)

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Wolf/Margaret's POV:

The pain stopped as a howl left my mouth, before I paused to listen for the howls of my my.......pack mates but they were not really my pack they were friends. Such an odd word, one that I couldn't explain what that word truly meant if I wanted to. It was as if the word wasn't my own, but from someone else. I listened for howls in response to my own but heard nothing back, before the sound of movement to my right had me crouching ready to attack.

I snarled before it seemed to become stuck in my throat as I looked at the creature before me. He was no wolf, but he was not food either for he was predator not prey. He mind seemed to grow foggy if only for a moment as a few words seemed to be screamed at me from some other place.

"Mate! Safe! Don't hurt!" (Mags)

I slowly stood from my position, walking towards the creature that was supposedly my mate. He didn't move, didn't breath, just watched me with golden eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. I was close enough to rip his throat out of if I wanted, but I found myself not wanting that. I circled him as I took in his scent, before I was in front of him again, both of us still just staring at one another until I made my next move.

Jasper's POV:

I had held still the entire time she circled me, Edward having whispered she was trying to decide what I was. She finally came to a stop in front of me, her black-blue eyes never leaving my own. I wasn't sure what to do or not do, until I heard her.

"Mate. Mine." (wolf mags) 

The words were more snarled and growled than spoken, but I still understood them as clearly as anything she could have said. Even if she wasn't sure who I was she recognized me as her mate right now. I slowly reached out, pausing only a moment as she snarled at me again before she seemed to step just a bit closer allowing my hand to land on her cheek. I gently ran my thumb over her cheek as her eyes closed and her snarl turned into a purr, as she nuzzled into my hand.

"I love you Margaret." (Jas)

She opened her eyes at my words tilting her head almost in confusion as she stared at me. But I didn't let it worry me as she allowed me closer still to her, moving her head from my hand to my shoulder and neck instead. I wrapped my arms around her in a gentle embrace, the purring continued for a moment before she leaned away and howled again. When she finished she looked at me again and with a smile I let out a howl of my own. Her expression was what I imagined her smile would be in this form before she started to turn away from me and starting for the nearby forest, glancing back only once as of to see if I was coming. If she only knew she's never have to worry about me following her. I'd follow her to the ends of the earth and back again.

Margaret's POV:

I felt warm and comfortable as the sunlight streamed down on my face. Jasper's scent surrounded me, as well as the hint of forest pine and cotton. I realized very quickly that I wasn't in the forest like I was expecting, and as I opened my eyes I was proven right. I wasn't on the forest floor but in my own bed in the Cullen's house, but I wasn't alone as Jasper was sitting quietly by the bed with a book that was he now closing in his hands.

"Morning darlin." (Jas)

", well how did it go last night?" (Mags)

"What do you remember?" (Jas)

"'s like a foggy dream that you can't quite remember. But I remember seeing you, and deer, and the moon. And missing......missing Carly and the others but otherwise nothing." (Mags)

"After you changed you called me your mate, and we hunted together, and.....well you were a bit playful last night because we played chase until you began to get sleepy." (Jas)

"And I didn't....I didn't try to hurt you at all? Promise?" (Mags)

"I swear it Maggie. After a bit of play we laid down in the same field you changed in and you fell asleep. You only woke for a few minutes when the sun started to come up as you changed back before falling asleep in my arms again.  That was about few hours ago it's just past 10 now." (Jas)

A wave of relief washed over me as a laugh left my mouth, and I threw myself into Jasper's lap. His own laugh mixing with mine as his arms wrapped gently around me. I hadn't hurt him, or anyone else. The wolf part of me even seemed to recognize him as my mate. It was more than I could have hoped for. I initiated the kiss this time as my hands curled around his neck, while his began tracing gentle circles on my back. It wasn't until I was out of breath that I reluctantly broke the kiss. 

"I love you Jay." (Mags)

"Not as much as I love you Maggie darlin." (J)

"And I love you both to bits an pieces but for Christ's sake will yeh get down here for a meetin with the family already." (El)

I turned to see Elliot standing in the doorway an amused look on his face despite his words. I felt another laugh leave my mouth as I nodded, before standing up from Jasper's lap. I ducked into the closet and changed into a pair of leggings and a grey sweater, throwing my hair up into a bun before I walked out to see both of the guys still waiting for me. 

"What's the meeting about?" (Mags)

"Nothin to worry about dove, just a standard family meetin, you get used to them after a few decades." (El)

Jasper's POV: 

She held my hand and stayed close to my side, but as I felt her emotions I realized it wasn't because she was nervous or scared. She had only love and comfort flowing from her, so she just wanted to be close to me. I felt a lightness I hadn't felt since waking as a vampire as we walked down the stairs into the family room with everyone else waiting. 

"Morning everyone, sorry if I held the meeting up." (Mags)

"You didn't Margaret, not to worry. But now that everyone is here, we have a few decisions ahead of us that we always make as a family. That includes you now Margaret. First, we need to decide where we are going next." (C)

"Next?" (Mags)

"Every few years we move, it's the only way that works since none of us age. We're not sure how it will work with you yet though." (Ed)

"I won't age past this since my mate is a vampire, or at least that was what was written in the little bit of research that Luna Allie had. If my mate was a human or a wolf I would eventually age but since he's not, I won't." (Mags)

"How is that possible though?" (A)

I felt her shrug, as the research apparently didn't have much to say on the whys, just the overall result. I could see wheels turning in Carlisle's head as the medical mystery that Margaret presented piqued his interest before he seemed to remember the task at hand. 

"Well I know our original plan was between England or Russia but does anyone have any other suggestions?" (C)

"As much as I'd love to see home again, with the whole of my family with me, I was thinkin of Alaska for a few years. Spend some time with the cousins." (El)

"Hmmm that's not a bad idea Elliot. He was thinking a few years in an isolated area will help Margaret better adjust and introduce her to the rest of our extended family." (Ed)

"So there wouldn't be very many humans?" (Mags)

"Only when we go into town for shopping and such. Plenty of open space for moon nights as well. As far as I can see, which during moon nights isn't much, this seems like it's a great idea." (A) 

"Alright, so we have three votes for Alaska, I'll make it four." (C)

"Count us in. It'll be good to see the sisters again." (R) 

"Margaret, what do you think?" (J)

"Will.....will they be ok with me being....well being me?" (Mags)

"They will love you as much as we do once they get to know you dear." (Esme)

"Then I vote Alaska." (Mags)

"Alright, everyone is in agreement. Alaska for a few years it is. We should be ready to leave in a week or two as long as everyone is packed and ready to go." (C) 

"Don't worry darlin, I'll make sure you're all packed." (J)

"Can I.....well could I visit the pack before we leave? Just for the weekend?" (Mags)


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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