Chapter 63

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Margaret's POV: January13th

I dreamed of my own death while I was dying, andit was an experience I never thought possible and one I never wanted to experience again. It was an out of body-in body experience. I could hear voices around me occasionally, sometimes the soothing hum that I knew was Jasper without being to open my eyes. Other times it sounded like two or three people arguing with each other though the words were muffled as if I was underwater. It was the pain that distracted me so much, it seemed less than the Cullen's had been but still the worst pain I had ever felt. 

I knew what Jasper must have done after I lost consciousness in that room I was being held in, but I wasn't angry with him for it. Ifanything I was happy that I would be able to spend eternity with the man Iloved. Even if we had to do it as vampires. A few moments before the fireconsumed my heart I woke up from my dream but hadn't felt my heart stop, as itwas still beating but at a faster pace.

I opened my eyes to see the blue ceiling of Jasper's room, the particles ofdust as clearly visible as the individual swirls of paint on the ceiling. Iheard someone walking downstairs before Edward told whoever it was to stopmoving. I could even hear a few cars on the highway a few miles off. I took myfirst breath finding it strange that I actually needed to, but I could alsotaste everything in the air. The cedar of the bedposts, and the wool of thebedspread. But it was wrong, I wasn't supposed to need to breathe anymore. Iwasn't supposed to have a heartbeat, I wasn't supposed to be alive not likethis at least.

I sat up as I stared at the dust particles in the air rushing through the airat my movement and a soft smile formed on my face. This was amazing despite howconfused I was. I heard something next to me and before I had time to registerwhat it was I was in the corner of the room farthest from the bed and the door crouching and ready to attack. Then I froze asI saw what it was that I had heard moving nearer to me. It was Jasper but thatwasn't all I saw. All along his arms and neck I could easily make out the scars that I knew were bitemarks from other vampires from his past. The visibility of the scars in my human eyes were dull compared to how stark there were now. It signaled hewas dangerous, not easily beaten if ever beaten.

My mind was screaming at me that he was dangerous and that I shouldn't let himanywhere near me but then I looked into his eyes. The same golden eyes that hadcaptured my attention from the moment I first met him, full of pain and worry.I stood from my crouch slowly as he took a few steps closer to me, but givingme plenty of room to get out of the corner of my own volition. 

"Is this what the newborns did to you Jasper?" (Mag)

I froze for a moment at the sound of my own voice before a light chuckleleaving his mouth caught my attention. I had only thought he was handsomebefore I died, but now I see I wasn't doing him justice because even with thescars he is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I took a few steps closer tohim, before I realized I was right in front of him with one hand on his chest and another resting carefully on his shoulder. He seemed to tense for a moment at how suddenly I was in his arms but only smiled as he looked at me. 

"Sorry." (Mag)

"It's alright Maggie. As for what happened to me, we can talk about it morelater alright? How do you feel?" (Jas)

"I love you." (Mag)

"I love you too darling, but that's not the feeling I meant." (Jas)

I nodded realizing he meant how I felt after waking up, it was then I realizedI could hear my own heartbeat and felt a blush fading from my cheeks at my laststatement. It hadn't been my mind playing trick on me when I first woke up, I wasn't dead. I felt myself start to panic some as I looked back up to meetJasper's eyes with my own. This wasn't right, vampires didn't need to breathand didn't have heartbeats or blood to blush with.

"Jasper.....what happened to me? This isn't right....what......what am I?" (Mar)

I felt my panic continue to grow until I was close to hyperventilating inJasper's arms as my knees gave out. He was slowly lowering us to the groundbefore movement behind him made me push myself away from him and go against the corner I had crouched in earlier. I saw Alice push her way from amongthe rest of the family now standing in the room, before she offered me a smallsmile even as Jasper hissed at her.

"Oh hush Jasper...she's fine overall....Elliot appears to have been right in his guess. He needs toexplain to her before it's too late. We only have a few hours at most, theexact time I can't see." (Alice)

"J....what.....what is she t-talking about?" (Mar)

"Shhhh darlin just breath for me, copy me ok. In with one breath.....out with onebreath. That's right sugar. Elliot and I just had a question, alright. Thatnight when Randy bit you.....what did he look like?"(Jas)

I found myself flinching back into Jasper's open arms as he moved closer to me,the memories of that night rushing back in as vivid detail as if they justhappened. I felt my breathing increase again as I pictured the way Randy's facehad turned animalistic before he bit me and I passed out. I opened my eyes tosee Elliot watching me in concern as Jasper ran his hand through my curls.

"He was....more animal than man, like a wolf mixed with a bear with fangs, a true monster.Why?" (Mar)

"Oh dove, I'm afraid to say that I think he was a Child of the Moon, awerewolf. i don't know why none of us picked up on the scent beforehand. He just....he didn have one that smelled anything other than human. And it looks as if when he bit you, and then Jazz bit you, the twovenoms interacted with one another. We haven't much time." (El)

I felt frozen as his words washed over me again and again, my ears ringing asthey did. Werewolf he said....even as I tried to fight against that idea all the things that Randy every did and said seemed to make more sense. The monthly trips were all around a full moon, he said he would change me like he wanted to do to my mother, would growl and snarl more than anything, and his ability to drink as he did would have surely killed a normal human man. 

 I felt Jasper leave my side and start yelling with what appeared tobe Rosalie or perhaps it was Edward. I didn't understand what Elliot meant now though,much time til what?? Til I died? I stood up and walked closer to Elliot, gentlygrabbing his arm as he was faced away from me shaking his head at the three-way argument between Jasper and Rosalie and Alice. The room seemed to stop as Idid, and he turned towards me a sad looking smile on his face.

"It's alrigh dove, we can help yeh with the change as much as possible, at least we hope so." (El) 

"I don't know what any of that means El, please I....I'm scared and I don't knowwhat......." (Mar)

My next words were lost as pain like nothing before rushed through my body. Ilet go of Elliot's arm as I wrapped my arms around my own stomach, the painfeeling like a combination of being burned alive and having every bone andorgan within me rupture. I had thought that the pain I felt earlier would be the worst pain I could fell but I was wrong, so wrong.

I felt arms wrap gently around me as the pain seemedto stop for a moment, the echoes still pulsing through every nerve in my body. I knew without looking that Jasper was holding meagain as I clung to his shirt with tears falling down my face at a fast pace.

"What do I do?!?" (Jas)

"Keep holdin her for now Jazz, comfort will help some." (El) 

"We need to get her to the clearing!" (Al)

"J, I still.......I.... don't understand...wha-" (Mar)

Jasper's POV:

Her next question died on her lips as another scream tore it's way out of hermouth instead as her hands left my shirt and wrapped around herself again asshe curled on the floor. I scooped her up into my arms, knowing that Eliot andAlice were right, much to my fear. I raced ahead of my family, my poor matestill screaming in my arms as we headed to the clearing. Her scream stoppedjust as I came to a stop in the center of the clearing, Elliot only a fewseconds behind me. I sat her down on the soft spring grass just as she lookedup at me with tears still falling from her beautiful silver eyes.

"What's....what's happening to me? TELL ME!!" (Mar)

I was going to answer until I saw she wasn't looking at me but at Elliot. Iheard him sigh as he took a few steps closer to us, stopping as I looked at himwith a warning glance. Brother or not, I didn't want him near her when she wasthis vulnerable.

"Like I said dove, I know....well I think I know wha's happenin. Jazz's venom andRandy's is interacting. Werewolves and vampires can kill each other with asingle bite normally, but the time you were bitten must have given it a chanceto combine making yeh.......well we're not sure what yet. But it's a full moontonight and you're changin again, you have to understand that no one knew whathe was dove, he hid it so well. gotta remember who you are dove oncethe change is done." (El)

I saw her face fill with confusion and no doubt more questions but as the fullmoon peaked over the treeline into the clearing around us those questions diedoff immediately. I watched she drop to the floor of the clearing as anotherscream left her mouth, and I tried to comfort her but she pushed me back intoElliot's tight hold. I wanted to go back to her before she looked up and I sawher look at me with tears streaming down her face.


Elliot dragged me away from her, only about half the distance that the otherswere surrounding us from in the clearing as her change started. I watched with pain shooting through me as she screamed again before it changed into a snarl.Her skin went form a pearly white to a blueish grey, it sounded as if everybone in her body was breaking and realigning, claws grew from her hands, herface elongated only slightly as did her rib cage, her ears became a bit pointy and true fangs could be seen in her mouth, but otherwise she was still my mate. I watched as she stood, howling only onceat the moon before I rushed toward her.

I froze a few yards from her as it broke her from her howl and caused her tosnarl at me and crouch as if ready to pounce. I heard Edward whisper for me tobe careful as her mind wasn't fully her own, but I knew I had to try. I walkeda few more feet toward her, never losing eye contact with her even as the blackeyes lacked any knowledge of who I was.

"Margaret, darlin, you've got to remember who you are and who I am. Come ondarlin, think about who you are." (Jas)

I watched with held breath as she seemed to stare at me again, shaking her headfor a moment as her eyes closed before she looked at me. She stood from hercrouch and took a few steps towards me before a smell that I was only all too-familiarwas blown through the clearing. Hikers nearby. And I wasn't the only one to smell it. She sprungtoward the smell, and would have made it out of the clearing if I hadn't jumpedin front of her. I heard my own scream as claws went across my chest, her nowred eyes glaring at me, before a rush of remorse crossed her emotions. Shejumped off me and crouched again as I said her name, before taking off at fullspeed in the opposite direction of the humans.

"Margaret!!" (J)

I went to chase after her, but collapsed to my knees as pain overtook my body.I went to force myself to my knees but found myself being held back by Rosalieand Carlisle with Elliot standing in front of me. I could feel all their fearand unease swarming in the air but I didn't care about any of that right now, Ihad to get to Margaret.

"Aye there, you're goin home with da so he can patch yah up by mornin, I'llcatch up to her an make sure she stays outta trouble." (Eli)

"No, I'm fine." (Jas)

"You're not bloody fine you jackass, half your damn organs are bout to fall out. You might not need them anymore but tha surely cannot be good.  Now go home and I'll watch over her tonigh, da, Em take him home." (El) 

I wanted to argue but as he took off in the same direction that Margaret disappeared to I knew he was right. I wouldn't be able to keep up with him in this state. Alice told me he would find her, that she had seen her coming home even though she was still blurry. Suppose that's because she's not a vampire, not completely, but she's not a werewolf completely either. I just had to trust that he could catch up to her before dawn and keep her safe and keep her from doing anything she would regret. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now