Chapter 21

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Jasper's POV: 

I withheld another sigh of slight irritation as I waited for Margaret to walk into class. Alice had insisted going over to her house today for 'bonding time' as she called it, promising to have her here on time. I wasn't sure what to make of the whole bonding time between them, but was thankful at least that Margaret seemed to like spending time with Alice at least. My thoughts were interrupted by the whispers of a few of the humans that had just walked in and sat down, and I was unfortunate to be able to hear their every word no matter how quiet they whispered. 

"So she actually rode here with the short weird one?" 

"Yep, saw her get out of the car myself. And then she did her hair up in a braid, but like why?" 

I felt myself grow more and more irritated as I began to reason who it was they were talking about, knowing that only my family can cause this much interest to them on any given day. But now I also suspected that they were talking about Margaret as well, and that infuriated me as I kept hearing them whisper as more and more students arrived for first period. 

"I know it's just gross how many of them there are, like so much worse why put them on display like that??" 

I was a few seconds away from snarling when I smelled her and heard her heartbeat as she walked into the room. The majority of the whispers died down as she walked in, a blush forming on her face as they did. She kept her head down and made her way quickly over to our two tables before she looked up and met my eyes. 

I could feel worry and hesitation as I looked into her eyes, seeing that Alice had indeed done her hair up in a lovely braid that laid against her back now. Her scars were for once on full display but I thought her all the more lovely for it. I felt a smile form on my face, and felt overwhelmed when one began to form on her face as well. 

"Good morning Margaret, you look absolutely stunning. That color brings out your eyes more you know." (J)

"Good morning Jasper, and that must be why Alice insisted I wear it today. But I kind of wish she hadn't insisted on the braid." (M)

I watched as she smile dimmed some as she glanced around the at the rest of the class only to see them staring at both of us in stunned silence with only a few whispering pairs still going full force. I threw caution to the wind then and took her hand in my own, and bringing it to my lips. I gave her the chance to take it away but she only gripped my hand tighter for a moment as I brought it up to my lips and laid a gentle kiss on it. 

"Well if you want we can always undo it after first period is over, but between you and me I think that you are the most beautiful creature that I have ever laid eyes upon." (J)

I watched as a blush flooded her cheeks as a soft smile stayed on her face, her thanks barely more than a whisper but her eyes never left my own. Class started but she kept her hand in my own on top of our table, and I knew that I would need to thank Alice later today for this gift. For any chance I got to compliment my mate and have her smile at me was truly a gift. 

Margaret's POV: 

This was the first time that my scars had ever been on full display like this, but with Jasper's hand in my own I was able to forget about them. As we left first period, he walked me to second and then asked if I would have lunch with him outside if it didn't rain. I agreed and felt my smile grow again as his own seemed to make his eyes light up as he gently placed a hand on my cheek and gave a quick kiss before leaving for his own class. 

The image of his eyes so bright and free was what got me through the next two classes without taking my braid down. Now I was sitting outside at a picnic table, waiting for him to join me as the clouds overhead threatened rain at any moment. I was already done with my salad that Carly had left for me in the fridge last night, now I was just waiting on Jasper wondering if he had forgotten about out meeting spot this morning. I didn't have long to wonder though as he soon sat down across from me a smile on his face that didn't seem to reach his eyes. 

"Sorry I'm late, had to have a quick word with my siblings." (J)

"Is something wrong?" (M) 

"No, everything is fine. Why do you ask?" (J)

"Your eyes just look worried I guess." (M) 

"Oh, well I am a bit worried I suppose. I have something I need to ask you." (J) 

"Ok." (M)

I found myself gently biting my bottom lip, wondering what he had to ask me and whether I too should be worried. He smiled again as he took both my hands in his own across the table. I watched as he took a deep breath and once again met my eyes with his own entrancing golden pools. 

"Margaret, it would do me the greatest honor if you would be my girlfriend." (J)

I was frozen for a moment at his words, before a loud clap of thunder sounded just above us. A smile formed on my face as a laugh left my mouth, all while I wondered if this was actually the question that had him so worried from before. I saw him looking at me in silence, the worry still present in his eyes even as a smile grew larger on my face. 

"Jasper, if that's why you're worried you truly are the silliest man alive because I could never say no to that." (M) 

I watched as the worry fled from his eyes only to be replaced with what I could try to explain as joy. The smile on his face easily reached his eyes and before I knew it he was leaning over the table, his hands on either side of my face, kissing me. I had my arms wrapped gently around his neck as he kissed me for a moment longer before he pulled away. Thunder sounded once again as a light laugh left my mouth and a chuckle left his own. 

"Perfect timing asking in the beginning of a thunder storm too." (M)

"Well what can I say, I know you said you loved them. Thought it might help me out some." (J)

I smiled again before a light fall of rain forced us to abandon the table and head inside. Though we only made it to the library before disappearing down a back isle where he gently traced the scars on my face before kissing each one and returning to my lips. I found a moan try to escape my throat but I reminded myself where we were, and I held it in. A few kisses later and a "hmm hmm" interrupted us. I felt my face burn red wondering which teacher just caught us before I saw it was Alice standing at the end of the isle with Edward standing behind her. 

"I hate to break up this moment, but the first bell already rang, and we don't want to be late to art do we Margaret?" (Al)

"No, I suppose not. I'll see you after school Jasper?" (M)

"Absolutely darlin, after all with the rain I'm giving you a ride home today no arguments." (J)

I shook my head at his protectiveness, but it made me feel warm inside. No one had ever tried to protect me since mom died. I placed one more quick kiss on his cheek before I was practically drug out of the library by Alice and into the art room. She was chattering away happily but I would be a liar to say that I heard anything she said as all I could focus on was what happened during lunch. 

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now