Chapter 20

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Chapter 20(Oct. 7th)- Monday
Margaret's POV:

It had been a week of peace, a week that made me wonder if I had died and gone to heaven in some weird way. Randy hadn't laid a hand on me since he returned from his trip with Carly. I had eaten more in the last seven days than he normally fed me in a month because each time she came over he insisted that we all eat together like a real 'family.' I knew that she was still being fooled, but I was selfish in hoping she stayed with him long enough for my birthday to set me free from him.

Jasper had spent the night three more times last week, after that first night that I caught him sneaking into my room, and it was the best three nights of sleep I had ever had in his arms. He was still so confusing to me at times, the way he spoke, or moved in a way, as if I was a fragile as glass. His eyes and his temperature were just as confusing as they were the exact same as his family's, which didn't make sense if none of them were actually related to one another.

I felt a sigh leave my mouth as I stared at the finished sketch of Jasper sitting on the couch at his house. Emmett next to him laughing at Jasper's annoyed expression. I had started it over the weekend when Randy was out with Carly, having started sketching it as they were playing a video game of some kind. Emmett's shouts and yells still made me jump a bit, but I kept my hand from jerking the pencil each time he shouted and ruining the sketch. I was trying to force myself to become as comfortable around Jasper's family as I could so I didn't hurt his feelings by shying away from them, even if it was what my brain screamed at me to do most of the time. 

I was planning on giving Jasper a sketch for his birthday, since I didn't have any other way to give him a gift as I had no money to call my own for something like that. The more I looked at this sketch though, the more I knew it wasn't the right one for his birthday. Perhaps on Emmett's birthday as I know that he would find this sketch more humorous than Jasper would. The more I thought of one for Jasper the more my mind went back to our first date at the conservatory, the bench we sat on underneath the stars. That was the image I wanted to draw for him, and though I didn't normally do things in color I knew that this time I would. 

I heard a gentle knocking on the front door and paused in my search for a small clean canvas, as I tried to figure out who would be knocking this early on a Monday morning. I s aid a quick prayer that it wasn't one of Randy's disgusting friends coming to look for him, before I wiped my hands on a cloth to make sure all the charcoal dust was off my fingers. I walked out to the front door and opened it, only to find myself face to face with a smiling Alice.

"Good morning Margaret! I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd see if you wanted a ride to school?" (Alice)

"Umm yea sure I suppose, but you know it's 6 o'clock in the morning right?" (Mag)

"Yep! I thought we could just hang out until it was time to go!" (Alice)

I nodded my head some at her chipperness, as it was a stark contrast to the gloomy weather outside. I was ever the more thankful that Randy had spent the night with Carly last so that I was alone this morning. I didn't want to even think how badly I would have been punished later if he had been here this morning. I invited Alice inside and led her to my room, watching as she sat down at the foot of my made bed criss-cross before she started looking at various sketches hanging up all over the room.

"So, why are you up so early this morning anyway? I half-expected to have to drag you out of bed when I got here." (Alice)

I heard the laughter in her voice even as I began my hunt for a small clean canvas again before I finally found one that was the perfect size. I smiled as I took the plastic off of it before I turned back to see Alice still smiling with her head tilted in question, a smile still etched on her perfectly sculpted face. I felt a small blush form on my face as I looked down at the canvas in my hands, wondering if this was actually a stupid idea. 

"I was working on Jasper's birthday gift, well starting it really. I suppose doing one for Rose wouldn't be a bad idea either, since they're twins and all." (Mag)

"Well, Rose probably wouldn't mind too much if you didn't get her anything, but she'd be grateful if you did. What were you thinking for Jasper?" (Alice)

I felt the blush grow stronger on my face as I looked at the canvas in my hand, and wondered if it was too girly a gift to give him for his birthday. Though it certainly didn't help that their family was very well off and didn't exactly want for anything. I looked up and saw Alice smiling even wider at me as she looked at the canvas and back at me.

"A painting?!?" (Alice)

"Yes but, now I'm not sure. Do you think he'd like a painting from me? I was going to work on it some during art class this week so it would be ready in time, but I don't know if he'd actually want a painting for his birthday." (Mag)

I felt worry wash over me until I heard her bell like laugh and it forced me to smile even as worried as I was over his potential gift. She shook her head before looking at me as if I was crazy all while her smile remained, matching my own as I stared at her.

"Margaret, he would cherish a painting from you that much I can promise." (Alice)

"Well if you promise, then I'll just blame you if he doesn't like it then." (M)

"Deal." (Al) 

Alice played music on her phone while she watched me start working on Jasper's gift. It was mostly just outlining the background scene first, making sure my scaling was correct so that I could start adding in background colors hopefully by today in art or tomorrow at the latest. I was lost in my own world until I heard Alice clear her throat, a smile still on her face as I looked towards her. 

"That already looks amazing Margaret, but if we're going to school you should probably get ready. We've got to leave in 30 minutes." (Al)

I nodded in agreement knowing she was right, even though I wanted nothing but to keep working. I wrapped the sheet of parchment paper around the small canvas before placing it carefully in my bag. I stood up only to see Alice holding out an outfit for me, practically bouncing on her feet as she stood in front of me. 

"Just this once wear what I've picked out for you? Please?" (Al)

I was prepared to argue with her but then saw it wasn't anything too extreme. A pair of dark jeans from my closet and what looked like a sky blue sweater from her own. She was even allowing me to wear my own black flats, so really it was just the sweater that wasn't my own. I felt a small sigh leave my mouth before I smiled and took the outfit from her, leaving the room to change in the bathroom, but not missing the excited squeal that left her mouth just as I closed the bathroom door. 

I ran a brush through my hair and brushed my teeth before changing clothes, wondering why it was so important to her that I wear this sweater. Then again it's Alice, and from what I know about her so far, fashion is super important to her. Maybe a bit too important, but she's one of my first friends too. A moment of dread washed over me as I realized I just admitted that to myself, meaning that a dream of her death won't be far behind. I shook my head clear of that thought for now and quickly left the bathroom to see Alice waiting for me with my bag in her arms, her smile seeming to grow even wider as she saw me. 

"You look beautiful in that color Margaret! Now, let's get going before we're late." (A)

"Whatever you say Alice." (M)

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now