Chapter 66

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Margaret's POV:

As I came to once more, I saw Alpha Lucas glaring at me from only a few inches away but not quite touching me. I whimpered as I pushed backwards against the tree, my new strength making the tree itself groan under the force I was applying. Luna Allie was then pressing a hand against his shoulder, moving him away with a gentle but stern smile.

"My love, she did nothing wrong. Your visions, can they be changed?" (Allie)

"N-no.....death is....death is final. I'm sorry." (Mag)

"Shhhh young one, it is alright. We will talk later of what you have seen, just us two. Carly has told us more about your past and we know the one that bit you. We are seeking him out for punishment for other crimes even now and will add the ones committed against you to the list as he cannot be allowed to continue on as such." (Allie)

"He's......he's dead." (Mag)

"Dead you say? By who's hand?" (Lucas)

" boyfriend." (Mags)

"Your boyfriend? Is he a hunter then?" (Lucas)

"A what?" (Mag)

"No dear, her boyfriend is a vampire." (Allie)

I flinched again the growls that were loosed around me by the men, Carly gently shushing Mike and I looked at the woman that spoke with such certainty but none of the malice or anger in her voice that was echoed in the growls. She was offering me a small smile as she stared at me, still kneeling on the ground next to me. I nodded at the unasked question of if she were right, though it seemed she hardly needed confirmation.

"So she is a leech then?" (Clay)

"Yes and no. She is no doubt a hybrid, she as much stated that already. Very rare of course, usually they die in the transformation process. The venom of the vampire or the lychan genes kill the infected off through fighting with one another. The boyfriend must be more than just a boyfriend." (Allie)

"Her mate!" (Carly)

"Yes, it would explain how she survived the transformation." (Allie)

"He....he said I was his mate before I.....before he had to bite me to save me. I didn't know it would be the same for me in regards to him before I was changed." (Mag)

"Bite you to save you? I believe we are missing some of your story Margaret. I would like to hear more." (Allie)

"Perhaps in a more neutral setting Luna Allie? Where she feels safer." (Carly)

"I'm afraid that isn't possible, she's on our territory so she's coming with us." (Lucas)

The woman before me glanced at him for a moment, an unspoken agreement seeming to pass between them before she rose from the ground. She took his hand and looked at me once more with an encouraging smile on her face before they began walking in the same direction they had come from earlier.

"Well, you heard the Alpha. Up and walking willingly or we'll have to drag you there. Your choice." (Bert)

"Come on Margaret, it's alright. Promise." (Carly)

I felt my self gulp as I took her hand to help me up from the ground. Only briefly brushing off the leaves and dirt from my shorts and legs before I kept close to her side as we started towards the dense forest around us. I walked in silence, tense and jittery, the entire time as we made our way out of the dense forest and towards a large looking estate in the middle of a clearing. Other smaller houses were scattered on the edge of the clearing nearest the forest we had just left. I paused in my step only once before the growl from Clay behind me made me jump and walk closer to Carly's side. Her hand found mine again as we walked closer to the large house, one that dwarfed the Cullen's easily.

I was finding it hard to breathe as we walked up the steps and through the front door. I was met with a large winding staircase, one that I had been down before in the vision of Luna Allie's death. It was barely a second of standing near the base of the staircase that the slamming of a door had me jumping away from Carly and standing against the wall behind me. A small boy no older than 6 burst through the door laughing, a woman that appeared to be Carly's age chasing after him. She stopped as she saw us all, giving a brief bow to Luna Allie and Alpha Lucas as the young boy ran them to hug and hugged Luna Allie's legs.

"I'm so sorry. We were playing hide and seek and I found him which meant he had to take a nap but he decided to run instead." (Em)

"It is perfectly alright Emily, we can take it from here. Perhaps you and Bert would like the night off?" (Allie)

I watched as both nodded eagerly, giving another slight bow of the head before hurrying from the room hand in hand. The little boy noticed me about the same time the door shut softly behind the duo. I could see the curiosity growing in his eyes as he let go of Luna Allie and made his way over to me. I felt myself stiffen even more and my breath start to grow frantic as his hand reached out toward me as his father started to growl. I didn't have time to argue or plead for him to stop as I was again sucked into a death vision as he placed his small hand on my bare knee.

*Death Vision*

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now