Chapter 10

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Margaret's POV: (Monday Sept. 22nd)

I had taken today off from school, not that Randy noticed or really cared. I knew that in order to present on Wednesday I needed my back to be as healed as possible, so when Randy went to work, I took a long hot bath in Epson salts. I thought of trying to get ahold of Jasper and telling him I would be able to practice tomorrow during lunch, but I didn't have his number or any way of calling him. He probably wouldn't miss me that much anyway.

I winced some as I got out of the hot bath and toweled off, being sure not to bust the wounds back open before sliding on a soft black t-shirt and hoodie. I wasn't worried about being behind in schoolwork as I was usually ahead in most of my classes anyway. I thought back to the dream I had about Jasper and found myself wondering if I had still been dreaming about him being in my room when I 'woke up.'

Was he really here, in my poor excuse for a room? The room that had an old ratty desk and bookshelf, with a plain wooden chair. An old mattress with a rickety bed frame, and wallpaper composed only of my sketches. Why would he have been here anyway? I must have been dreaming because for someone like Jasper to want to be with me, genuinely want to be friends with me, well that just wasn't something that happened in the normal world.

Jasper's POV:

I wanted to be anywhere but stuck in this pointless lesson right now. I wanted to be with Margaret, to know that she was alright, that her guardian didn't harm her in some way Friday night. But Emmett and Edward had insisted I go hunting with them this weekend when Edward read how angry my thoughts were to her guardian. Not that hunting helped much, the thought of him touching her in any way made me want to hunt him down and kill him.

And this morning Margaret didn't show up for school, and I wanted nothing but to rush to her home and see if she was alright. I heard the bell ring and I shot up from my seat before I left the room and went straight to the office. I wasn't going to stay here another minute, not until I knew she was safe. I sent a txt to Alice, though I'm sure she knew already and would inform the others, as I checked out under the guise of a doctor's appointment and left the school.

I had never been happier to have driven myself today as I got in and quickly pulled out of the lot towards Margaret's house. I parked across the street, seeing that there were no cars in the drive but not wanting to risk getting her into trouble. I took one last breath and climbed out of the car, crossing the street in as much of a human pace as I could muster before I reached her front door.

I listened as closely as I could and heard only her heartbeat in the house, knowing instantly that it was hers. I would know her heartbeat anywhere, even in a crowd of other humans. I knocked gently on the front door, hearing her heartbeat speed up as her footsteps came closer and the door opened just a crack before she opened it wider and was standing in front of me.

I heard her heartbeat falter for a moment as she looked at me, confusion and surprise evident in her emotions, even as pain raced through her as well. She was wearing a black hoody with the sleeves pushed up some and the hood over her head and grey sweatpants. I looked and saw what had to be charcoal covering her right hand meaning she was sketching just a few minutes ago.

"Jasper? What are.....well what are you doing here?" (Mag)

"Well you weren't in class today and I was in the neighborhood after leaving early for a doctor's appointment and thought I'm stop by to see if you were sick or needed something." (Jas)

" no I'm not sick, well I was feeling unwell this weekend so I stayed home today just in case but otherwise I'm fine now." (Mag)

"I'm glad to hear it Margaret." (Jas)
I smiled as she nodded and looked at me before we both stood in silence for a while, then she blushed a bit and then looked around the room before looking back at me. I saw another beautiful blush start on her beautiful cheeks before she cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, would you like to come in for a bit?" (Mag)

"Only if it's not an inconvenience or anything." (Jas)

"No, it's fine, my guardian should be at work until 4, so as long as you're gone by 3 I think it will be fine." (Mag)

A twinge of anger stirred in me at the mention of her guardian, but disappeared as she moved aside from the door and let me in. I smiled at her as she shut the door gently behind me and then motioned to follow her into her room. I saw another blush cross her face as I walked in, and I tried not to laugh at it knowing how embarrassed and shy she was currently feeling.

"Sorry my room isn't.....more I guess." (Mag)

"I like it, especially your wallpaper that you have going on here. It's quite unique and beautiful I would say." (Jas)

I felt amusement mixed with confusion in her emotions as she watched me walk around her room and look at the various sketches of landscapes that covered the walls. Alice was right about her talent being extraordinary even for a human, and thankfully right about her vision of Margaret believing seeing me in here last Friday was only a dream.

I was staring out into what could easily be a window of a woods scene had it been in color rather than the blacks and greys of charcoal. The sketches she's done are incredibly realistic. I think even Esme would be in awe of some of her sketches. It's then I see that she's lowered the hood from her head and that her hair is pulled up into a messy bun, and I feel honored she feels comfortable enough with me not to keep her scars hidden as she was earlier last week. I then see her staring at me with as unguarded expression as I've ever seen on her face.

"What is it Margaret?" (Jas)

" confuse me. You're not like other guys, sometimes you act or talk as if you're from another time." (Mag)

"Oh, I'm sorry I guess. Esme is always telling me I'm an old soul trapped in a young man's body. Perhaps I should tell her she's right." (Jas)

"Well whatever you do, never be sorry for that. It's refreshing to know at least one guy that isn't....." (Mag)
I watched as she trailed off and a slight blush appeared on her face as she looked away from me and towards what appeared to be the sketch she was working on when I knocked on the door. I smiled again as I took a few cautious steps towards her, before stopping as I saw her tense some as she looked back at me.

"I think the word you were searching for was arrogant pricks, or perhaps something even more colorful than that." (Jas)

I felt my spirit soar as I saw her smile what had to be the most beautiful smile I had ever seen in my existence and a soft laugh left her mouth. She nodded as she laughed a soft and short laugh that I soon joined her in. I could still feel her pain, and even a bit of lingering fear, but for the first time since meeting Margaret I felt happiness radiate off her in waves and it was something that I longed to feel from her for the rest of my existence with her by my side.

"I suppose you're right about that." (M)

I saw her glance at a small clock on the wall and felt her emotions grow with worry. She seemed to grow antsy as she saw that the time was already 2:45, and I found myself wondering what her guardian acted like when he thought no one was watching. I hated myself even more for not staying when she woke up screaming and he was fueled with nothing but anger. I took another step towards her, watching as she froze for a moment before she looked at me and seemed to relax a bit.

"I can leave now, if I need to. I'd hate to get you in trouble with your guardian Margaret." (J)

"I hate to say it, but I feel that would be the safest option. I should be back at school tomorrow though so we can run through a few last minute things for our presentation. If that's alright with you." (M)

"That's perfectly fine with me Margaret. I have faith that the presentation will go smoothly even if we don't review at all tomorrow." (J)

I watched as a slow smile spread across her face, and felt one form on my own as she nodded. She walked out of her room and I followed her to the front door of the house again, noticing how her emotions seemed to grow stronger with each passing minute. I tried to calm her as I did each time in class, but again it seemed to do little for her.

"Thank you for.....for stopping by Jasper. It was a nice surprise." (M)

"Anytime at all Margaret. Until tomorrow morning." (J)

"Of course Jasper." (M)

I smiled at her again as she held the door open for me, shutting it gently behind me only after I was off of the porch. I was already half-way home before I realized that I had never felt this happy, unless I was reading it from someone else's emotions. It was a strange feeling to feel so happy with only three little words uttered by a human girl, though she was undoubtedly the most beautiful human girl I had ever seen. And it was a feeling that I hoped to experience again and again with that same human, as I grew to love her more and more.

Margaret Allie Brandon (Jasper's Mate Story)Where stories live. Discover now