Chapter 19

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 Chapter 19 (Sept. 30th) -Tuesday
Margaret's POV:

Tomorrow was the day I had been dreading since Wednesday morning. It was the day that Randy was coming back. This weekend had seemed almost like a dream, with Saturday and Sunday spent relaxing with the Cullens, watching movies with Jasper and Alice, and sketching in Esme's garden and small greenhouse she had behind the house. I had grown more comfortable around most of the Cullens with the exception of Rosalie, Edward, and Carlisle.

I simply didn't see Carlisle very much because he was at work at the hospital and Rosalie was well.....she was Rosalie I suppose.  I sensed a past of some kind that had made her that way, yet I could think of nothing I could do to make amends with her yet. And quite frankly it seemed as if she wanted anything but to get to know me on any level. Her boyfriend, and Jasper's other brother, Edward was quiet and polite towards me in every sense. But whenever I saw him looking at me, it was as if he was trying to look right through me or trying to solve a puzzle.

I hadn't told Jasper anything else about the things that Alice and Rosalie had seen, the scars and bruises on my body from Randy were kept a secret between us. For that I was thankful. I had opened up to him more than I thought I would to anyone else, but there were just some things that I wasn't ready to tell him and that was one of them. I trusted Jasper to a fault but there was still something that told me that he could be dangerous if he was angry enough.

I didn't think he would ever hurt me, not on purpose, but the underlying fear kept me cautious enough around him concerning my past and present with Randy. He had taken to dropping me off at my house these last two days after school, and surprisingly it didn't bother me as much as it used to. I just.....I felt safe with him, even as I felt I was growing addicted to his kisses goodbye as he left me each afternoon. I feel a sigh leave me lips as I stare at the ceiling of my room, thinking of how his eyes seem to flow with emotion.

I had always heard that eyes could be the window to a person's soul, but his seemed to be the first pair that had ever proven that statement true. I was just beginning to doze off when I heard something I didn't think I would hear until tomorrow as the night grew later around me. Yet I heard it very clearly, the sound of what could only be Randy's truck coming down the road and toward the house. I froze as I sat up on the bed, hearing the truck pull up in the drive before parking. I heard two doors shut before I heard laughing and his deep chuckle follow it. The front door opened and closed and as it did I felt my fear and worry increase.

"Margaret, get out here!" (Ran)

I felt my breath catch in my throat before I forced myself to stand up and walk out of the safety of my room and towards the living room. I walked out expecting to meet the angry gaze of Randy, but was instead met by one that was smiling at me. I wondered if I was asleep and this was some dream but then I saw his new girlfriend standing next to him smiling at me as well. She was a few years younger than Randy, with brown hair and a kind smile. She looked like a decent person and my heart broke that he had fooled her as easily as he had fooled my mother so many years ago.

"Margaret, I want you to meet Carly. Carly this is Margaret, my stepdaughter." (Ran)

"It's wonderful to meet you Margaret, Randy has told me so much about you, I hope that we may get to know each other as great friends." (Carly)

"Thank you Carly, it's nice to meet you as well." (Mag)

"We're going to unpack the car and then order pizza if you want some kid, but no staying up late. It's a school night after all." (Ran)

"Ok, thank you." (Mag)

I watched as they smiled at me and walked back out to the truck and brought their bags back in the house. Carly was laughing at something he said before he kissed her gently on the cheek. I wanted to tell her not to fall for his tricks, but I knew it wouldn't work. People only see what they want to see, not what they need to see. I watched them for the rest of the night, even eating pizza with them and answering all of Carly's questions with a well-trained and forced smile as Randy's eyes never left my face as I did so.

I knew that if my answers weren't great, I would probably pay for them later when Carly had left. It seemed so far that while Carly was here and not completely under his control, he was on his best behavior. Though truthfully this only made me more and more on edge as the meal went on.  It was only after finishing the pizza and clearing the table with Carly's help, after she insisted at least 10 times, that I could finally excuse myself to bed. Being wished a 'goodnight kiddo' from Randy and a 'sweet dreams' from Carly as I climbed the stairs to my room. 

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