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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 13: A Mess


    Gu Yixin feels that not returning home at night on the first day of being a mother is really bad, especially since she is still a single mother, it is simply a crime.

    But in fact, the guilt in her heart is not serious, after all, she hasn't been able to fully integrate into the role, so she can't experience the feelings of a true mother.

    As the car walked all the way to her house, her mood gradually calmed down, remembering that she didn't know where Guan Yue took Yangyang, so she took out her mobile phone to make a call to confirm, and remembered that the mobile phone was dead, hesitated and asked Yan Zhannan: "Can I borrow your cell phone to make a call?"

    Yan Zhannan motioned to her to take it by herself. Just in the locker between the two seats, Gu Yixin opened the locker and found that there were three phones. If you want to be a boss, just listen to him. Said: "The white one can be used, it's not locked, but..."

    Gu Yixin was originally going to get the white mobile phone. After hearing him say nothing, one hand hesitantly stopped in the air.

    I saw him continue to say with a serious expression: "But as long as you call, you have to kiss me." At the end, he couldn't help but lick his mouth again.

    Sure enough, there is no shameless, only shameless!

    This is simply sitting on the floor and asking for prices, and it's a serious hooliganism!

    Ignoring his words, she directly picked up the white mobile phone and dialed Guan Yue's number. As her only friend after waking up, Gu Yixin memorized his mobile phone number upside down when she was in the hospital.

    The phone rang twice and was picked up, Guan Yue pinched his throat and asked politely: Hello, who?

    As soon as he heard his voice, Gu Yixin's emotions immediately relaxed. For her, Guan Yue is a family-like existence, so when she speaks, her tone naturally becomes softer: "Guan Yue, it's me." On

    her side Very gentle, but Guan Yue directly exploded his hair, shouting in his throat: "Cheng Cheng, you a dead woman died all night, and the phone was turned off. I thought you ran with a wild man again!"

    Gu Yixin looked at the man driving the car, and wondered if he ran away with the wild man.

    "This is a long story. I'll tell you when I go back, where are you now? Do you have work? Where is Yangyang?"

    Guan Yue said angrily, "I didn't go to work today. I'm at your house, Yangyang. Very good, I just asked my mother where to go a few times last night."

    Gu Yixin sighed, "I'll be home soon."

    Hanging up the phone, put the phone back in the cabinet, Gu Yixin thought, I'll go back later, and talk to Yangyang seriously Just apologize.

    "Guan Yue? Yang Yang?" Yan Zhannan put aside his smile, turned his face to look at her suspiciously, and when his eyes were no longer smiling, his eyes were as deep as a cold pool for a moment, making people shudder.

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