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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 28 President Yan's Guess

    Gu Yixin not only received the spring-like warmth from the main creative team in the crew, but even Li Yu, who wanted to frame her before, would still cry stiffly, "Sister Cheng." When meeting her, although his face was not worried,

    Gu Yixin wanted to laugh a little . , I thought that Li Yu was actually the same year as Cheng Cheng, so it was a bit embarrassing for her to call her sister, and Li Yu was such a proud person, probably crying in his heart while shouting.

    "It's fine if you call me by name. I'm not older than you for a few days."

    Li Yu heard Gu Yixin say this, and he was relieved, and didn't forget to tell her: "Then you don't go to my brother to file a complaint."

    Gu Yixin shook his head. "I don’t like to file complaints."

    Li Yu didn’t believe her at all, and said unhappily: "The last time, if you didn’t tell my brother, how would he know?!"

    Gu Yixin felt that she shouldn’t recite this pot, "No. What I said was that there were so many onlookers that day, whoever told him it would be possible."

    Thinking of the situation that day, Li Yu blushed again, looking back at the facts.

    Gu Yixin asked with a beating, "Have you found the earrings in the end?"

    "Huh!" Li Yu rolled his eyes, turned his head and stepped on high heels and walked away.

    Gu Yixin’s exclusive lounge is of the same specification as Li Yu. Even the sofa is soft and comfortable, and can be used as a bed directly when lying on it.

    In the afternoon, there was no Gu Yixin's play. She lay on the sofa and rested. The room was very quiet. Yan Zhannan originally sent an assistant to her, but she was sent back. She was not ready to develop in the entertainment industry, so she left after the filming. People, it's useless to have an assistant.

    While she was in a daze, the door of the lounge was quietly opened, and the tall man stepped in, moving quickly and quietly, taking a long leg and blinking to the sofa.

    Gu Yixin suddenly felt that something was wrong, and suddenly opened her eyes, only to see a pair of fiery lips pressing down quickly, she was too late to react, and was instantly pulled into the vortex of agitation/love.

    What he inhaled from his nose was the familiar breath of a man, and what he touched on the palm of his hand was the man's sturdy body. Gu Yixin relaxed himself into the man's arms.

    Yan Zhannan smiled low in her ear, "So passionate?"

    Gu Yixin put his arms around his neck, closed his eyes to enjoy the intimate hug, "President Yan is not

    doing business, and he is not in the company at this time." Yan Zhannan pushed her onto the sofa. He pushed and lay down with his arms around her. The originally quite spacious sofa became extremely crowded after lying down with two people. Gu Yixin was so crowded that he could only lie on his side.

    Listening to her ridicule, Yan Zhannan smiled carelessly: "*It's too short a day to rise, and the king will not come early."

    Gu Yixin

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