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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

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Chapter 39: Backyard Swing

    Even if Gu Yixin and Zhou Zhou worked hard to re-modify the flower shape, they still couldn't satisfy the person in charge. Although they were prepared, Gu Yixin still felt a little sad when he learned that the finished product was returned.

    Holding Yangyang's little hand, silently went to the backyard to relax.

    She has just moved in, and the backyard has not had time to clean up. Most of the place is still weeds, but the swing has been set for Yang Yang. Perhaps it is because of her age. Yang Yang will still be scared when she sits on it. The swing is still unemployed.

    She walked over, sat on the swing, Chao Yangyang beckoned, "Baby, come, mother hug you."

    Yang Yang pursed his small mouth, his face was tangled, and he hesitated to go.

    Gu Xin smiled and rushed to him and said:. "Never mind, my mother sat down lap, very safe,"

    Yang Yang thought, finally decided to believe his mother, "Mom, will, fall?"

    "Guaranteed not to If you fall, even if you fall, your mother will be under you." Gu Yixin softly coaxed him, "Come on, we are men, we must be brave." When

    Gu Yixin hugged him on his lap, the little guy raised his face and looked curiously. Asked his mother: "Man, what is it?"

    Gu Yixin wondered how to explain it to make it easier to understand, so he said to Yang Yang: "Man, just like Uncle Yan, he can hold his mother and Yang Yang, right? Very powerful?”

    Yang Yang instantly understood the true meaning of a man, nodded in agreement, and complimented Uncle Yan along with his mother's words: "Very greasy!"

    "Puff...Yangyang, very powerful." Gu Yixin corrected him.

    "It's very greasy."


    "It's greasy."

    Gu Yixin helped her forehead. "Well, let's be greasy."

    Yan Zhannan brought two glasses of juice out and heard the mother and son discussing on the swing. The question of whether he was tired or not, he couldn't help laughing in an instant, and walked over with a small smile.

    "We Yangyang is the most greasy." He handed Gu Yixin a glass of juice, and fed Yang Yang with another glass. "Drink some juice before playing."

    Gu Yixin, who was depressed by business affairs, was in the middle of a year. When the two men interrupted, their mood also followed brightly. They took the juice and drank it in a few sips, but Yang Yang didn't want to drink it after half a cup. Gu Yixin took the juice over and drank it together.

    Then he put the cup on the grass and waved his hand to let Yan Zhannan come to help them push the swing.

    Yan Zhannan stood behind them, held her back with one hand, bowed his head and bargained with her, "What good is it to help you push the swing?"

    Gu Yixin tilted his eye, "Whatever you do is good!" The

    accused Yan Zhannan The old god is here, "Businessmen are all profit first, and you must learn this."

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