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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 33

    Yan Zhannan looked at the report for a long time, and there were data on it that he couldn't understand, but he still read it word by word very seriously, then buried his face in his palm, quietly silent.

    The person who provided the report had been sent away. In the gorgeous box, he was alone in a daze. There were too many questions and too many things to think about, but his mind was blank.

    I stretched my hand into my pocket and wanted to take a cigarette out and light it, but found that I was walking in a hurry and didn't take the cigarette with me. I could only pour myself a cup of tea, but my fingers did not listen, and trembling slightly, sprinkled the water. Out of the cup.

    He threw the kettle back on the table voluntarily. The teapot made of ceramic made a crisp "touch" at the moment it hit the table, which was swaying but not broken.

    Picking up the report again and reading it carefully, the results on the report will not change because of his suspicion. Is Yang Yang his son? My son!

    He had been judged to be infertile by the doctor, and suddenly found out that he had a three-year-old son!

    This kind of feeling is really fucking, it's like the boxing match just started. Before he had time to prepare for the fight, he was dropped by his opponent.

    It's not that he has a low endurance and a low psychological quality, but that this incident itself has a strong sense of strangeness.

    Three years ago, he was still injured, his sexual function was impaired, and his erection was impaired. Not to mention having sex with a woman, even if he wanted to control himself, he was weak.

    What's more, he didn't know Cheng Cheng at the time and didn't interact with her. How did this woman get pregnant with his child? And after she was pregnant, she still gave birth to the child in silence. What did she want?

    Yan Zhannan began to wonder if he was drugged back then, and then he had a relationship with Cheng Cheng without consciousness? However, he quickly denied this speculation. He was raising his body at the time and he needed to quit smoking and drinking, so he didn't even socialize. He went home obediently after he was busy every day. There was no possibility of going out and fooling around.

    This is really weird! How did Cheng Cheng do it?

    Yan Zhannan really wanted to make a call right away to ask questions, but then it occurred to him that Cheng Cheng was going to do the appraisal without telling him, and the report did not show up with him. She would do this, probably because she wanted to hide the truth from him.

    Moreover, Cheng Cheng secretly ran to do the appraisal, which indirectly showed that she didn't know the truth. If she knew that Yang Yang was his from the beginning, why bother to go for the appraisal?

    Yan Zhannan seemed to be analyzing it calmly, but the more he analyzed, the more clueless he became, and the fog was full of fog.

    Suddenly remembering that Cheng Cheng had told him before that she had a small car accident, and some of the previous things can’t be remembered. In other words, she did not think about how she became pregnant with Yangyang and which man Yangyang was. forgotten?

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