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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 69

    At first, Gu Yixin didn't care. He just glanced at the small picture, mainly because there was a child in the picture, which made her look at it more. At this time, she was very scared. The child was clearly Yangyang!

    Although Yang Yang’s eyes were punched out in the photo for protection, she still recognized it at a glance as the person Yang Yang was closest to.

    I quickly clicked on the link to the report, only to discover that it was actually a report about her.

    It was a close shot. Yangyang ran towards her, and she greeted her with a smile on her face. This was obviously a scene of her at the airport after she got off the plane yesterday.

    Gu Yixin just remembered that at the time, she seemed to hear the sound of pressing the shutter, but she didn't care too much. After all, the name Cheng Cheng had little entertainment news value except for a few days before it was smashed. Don't worry about meeting the paparazzi. Didn't expect to be reported this time? !

    She took a close look at the title and content of the article: "A certain actress gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and his young son turned out to be three years old!"

    The general content of the article is that this entertainment note ran into Cheng Cheng at the airport, but unexpectedly heard the child call her mother , Suspected of having a child out of wedlock... By the way, at the end of the article, the black material that she had been exposed some time ago was pulled out to talk about it again, in order to deepen the reader's impression of Cheng Cheng.

    Seeing this, Gu Yixin felt helpless and angry. What she cared about was not how the report wrote about her, but they actually posted Yangyang’s photos in this way. Even if they were typed, there were little mosaics that even covered his eyes. Don't stop, let alone the whole face, exposing a child like this is really bad.

    But it was Yan Zhannan who took Yangyang with him at that time, why didn't they even make him photogenic? Isn’t it more news? Are you afraid that things will get bigger and you can't help it?

    The more he thought about it, the more unable to sit still, Gu Yixin hurriedly changed his clothes and went downstairs.

    Zhou Zhou was not in the store, so he should have taken the order and went to the scene. There were three clerk in the store. Although they were talking and laughing, they were all busy working.

    Gu Yixin is not a strict boss, so he didn't stop them from chatting, but just asked about Zhou Zhou's whereabouts.

    Xiao Mu stepped forward and reported to her: "Sister Zhou Zhou went to see the venue with a client. I heard that it was a big business."

    "Do you have any questions about the company?" Gu Yixin asked casually.

    Xiao Mu shook his head, "Sister Zhou Zhou went out after answering a friend's phone call, and didn't say where it was."

    Gu Yixin nodded and ordered: "Zhou Zhou is not in the store, so you have to be more careful and don't bother playing. Do you know? I

    went to the opposite zn company and call me if you have something to do." Xiao Mu quickly replied: "Don't worry, we will definitely look at the store carefully."

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