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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 74

    Gu Yixin? This name is very familiar, so familiar to him as long as he remembers a little, he will know who it is, but isn't she dead? Just six months ago, the other company also held a very grand memorial service, and he also attended.

    But why did they say that? Why is she no longer the highly anticipated Gu Yixin? Isn't she Cheng Cheng?

    Yan Zhannan stood inside the door, listening to their conversation, he felt like he was listening to the heavenly scriptures.

    In fact, he should rush out to confront them face-to-face, asking them what they are talking about, why it was Cheng Cheng and Gu Yixin for a while, but the moment he went out, he suddenly retreated. The conversation between the two, It made him feel very weird, and it was not within the scope of his understanding. He was afraid that if he went out like this, things would develop in a direction beyond his control.

    Maybe he should continue to pretend not to know?

    Before that, no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would never be able to back down, even if he might lose his life, but in the face of feelings, he chose to be a deserter.

    When he walked out of the door of the flower shop, he really felt a sense of escape.

    When Gu Yixin vaguely saw the tall figure leaving, she was instantly stupid. She didn't understand why she chose to discuss this topic with Chi Jun in the backyard. This is obviously the easiest place to find!

    When she rushed into the back door very annoyed, she was stepping on the broken tiles that had just been smashed. The tiles were scattered everywhere, and some of them even shattered into powder, a mess.

    The people in the shop heard the movement and quickly walked over to see. Zhou Zhou looked at Gu Yixin with a worried look: "What's wrong? Didn't Yan always give you tea and snacks? Why did he leave in a hurry?"

    Gu Yixin was anxious. There was no time to explain to her, but he asked quickly: "Did he come by car?"

    Zhou Zhou shook his head, "No, he came here."

    Since he was walking, the destination he left should be the company. At the same time, Gu Yixin ran out of the store disregarding his image and looked up, that the familiar figure was about to cross the road.

    The road was very wide, and there were many people waiting to cross the road. Yan Zhannan stood in the crowd, very conspicuous, her eyes locked tightly on him, and her heart was helpless. Before that, she had thought about various confessions. But I did not expect to inform him in this form.

    Telling him face to face, there are definitely two different effects from what he heard behind his back. Gu Yixin felt that no matter if Yan Zhannan was angry or scared, she had to catch up and explain.

    Seeing that he had already crossed the road, Gu Yixin instinctively ran a few steps forward, and then hurriedly stopped. It was not that she did not chase, but that she found a shortcut.

    The railing in the middle of the road in front of you is missing a bit, so people who are greedy always like to walk here.

    In order to set a good example for Yangyang, Gu Yixin would never go here, but today is a special situation. She has to stop Yan Zhannan before he enters the company because she has a hunch that once he enters the company, he will definitely Find a bunch of excuses to stop her from going in to find him.

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