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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 67 President Yan Has Upgraded


    Gu Yixin hurriedly called to the clerk who was about to go out, trot a few steps by himself, and personally went forward to meet the old man.

    He greeted him tenderly and sweetly: "Uncle, good afternoon!" The

    old man nodded to her, standing upright and walking calmly, with one hand behind his back and the other holding Yangyang, the two grandparents walked into the flower shop together.

    A big man like the old man, if he didn't really care about her career, he wouldn't get out of the car and enter the shop. Since he is here, he will definitely have to investigate.

    Gu Yixin was quite nervous. She didn't expect this to happen. It was like a surprise inspection, and it was too late to hold onto the Buddha's feet.

    I saw the old man handing Yangyang into her hands, and then he began to wander around.

    Gu Yixin didn't dare to neglect, and walked with him beside him. Yang Yang put his arms around her neck, and said in a low voice, "Mom, I won't see you when I wake up, you have to wait for me!"

    Gu Yixin Ashamed, he naturally didn't dare to tell him that his mother was pulled back to put out the fire.

    "Mom came back a bit beforehand. It's the same for grandparents to be with you."

    Yang Yang put his head on her shoulders, and expressed his unhappiness with silence. Recently, he has been together with his mother less and more. He cares about being with his mother. During the time together, he was really afraid that his mother would leave again.

    Gu Yixin knew that he was reluctant to bear her and had no sense of security, so he gently patted his back and comforted him silently. Her running around did the most harm to Yang Yang. This was something she didn't think about at the beginning, so she said it was too much. Young and impulsive.

    But no more filming in the future, she will tell him with practical actions that his mother will always guard him.

    Later, the old man also asked about the operation of some flower shops, and she answered them one by one.

    Gu Yixin waited on the old man tremblingly. As everyone knows, his attitude at this time is already relatively mild. If Yan Zhannan were present, he would definitely think that the old man was fake.

    The old man didn't stay for too long, but before leaving, he

    looked at the flowers in the shop and said entangledly: "Yangyang's grandma asked me to bring her a bunch of flowers back." Gu Yixin looked at him in embarrassment. After being clever, he asked, "Is it a rose?" The

    old man nodded stiffly.

    Gu Yixin hurriedly asked the clerk to pack 99 red roses, and said: "Valentine's Day is here, just give this one."

    "She asked to buy it." The father corrected her statement.

    Gu Yixin nodded in good faith, as if what you said was nothing.

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