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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 72

    Looking at the big palms interlocking with her fingers, Gu Yixin secretly smirked, would this act of swearing ownership be a bit naive? Squinting at the man's somewhat proud appearance, he felt so cute, and he was reluctant to pour cold water on him.

    After the Chinese New Year, Gu Yixin asked Zhou Zhou to lead people to plant some flowers and trees in the backyard. Zhou Zhou was more attentive and asked someone to design it. So the yard he saw at this time is not what it used to be. Barren again.

    On one side of the yard there is a large grape rack. The saplings have just been planted, but only a few new vines have grown, and they cannot climb onto the racks, so the grape racks on the top look bare and a bit desolate.

    There is a stone table under the grape trellis. Chi Jun and Zhou Zhou are sitting at the stone table chatting and drinking tea.

    Seeing this scene, Gu Yixin secretly rejoiced that Zhou Zhou was not a fan of Chi Jun, so he would not make a humiliating move.

    Zhou Zhou was sitting in front of them, so when Gu Yixin and Yan Zhannan stepped into the backyard, she noticed them immediately, so she stood up and greeted them.

    Chi Jun sat with his back to them. After seeing Zhou Zhou's behavior, he turned his head sideways and cast his eyes on them. This look naturally saw the intimacy of the two holding hands.

    When the two approached, Chi Jun slowly stood up and nodded at them with a smile.

    Because Chi Jun already knew her identity, Gu Yixin would naturally not carry it anymore, but with Yan Zhannan next to her, she couldn't be too warm, so Chi Jun nodded as a response.

    However, Yan Zhannan is not so polite. He has always regarded Chi Jun as his love rival. At this time, it is not bad to meet at this time. Don't expect him to greet Chi Jun with Yan Yuese.

    I saw him holding Gu Yixin’s hand, sitting on the stone stool next to the stone table, raised his chin, and asked Chi Jun: "What's the matter?"

    Chi Jun came to see Gu Yixin, to Yan Zhannan. The host's arrogant attitude is somewhat disdainful in his heart, but he is also a member of the entertainment industry, and Yan Zhannan is still a little higher than him. Naturally, Chi Jun will not be so stupid to offend people here, so he replied sincerely: "I am Come to apologize to Cheng Cheng."

    Gu Yixin was a little surprised by his intentions. He couldn't help but sit up straight and asked, "Apologize for what?"

    Zhou Zhou did not leave. Instead, he sat aside silently pouring tea for several big men. Although she has a Vice Gao's cold appearance, but with a heart of gossip, and being able to watch big stars up close is also quite interesting. She is not a fan of Chi Jun, but such a handsome guy in front of her is quite pleasing.

    Chi Jun looked at Gu Yixin with his eyes focused, and said in a low voice: "Before in the crew, Lin Qian misunderstood my relationship with you. At that time, I didn't explain clearly to her in time, which caused her to post on Weibo against you. I bear a lot of responsibility for this matter, and I am really sorry."

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