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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 19 President Yan VS Chi Jun

    As a public figure, Chi Jun’s meeting place is definitely not too random, and it’s not easy to get there. The process is almost like a land/xia/dang meeting, it's almost a secret signal.

    Gu Yixin took Yangyang by taxi to the underground parking lot of a certain shopping mall, then transferred to Assistant Chi Jun's car to the designated private club, and then took the elevator in the parking lot to the floor where Chi Jun was located.

    Gu Yixin felt that she was like a brave warrior with a cute pet, going through five levels and slicing six generals, bravely breaking through the copy of the big devil. In the end, she took the cute pet to kill the big devil and got the loot, or she Killed by the big devil and lost his cute pet, it is still unknown.

    "Turkish Palace" is a well-known high-end private club in the city. Their protection of celebrities* can be described as perfect in all aspects. However, corresponding to the extremely high level of service, there are high-priced membership fees.

    The price of Yujin Palace is definitely the top private club in the city.

    Chi Jun asked her to go to such a place, clearly to give her a prestige and warn her not to mess around, because the two of them are not in the same class.

    Such a Xiaojin Cave is indeed an unattainable existence for Cheng Cheng who cannot make ends meet, but to Gu Yixin, it is very familiar.

    Before becoming Cheng Cheng, Gu Yixin was a frequent visitor to the Yujin Palace. She even rented a suite here for a long time, so that she could gather and relax with her friends. Of course, her friends included Chi Jun.

    Before Chi Jun made his mark, Gu Yixin often took him here to have fun and introduced some important directors and producers to him. At that time, Chi Jun was not able to hold a suite for a long time, and he stayed in Gu Yixin’s suite every time he came. play.

    Later, he became famous and his income continued to rise, so he came to Gu Yixin's suite gradually, because he also owns a long-term exclusive suite, and then he always likes to invite Gu Yixin to play with him.

    Gu Yixin didn't care much about these trivial things. A group of friends were playing together everywhere.

    Later, Chi Jun and Lin Qian dated, and Gu Yixin gradually reduced gatherings with Chi Jun to avoid suspicion.

    With Cheng Cheng's shell and coming to Yujin Palace again, Gu Yixin not only was not shocked, but felt that he was returning to the old place.

    She held Yang Yang's hand tightly, followed her assistant, stepped out of the elevator, and walked along the corridor. Yang Yang seemed to know that something important was about to happen, so she was obedient and obedient all the way, not crying or making trouble.

    Walking in such a resplendent place, she did not have stage fright, but when she thought of facing a variable result, Gu Yixin was so nervous that her palms sweated and her limbs stiff.

    She had the idea of ​​sending him away when she first brought Yangyang, but during this time of getting along, her feelings for Yangyang can be described as a blast, the kind of love that hurts to the bones, so Gu Yixin was caught off guard. And gladly accepted.

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