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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 23

    "Gu Yixin looked at the three words "ex-boyfriend", and immediately felt that her temples jumped suddenly and

    she started to have a headache. She quickly typed a few words, "Did we break up peacefully at the time?" "

    Peace ghost, you tore it ugly, and then you angrily said that you would hire someone to kill him." "You have

    to hire someone to kill him? What a grudge and grievance! If your feelings are weakened and no love, you just break up decisively. What's the point?

    "Because of what? do you know? "Gu Yixin continued to send WeChat to ask Guan Yue.

    Maybe Guan Yue didn't remember it very well. After a while, he came back: "You have tore too many reasons, all kinds of tears, it seems that you tore up for a 5,000 yuan deposit. . "

    What's the point of 5,000 yuan? I can't buy two dishes when I go to the Yujin Palace! I can

    tear 5,000 yuan with a woman. Gu Yixin feels that Ning Shaoqi's character is really unsatisfactory.

    Now I took this script, She must be acting, nothing else. She really needs the money. If Ning Shaoqi finds fault with her, she will try to hide as much as possible. Anyway, after finishing this, she will leave the circle.

    Guan Yue is very Quickly sent another message: "Why do you suddenly ask Ning Shaoqi? "

    Gu Yixin rubbed his face and replied: "The play I took, he is the leading actor." "

    Guan Yue: ...

    Gu Yixin was about to say something. Guan Yue had already called and said anxiously: "Why didn't you talk about such an important thing before?" "

    Gu Yixin felt a little wronged: "I didn't think of who he was, but I felt familiar. "

    Guan Yue, like an old mother, immediately replied: "Next time anyone feels familiar, you have to ask me the first time you hear it!" "

    Gu Yixin felt that Guan Yue must be stomping on her hips at this time, with a fierce expression on her face. She couldn't help but chuckle: "How many men I am troubled with, if you know, please give me a list. The next time I met these men again, I took my seat according to the checklist. "

    Guan Yue Qijie: "You are poor! But you still have to be careful about Ning Shaoqi. Although you haven't entangled anymore after you broke up, maybe he will stumble you secretly."

    "Well, I will pay attention. "

    Guan Yue continued to scold Ning Shaoqi, saying: "This kind of man, except for a better figure and a better face, has nothing else to do. He looks like an unrequited talent all day long. In fact, he is just a idiot. I don't know how you are. I fell in love with him and have been in love for two years."

    "In short, any time you meet this kind of man, you have to stay far away!"

    Gu Yixin nodded here.

    After hanging up the phone, Gu Yixin got up and found a hair dryer to dry his hair. While blowing, he searched for Ning Shaoqi's appearance in his memory, but there was no impression at all.

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