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Guan Yue's heart was broken. He believed that he loved Cheng Cheng deeply. Although she later chose Yan Zhannan, this kind of affection could not be taken away freely. He thought it would take a long time to heal his injuries. , Because he has loved Cheng Cheng for a long, long time.

    In the past, Guan Yue’s family was poor, and he was timid and a little bit sissy, so the children in the village always bullied him, saying that he was a girl, and often took off his pants to check his baby when he was not paying attention. Although most of the children did not participate in bullying him, they still watched him jokes with cold eyes.

    Only Cheng Cheng will help him and protect him.

    Cheng Cheng is his neighbor. The two are about the same age, so it is natural to play together. Although he often hears Cheng's mother scolding Cheng Cheng to keep her away from the orphan and widow next door, Cheng Cheng continues to look for it in a mystical manner. He plays.

    From a very young age, Guan Yue discovered that many women in the village were very hostile to his mother. He didn’t understand why before. He didn’t come back to his senses until he grew up. Those village women were jealous of his mother’s beauty because My mother is a widow. As long as she talks to a man from any family, everyone will go crazy about that man and his mother. Under malicious rumors, his mother rarely goes out, and he will be bullied when he goes out.

    Cheng Cheng not only doesn't bully him, but also fights with others for him. With a petite body, but with great explosive power, he will win most of the time.

    From a very young age, in his heart, Cheng Cheng was an idol-like figure. In the current words, she is his goddess. The two grew up together. At the beginning of their love, they would like her and fall in love with her. It was a natural thing, but she always put him in the position of a weak person, even if he later came out of society, he mostly took care of her, but the impression when he was a child was so deep that Cheng Cheng always stood in front of him. He claimed to be a protector, and never discovered that the weak little boy before had grown into a big man who could protect her and take care of her.

    Guan Yue has always thought that this deep love in his heart can last for a long, long time. Even if she doesn’t respond, even if she falls in love with others, it can’t change his original intention. This kind of love is as deep as the sea, but It has nothing to do with her.

    But he actually had sex with someone else! !

    Although he drank the fragments, the feeling of comfort in the dream was very real, and he woke up before Zhou Zhou. The posture of the two at that time was more ambiguous and ambiguous. His head was a pillow. Sleeping on her chest, with her breathing, her chest also undulated regularly. The soft touch and the turbulent vision made him almost bleed.

    At that moment, his only thought was-he was sorry for his first love!

    It's just never expected that after Zhou Zhou got up, he would deny it, and even said that they absolutely slept naked.

    Lonely men and widows, *, plus drinking to add fun, how could they just take off their clothes and simply sleep? Although he is still a good person, he still has basic common sense!

    He couldn't figure out why Zhou Zhou wanted to deny it, and couldn't figure out his complicated mood. He wanted to be responsible but unwilling to be responsible. This invisible ambivalence was like boiling oil in a pot, directly burning him.

    Gu Yixin originally had to leave for the north in the second grade. She has not many scenes left, and the individual scenes have been filmed. Only some rival scenes with the protagonist are left, but these have to be matched with the arrangements of the protagonists. How long she has no bottom.

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