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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 68


    Father shouted very lightly, but it was like a thousand catties, and it weighed heavily on his heart, making him feel suffocated for an instant, staring at Yang Yang blankly, and unable to make any sound for a while, swallowing After swallowing his saliva, he said in a voice, "Yang Yang, call again."

    Yang Yang's bright eyes were full of smiles, and without hesitation, he suddenly shouted: "Dad!" This time, Dad two. The words shouted loudly.

    Yan Zhannan's heartbeat accelerated, his breathing was rapid, and a sense of excitement was slowly swelling in his body until his chest was full, and he was about to burst out of his shell. Yan Zhannan felt that at this moment, it would be no problem for him to run dozens of kilometers with a load!

    He put his hands on Yangyang's armpits, raised him up, and said with a smile: "Call it again!"

    Yang Yang laughed, "Dad!"

    Yan Zhannan not only crossed him up, but also swayed him in mid-air. Shout again!"

    Yang Yang was dizzy and giggled, "Dad, Dad, Dad..."

    Yan Zhannan adjusted the angle of his body, and he lay down on the sofa, Yang Yang squatted down. On his chest, Yan Zhannan hooked his mouth, held Yangyang Tower in his arms, and kissed the top of his head, "Baby, Dad loves you." A

    sour feeling went straight to his eyes from his nose, and his eyes were instantly blurred by warm tears. He blinked vigorously, fearing that a woman would suddenly come out of the kitchen to laugh at him, so taking advantage of the sun, he quietly raised his arm and wiped away the tears that were too late with the material on his arm.

    Yang Yang looked up at him and said innocently: "Uncle, I love you too."

    Yan Zhannan smiled and shook his head, "No, Yang Yang, you called the wrong one again."

    Yang Yang also followed with a smile, and then said: "Dad, I love you too!"

    Although Yang Yang has long been confirmed to be his son, he really waited until this moment, when Yang Yang called his father, that he had the sense of sublimation as a father.

    Thinking of this, he     exhorted again

    : "

Does Yangyang remember, what will you call me in the future?" Yang Yang replied politely, "Dad." Yan Zhannan was satisfied and satisfied, and embraced Yangyang and kissed again. , Is reluctant to let go.

    "Today is a memorable day. What kind of toys Yang Yang likes? Dad will take you to buy them."

    Even if Yang Yang is so good, he can't change the child's playful nature. Hearing toys to pick up, he immediately cheered, "Yang Yang Want a gun!"

    Yan Zhannan was speechless for a moment, how long did the father take Yangyang? Why did Yang Yang's interest follow him!

    I murmured in my heart, but my mouth was full of promises, "Okay, let's buy various styles of guns all over!" After speaking, he hugged Yang Yang and prepared to get up.

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