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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 76


    The day Gu Yixin woke up, the sunshine was just right. Yan Zhannan wanted to let her breathe fresh air and opened the curtains to open the window. So the moment she opened her eyes, her eyes were sore by the dazzling sunlight, so she hurriedly Close your eyes.

    Yan Zhannan was sitting on the small sofa with the laptop on his lap. He was looking at the documents carefully. He didn't notice her small movements for a while until she groaned from the tingling eyes, which caused him to look back. Seeing, he was stunned, and then he stood up and the notebook hit the ground.

    Yan Zhannan stepped forward and knelt by the bed and looked at her carefully. With a low voice, he tremblingly asked, "Are you awake?"

    Gu Yixin wanted to raise his hand to touch him, but found that he was weak and unable to When

    she moved, she opened her mouth. After a while, she said in a dry voice, "Ok... so dazzling." The response she gave made Yan Zhannan stunned for a moment, unable to understand her meaning for a while, shocked. Looking at her, he waited for so long, and finally woke her up, he was so excited that he was completely confused.

    After being stupid for a few seconds, he reacted, hurriedly rang the bedside bell, and hurriedly closed the windows and put the curtains. Even if the room became dim, he did not dare to turn on the lights. After a series of actions, he He returned to the bed tremblingly, and said uncertainly: "Gu Yixin?"

    Gu Yixin: "..." I used to hear him called Cheng Cheng. At this time, I heard the three words Gu Yixin from his mouth. I felt very unreal and a little guilty. During the period of coma, she met Cheng Cheng, but finally In this picture, it is still her Gu Yixin who wakes up.

    It was like stealing in front of the owner, so when she heard Yan Zhannan called Gu Yixin to Cheng Cheng's body, she felt extremely guilty.

    And Yan Zhannan, who didn't wait for her to respond, was also shocked. Is it really like Chi Jun said that Gu Yixin disappeared and Cheng Cheng came back?

    He held his breath and confirmed again in a low voice: "Gu Yixin, is that you?"

    Gu Yixin sighed silently and nodded slightly.

    Yan Zhannan breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to hold her hand tightly.

    Then the doctors arrived one after another. After a series of examinations, it was confirmed that she had fully recovered, but she had slept for a long time and needed some rehabilitation.

    The doctors came and went in a hurry, and the ward soon returned to calm. Yan Zhannan sat on the bed, holding her hand, lowering her head, and watching her eyes full of affection.

    After being fed water by the nurse, Gu Yixin's throat no longer became dry, and she spoke a lot smoother.

    Looking at the hand of the man who gently held her, Gu Yixin had a thousand words in her heart, but in the end, what gathered on the tip of her tongue was: "I'm sorry"

    Yan Zhannan hooked his mouth and smiled lazily, "You really have to follow me Explain."

    Gu Yixin hesitated and said, "Actually, I don't know how to explain it. I died and then woke up on someone else. I don't know why such a strange phenomenon happened."

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